Andreas Schwab (1): Add support for riscv64 architecture David Hall (1): Add GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION to getDbgSeverityString() Ewout ter Hoeven (1): Enable GitHub sponsor button Glenn Burkhardt (2): Fix for AWT GLCcanvas DPI scaling. Forum thread Use DPI scaling to scale drawn fonts. Sven Gothel (454): Graph: Move jogamp.graph.plane to public com.jogamp.graph.plane Graph: Complete move jogamp.graph.plane to public com.jogamp.graph.plane Graph; Path2D[Iterator]: Add 'fast path' access to points array reference and index etc, used to avoid arraycopy (efficancy) Graph: OutlineShape: Make class final, getOutlineNumber() -> getOutlineCount() Graph: Path2D: Remove redundant accessors, comment on append(..) Graph: TypecastRenderer: Simplify addShape*(), use OutlineShape's vertexFactory instance Graph: TestTextRendererNEWT00: Alin w/ other tests, add DEPTH_TEST and allow custom window size Graph: TestTextRendererNEWT01: No VBAA sample-count on MSAA test, fixed window size 1024x640 Graph: Fix Region/Text Renderer: Add RegionRenderer enable/disable for blending stubs in display (Mesa3D results are otherwise broken) Graph: OutlineShape: Add positional addVertex() variants for component based addVertex methods Graph: Path2D -> self-contained Path2D (w/ Iterator) fixed; OutlineShape: Add Path2F addPath(..), emphasize required Winding.CW Graph: TypecastRenderer: Add comment about TTF Glyph's having Winding.CW Typecast: Kerning: Use 'int' to cover 'uint16' values; Detail KernSubtable and hold a KernSubtableFormat0 ref in KernTable Typecast: HeadTable: Use 'int' to hold 'uint16' unitsPerEM value Typecast: OTGlyph: Maintain the glyphID, add toString() Typecase: OTFont: Provide KernTable accessor Font/Graph, {Font, Glyph}/Typecast: Add kerning and expose values in original font-units (FU) to have them scaled later ( fu * pixelScale / unitsPerEM ) Update included Typecast library to 2019-09-15 commit 0d55ac0eb4a39a7f8f2a796c7eebd3ea778ba9a7 Typecast: *Font*: Use constructor instead for static read(). TTFont: Add ctor for File and InputStream GlyfCompositeDescript: Remove useless try { } in ctor; Remove redundant variable in range-based for-loops Typecast: KernSubtable: Remove getKerningTable(..), will be implemented in higher API layer w/ binary-search Typecast: KernSubtableFormat2: Use package-protection Typecast: Table: Use package-protected static final const, remove notAvailable String Typecast: Mark current status w/ our branch of upstream, jogl_patches, commit 90c4a8348cbe182bf3f0bcc55fd015f19ed0686f Graph font/typecast: Adopt to our Typecast updates (see below); Fix kerning; Use TestTextRendererNEWT01 to produce validation snaps Graph Type Rendering: Drop pixelSize and use font em-size [0..1] throughout system. Graph OutlineShape: Path2F alike sub-path ctor: Add z coordinate for custom plane. Graph Font: getGlyph(char symbol -> int glyph_id), add kerning to getPointsBoundsFU(); Glyph: Drop getSymbol() Graph RegionRenderer: Expose int[4] viewport for convenience Graph TextRegionUtil: Move ShapeVisitor to OutlineShape.Visitor and processString(..) to Font, cleaning up .. Graph: RegionRenderer: Offer borrowing current viewport w/o copy Graph: TextRegionUtil: Make addStringToRegion(..) versatile/usable w/ optional AffineTransform (see Label0) Graph: Merge UIListener01 + UINewtDemo01 -> UIShapeDemo01 to have simple test cases Typecast: Assign _glyphIndex w/ ctor argument (+ code cleanup) Typecast: Glyph: getGlyphIndex() -> getID() to simplify name Graph: TypecastRenderer: Fix point-loop (no reduced 'count - 1', no break on endOfContour), remove redundant branch B3, add Type-2 and add code dump for testing Graph UI: Move methods SceneUIController to UIShape public providing win<->obj coord transformation, enhance