Mathieu Féry (1): feat(feature): Enable pragma once management Shevek (33): Update build system. Exclude JCL from runtime. Backport source API to Java 1.5 for compatibility. Improve javadoc. Release 1.4.8 Fix #29 - line directives out by one on pop_source. Hard to unit test without a CONSUMER for #line directives. Fix two javadoc @param warnings. Update to stdproject. Release 1.4.9 Fix #27: Don't preprocess pragma tokens. Release 1.4.10 Link sources to javadoc. LexerSource: Comment escape() NumericValue: Deal slightly more elegantly with unadorned longs. Update copyrights to 2015. NumericValue: Overflow a bit later on overlong integers. Release 1.4.11 Bump gradle version. Fix some findbugs warnings. Fix more charset issues. Token.getValue() does not merit a @CheckForNull. Test case for #24. Fix #24: Omit trailing comma pasted onto an empty variadic argument. Release 1.4.12 Update build system and .gitignore. Fix #34. Add missing @Override. InputLexerSource: Don't force buffering of the reader. Regenerate gradle wrapper. LexerSource: Support text round-trip of lost and lonely unicode. Release 1.4.13 Bump gradle version. LexerSource: Fix handling of numeric values with explicit positive exponents. Release 1.4.14 Sven Gothel (5): JCPP: Resolve another merge conflict Manually merge new upstream unit tests Patch merged new upstream unit tests (2) Add guava v32.1.2 (Apache-2.0) for unit tests Preprocessor: Add feature UNIFIED_OUTPUT (now default in GlueGen's JCPP): line_token() shall output Unix '/' file separator