Package com.ardor3d.example.effect

package com.ardor3d.example.effect
  • Classes
    A simple example showing bloom.
    A demonstration of the Extrusion class - showing how a set of point can be converted into a 3d shape.
    Another particle demonstration, this one showing a smoking rocket following the cursor around the screen.
    Example showing the parallel split shadow mapping technique.
    A demonstration of the ParticleSystem and RampEntry classes; which controls how an emitter's properties (e.g. size, color) change over time.
    Example showing a particle system using the particle SwarmInfluence.
    A demonstration of the ParticleSystem and TextureState classes; which controls an emitter's properties (e.g. size, color) change over time.
    A demonstration of using PointType.PointSprite.
    A demonstration of the ProjectedGrid class; used to efficiently determine which vertices's in a terrain to draw.
    A demonstration of the WaterNode and ProjectedGrid classes; which handles rendering of water effects with a projected grid.
    A demonstration of the QuadImposterNode class; which sets the texture level of detail for a Node.
    An example of using TrailMesh.
    A demonstration of the WaterNode class; which handles rendering of a water effect on all of it's children.