documentation a little, Graph Unit Tests: General cleanup, adding UITypeDemo01 w/ TestObject* to determine CurveRenderer issues Graph Font: Enhance API doc (source of values), better get*Bounds() names, dropping redundant getMetricWidth*(); Fix getMetricBoundsFU() Graph: Fix Loop.initFromPolyline()'s Winding determination, document Winding rules for OutlineShape and add get/setWinding in Outline TestTextRendererNEWT01: Drop unused import Graph: Outline: Remove minor redundancy Graph Demos: Formatting .. Graph GPUUISceneGLListener0A: Prep for reshape_resize, notch up relative sizes a little Graph RoundButton: setDimension -> setSize Graph UI: Fix UIShape's PMVMatrix handling of getSurfaceSize, objToWinCoord and winToObjCoord (expect all set, no doubling); GLEventListenerButton: Resize FBO to screen-size for proper 1:1 quality Graph Overflow Bug: Reorder TestTextRendererNEWT* tests from simple to complex example code, ascending Rename VectorUtil.ccw(..) -> isCCW(..) Graph Font.Metrics: Use unchanges sign of (+) ascent, (-) descent and (+) lineGap, document them properly and fix Font.getLineHeightFU() Graph Font: Add 'name' to Glyph; Drop erroneous Glyph ID_SPACE, ID_CR manual mapping, rely on no-shape for 'space' non-contour. Graph Font: Simplify CmapFormat selection (cmap symbol -> glyph-idx), just use Unicode and if not available use a symbol font Graph Font: Add more DEBUG info .. Graph Font.Glyph: Cleanup: Remove Font and getScale() from interface (redundant), add getLeftSideBearings*() from htmx table; Flatten TypecastGlyph impl by merging its Metrics, add equal() complementing hashCode() Graph TypecastFont: Add hashCode() and equals(), feed TypecastGlyph w/ LeftSideBearings Graph TextRegionUtil: Fix HashMap (font,text)->GLRegion: Preserve key data (fontName, text) for equals Graph: Update demos .. Graph UI: Update demos, move pure demo code from demos/ui -> demos, rename test-shapes FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Replace old FFmpeg header w/ FFmpeg version 4.3, 5.1 and 6.0 (major version counts for binary compatibility) FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add implementation update for FFmpeg version 4.* (Debian 11), 5.* (Debian 12) and 6.* (Current Development trunk) Eclipse: Add CDT nature to edit C/C++ files Graph Font: Fix TypecastRenderer TTF corner-case: Prefer initial segment's moveTo (start) to be onCurve GLArrayData*: Shorten methods (*API Change*), use proper constructor and finalize immutables, add growthFactor (default golden ratio 1.618), add getCapacity*() and printStats(..) GLArrayData*: Expose reserve() for total elementCount and growIfNeeded() for additional components ... Graph Region: Address overflow issue using GL2ES3 integer indices (WIP...); Ease GLArrayData* buffer growth. Graph Region: Fix printBufferStats(..) override Movie* Demos: Add screenshots w/ 'S' key; Cleanup screenshot filename creation in other demos. Windows test scripts: Inject FFmpeg 5.1.2 and Mesa3D (disabled C:\Windows\System32\opengl32.dll) FFmpeg: Fix using 'av_channel_layout_uninit', use own loaded linked 'sp_av_channel_layout_uninit' JOGL Homepage: Rearrange, add MeteoInfo and Sweet Home 3D Reformat README.txt ->, add list of work items and call for sponsorship. GLProfile.isValidArrayDataType() add missing accepted types for ES3/GL3+ but dropping its usage (GLArrayDataWrapper validation) Drop redundant NativeWindowFactory.getDefaultToolkitLock(type, deviceHandle) variant GLMediaPlayerImpl: destroyImpl(..) @ initGL(..) exception: Don't wait for streamWorker stop result (-> deadlock) GLProfile::initProfilesForDeviceCritical(): initLock.addOwner(t) only if t is not orig-owner EGLGraphicsDevice: Cleanup and enhance API doc for clarity ... GLDrawableFactoryImpl:createDummySurfaceImpl() and createSurfacelessImpl(): Pass orig AbstractGraphicsDevice to allow EGLDrawableFactory to use the original device's native-dislay-ID for sharing resources. GLDrawableFactoryImpl:createMutableSurfaceImpl(..): Pass orig AbstractGraphicsDevice to allow EGLDrawableFactory to use the original device's native-dislay-ID for sharing resources. GLDrawableFactoryImpl:createDummyDrawable(): Similar to createOffscreenDrawable() prefer createSurfacelessImpl() over createDummySurfaceImpl() to reduce resources (no actual window) make/scripts/ Update for my personal unit-test runs GLDrawableFactory: Fix typos and mention 'surfaceless' in createDummyDrawable(..) FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Cleanup API doc FFmpeg versions NEWT Screen: Allow injection of global (single) monitor size in [mm] via and property GLArrayData[Editable,Client]: Add put[34][bsif](..) and array put[bsif](..) variants for flexibility/performance GLArrayDataClient: Minor toString() and DEBUG output fixes GLArrayDataEditable: Clarify API doc on clear*(..) and rewind() GLArrayData*: Minor edits: API doc, space and year-range GLArrayData: year-range scripts/ add testmobile launch w/ JOGAMP_MOBILE_CLASSPATH Graph: Region: Add perf counter (w/ API); Utilize put[34][sif](..); Fix indices growBufferSize(); Add GLRegion.create(..) w/ initial vertices/indices count; Up default[VI]Count; Graph: Font: Add perf counter (w/ API) TestTextRendererNEWT00: Add '-perf' mode using new perf counter, testing on PC and raspi-aarch64 .. NEWT DRM EGL/GBM: WindowDriver: Don't issue glFinish() here, as eglSwapBuffers(..) already performs this task (TODO: More Tests!) Graph: Use PerfCounterCtrl interface and Instant/Duration & Clock.getMonotonicTime() ... Adapt to GlueGen dropping Platform.currentTimeMicros(), use Platform.currentTimeMillis() Graph Perf Counter: Use GlueGen's Clock.currentNanos() to ease on performance-hit measuring performance. Clock: Use Clock.currentNanos() instead of System.nanoTime(); Enhancing FPSCounterImpl accuracy by maintaining timestamps in [ns] Graph Perf Test: {Test->Perf}TextRendererNEWT00: Drop junit, ... (WIP) Graph: Bring back passing through temp AffineTransform instances (optional, but recommended) GLArrayData: Promote sealed() from GLArrayDataEditable, to correctly being used for getElemCount() instead of 0==position, ... (API change) Graph Perf: Region*: Rely on growBuffer(..) per addOutlineShape() and known buffer data-type to directly put[34][sif](..) skipping GLArrayDataClient/Buffers buffer-growth and validations Graph Perf: Region: split addOutlineShape() -> addOutlineShape0() (fast) and addOutlineShape1() (slow perf+debug), rename growBufferSize() -> growBuffer() Graph Perf: Region*: Add setBufferCapacity(..) and cut-off growBuffer() early if not needed (track capacity); Align all VBORegion* buffer init/set/grow impl. Graph Perf: OutlineShape: Uncomment all debug code to keep it smaller Graph Perf: Font*: Remove PerfCounterCtrl since the Region counter is more than enough Graph Perf: Add Region.countOutlineShape(), Font.processString(Visitor2,..), TextRegionUtil.countStringRegion() allowing to use Region.setBufferCapacity() Graph: Region: Enhance API doc, fix typo .. (brace close left open during selected commits) scripts/ Refine uncommented section about 'Flight Recorder' setup GLArrayData: Fix API doc typo in sealed() Graph Perf Update: 1296 chars to Region per Frame: RaspiPi4 10.25ms (Region) + 3.4ms (draw), PC 2.97ms (Region) + 0.36ms (draw) (GOOD) Graph Perf: PerfTextRendererNEWT00 Disable VSync per default (duh!) Graph Demos: Add 'JOGL line' and tweak PerfTextRendererNEWT00 a little to fit on small displays PerfTextRendererNEWT00: Scale font to match screen witdh after producing the region, i.e. have a proper resolution independent layout. [GL]Capabilities*: Enhance identity-check in root Capabilities.equals(..), comparing the VisualID first; Added VisualIDHolder.isVisualIDSupported(VIDType) Graph GPUUISceneNewtDemo: Filter out all FSAA (multisample) caps if undesired (Graph VBAA + MSAA); Add NonFSAAGLCapabilitiesChooser Graph: Font: Add equals() + hash() API doc; GraphUI's Label*.setText(): Only modify values if text and/or font differs, skipping markShapeDirty() saves performance. Apply NonFSAAGLCapabilitiesChooser in NEWTGLContext (tests only). TODO: Consider applying it in default chooser? Add raspi4b test script w/ set screen-size TestTextRendererNEWT20: Cover Graph-VBAA, Graph-MSAA, FSAA, NONE .. (have proper filenames for screenshots) Rename NonFSAAGLCapabilitiesChooser -> NonFSAAGLCapsChooser (too long) Misc: Add MonitorDevice.perMMToPerInch(..); Drop unused RegionRenderer.init(..) renderModes argument Adopt to RegionRenderer.init(..) dropped unused renderModes argument GraphUI: Revision: Simplify resource handling via SceneUIController, add general functionality in UIShape (drag, ..) GraphUI: Promote API to JOGL via graphui.jar or within any jogl-all*.jar (WIP) GraphUI: Add package.html (dummy) Cleanup Demos: Move demos to jogl-demos.jar (here Graph + AudioVideo), ready for easy deployment and test w/ junit/ant GraphUI: Shape: Add build-in resize w/ 1-pointer-click and drag in 1/4th bottom-left or bottom-right corner. Rename translate -> position. Demos: Remove unused fonts Demos: FontSetDemos: Remove remove fonts Move png assets (NEWT icons + GLMediaPlayer dummy/test) to simple classpath, allowing access w/o jars. TODO: Test Android. build-test.xml: Add src.demos to determine to skip build or not GLMediaPlayer: Overhaul and simplify states, allow usage before stream ready showing test-texture. Adding stop(); (API Change) Graph: Add GLRegion creation w/ pre-calculating its buffer sizes; TextRegionUtil: Use pre-calc'ing buffer sizes for GLRegion; GraphUI: Use pre-calc'ing buffer sizes for Label shape GraphUI: Cleanup 1-pointer zoom, add generic PinchToZoom-Gesture for 2-pointer zoom; Scene: Align method names.. GLMediaPlayerImpl: isTextureAvailable() is always true after lastFrame init; Use private isPausedOrPlaying() to determine shaderCodeHash GraphUI: MediaButton: Adapt GLMediaPlayer changes: Ready right away and reset on Init: GLMediaPlayer.initGL() + recreate GLRegion GLRegion + RegionRenderer: Add clearShader(..) to delete all ShaderPrograms and is references. TextureSequence (API Change): Use setTextureLookupFunctionName(..) explicitly to set the name upfront, clarifying workflow. Impl: ImageSequence + GLMediaPlayerImpl build: Disable oculusvr by default, allow manual enable via property 'oculusvr.enabled' make/scripts/ Add JOAL_LIB_DIR to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (used if not testing using jars but classpath) FFMPEGMediaPlayer: More detailed DEBUG messages on audioSink GLMediaPlayerImpl: Zero textureFragmentShaderHashCode and default lookupFunction on Uninitialized state GLMediaPlayerImpl: Only kick-off StreamWorker at initGL(..) AABBox: Add API doc comment on reset() and hence default ctor regarding infinite dimension Graph: Region: Add API doc on markStateDirty() and markShapeDirty() Graph: RegionRenderer: Adopt to TextureSequence API Change: Use setTextureLookupFunctionName(..) before using hash and/or code. GraphUI: Scene: Add simplified ctor w/ user defined zNear, zFar and sceneDistance; Expose the scene-plane AABBox and add surfaceToObjSize() to compute surface-size in object coords. GraphUI: GLButton: Don't pass FBO size @ ctor, calculate true view-size @ 1st draw GraphUI: Button: Allow user to configure 2-pass label z-offset GraphUI: UIShapeDemo01.reshape(): Drop redundant glViewport(..) call GraphUI: MediaButton: No need to re-create GLRegion (anymore), just markShapeDirty() to force reupload of texture-coordinates; Also don't mute audio, user shall configure the GLMediaPlayer... GraphUI: Label: Rename pixelSize -> pixelScale, since we are view-based or in model-space. GPUUISceneGLListener0A: Simplify according to Scene class changes (view-based in model-space), have Scene manage resources in full. GraphUI: Add a most simple Scene demo with one Shape. Graph: Have RegionRenderer.reshapeNotify(..) track x/y as well (vieport); GraphUI.Scene using RegionRenderer's viewport (no duplicate) GraphUI: Rename UISceneDemo00 -> UISceneDemo01 GLMediaPlayer usage: Fix verbose strings, disable verbose in GraphUI demos GraphUI: Complete rename of UISceneDemo01 GraphUI: Scene/Shape: Decouple PMVMatrix operations (picking, obj<->win) by using a local instance, enable performing on any thread (not using a blocking GL renderer thread) Demos: Minor cleanups; MovieSimple: Remove unused variables etc .. left over from transition to use TextureSequenceES2 Fix ShaderProgram ownership bug, introduced in commit 67a723477ecd818fbc5859fe20ee536a3b4efae5 (reverting and clarifying) opengl/util/glsl/Shader*: Mark classes and fields final, rename dump{Shader->}Source(), refine string output. ShaderProgram field programLinked: Set to false @ release()/destroy(), On useProgram() only throw exception if 'on==true' is requested (disabling after delettion is OK) Graph: Make RenderState a composition of RegionRenderer, which also creates and destroys it. Dropping this also from user (complexity). API doc cleanup, add + refine math tests NEWT MouseEvent.getEventTypeString(): Shorten by removing leading 'EVENT_MOUSE_' Fix MovieSimple regression of commit 00dbacc5af3531af50e77a02d534dc11e08de10f, 913b00f8b876e29af91677ef61b3eb35d6853e6e Graph: Add RenderState API doc; RegionRenderer: Remove unused shell method, left over from f8584748e33aab56780eca5cf7009a5a0d11991d Graph : Misc API doc Graph: GLRegion: Pass curRenderModes to updateImpl() + drawImpl(), prepare switch by sampleCount; Don't use any resource not requested by curRenderModes Graph: GLRegion.draw(): Mod curRenderModes by sampleCount { 0 = no-sampling, -1 = glSelect } (Experimental not working fully) Graph: Add RegionRenderer.enable(..) variant w/ passing enable + disable GLCallback Graph: Scene: Add experimental pickShapeGL(..), i.e. glSelect (Not working correctly with all renderModes yet, inactive; Not good on text) Graph Scene: Customize clearColor + clearMask used @ display(..), i.e. either use custom setting or avoid it at all for seamless client renderer integration Graph Shape: Mark methods final and enhance API doc Graph Shape: Add missing drawGLSelect(..) Graph Scene: RegionRenderer is owned and never null Add Scene.PMVMatrixSetup for programmable PMVMatrix setup in Scene replacing fixed projection params; Simplify API requirements .. Graph Shape: Add onMove(Shape.Listener), allowing user to track Shape movement Graph UI Shape: Fix setTransform(): Take back unscaled-center 1st, then add back later (scaled); TODO: Add alignment features Graph UI Shape: Fix move and resize via 1-pointer mouse drag: Need to apply scale on drag-delta, operating on scaled-model-viewpoint Graph UI: Adopt Shape implementations to Shape API changes (simplification) Graph UI: Apply API changes to demos *WIP* (not all working yet, but compile clean) Graph UI Shape: Remove debug println @ mouse drag release GraphUI UISceneDemo01: Res independent Shape, in Scene attached to GLWindow showing simple linear Shape movement w/ listener attached GraphUI UISceneDemo01: Fix disposal, use windowDestroyed() WindowListener to stop animator GraphUI Shape win<->obj/shape mapping: Return actual int[] or float[] result or null on error instead of boolean to easy API usage GraphUI: Add UISceneDemo00 for linear animation in one main function; UISceneDemo01 simply provides shape drag-move and -resize Demo MovieSimple: Default to useOrigScale=false, enable @ main w/ -orig_scale Add FloatUtil.isZero(float) using FloatUtil.EPSILON GLOffscreenAutoDrawable: Remove unused import Demos GearsES2: Expose view rotation vars and listener GraphUI GLButton: Add missing destroyImpl(..) to destroy the ImageSequence and FBO-GLAD GraphUI Scene: Be quiet GraphUI Default Scene.PMVMatrixSetup: Scale (back) projection to have normalized plane dimensions, 1 for the greater of width and height UISceneDemo01: Use GLButton shape w/ animating and rotating gears and set up an own Scene.PMVMatrixSetup with a plane dimension of 100 UISceneDemo02: The 'dirty' variant w/ listener (printf) attached GraphUI MediaButton: Only mark region dirty if already exists GraphUI Scene: Move GLEventListener implementations reshape() and dispose() to the others, init(), display(). Ease review. GraphUI Shape.setTransform(): Fix center semantics (half size) and consider origin (resolves multi-line text resize issues) GraphUI Scene: Add [add|remove]Shapes(Collection) .. for convenience GraphUI UISceneDemo01: Stop rotating animation if GLButton animation is toggled off GraphUI Demos: Bring back GPUUISceneGLListener0A .. GraphUI Label: Fix naming semantics: 'pixelScale' -> 'fontScale', i.e. font-scale factor, by which the em-sized type glyphs shall be scaled Rename UISceneDemo{02->10} GLArrayDataClient: Allow null buffer @ growIfNeeded(), removed from commit 90a95e6f689b479f3c3ae3caf4e30447030c7682 GraphUI Scene: Add getDefaultVertexFactory(), fix getRenderState() API doc (can't be null) GraphUI Shape: Provide empty default implementation for clearImpl() and destroyImpl() GraphUI Shape/Label: Allow validate(..) w/o current GL context, used by e.g. Label.setText(..) and getBounds(), preparations for more animation. Graph: Cleanup Vertex.Factory referencing: Only bind to OutlineShape and use its default. GraphUI: Always use default. GraphUI UISceneDemo*: Use lambdas for GLAutoDrawable.invoke(..) to reduce LOC Eclipse: Remove the CDT C/C++ Nature, since it breaks the Java type hierarchy lookup besides other things GraphUI UISceneDemo*: Add windowResized() callback to update window title showing current surfaceSize NEWTEvent*.getEventTypeString(): Like MouseEvent, drop redundant leading type in returned string GraphUI UISceneDemo*: Stop animation loop if window got destroyed GraphUI UISceneDemo20: Consolidate the actual implementation and main launcher to our new UISceneDemo naming series GraphUI Scene: Move reshape() below init from in-between display() impls GraphUI: Fix Scene.PMVMatrixSetup impl: Setup modelview before using setPlanBox(..)'s gluUnProject(..) GraphUI Shape.setTransform(): Remove 'wiggling' w/ origin, text issue came from Scene.PMVMatrixSetup bug, all shapes resize fine now. GraphUI Scene: Add optional frustum culling (default: disabled) GraphUI Scene: Add removeShape*(GL2ES2..) variant w/ their destruction for convenience GraphUI Scene: getStatusText(..) drop unset values, be more semantic sensitive (msaa -> smsaa) GraphUI Shape: Make access private where possible & reasonable, synchronize dirty and in draw(..) the whole dirty-validate() region.draw() GraphUI Demos: Adopt to shapesSharpness -> oshapesSharpness rename Graph Font Processing: Produce a 'whitespace' Glyph w/ an OutlineShape (box) to allow better handling of such non-contour symbols. Graph Font Processing: Use Font.GlyphVisitor instead of OutlineShape.Visitor, allowing to use the Glyph (information). Graph: Remove OutlineShape.Visitor* as being replaced by Font.GlyphVisitor Add Vec2f and Vec3f, to support a more simple OO vector-math usage, e.g. for animation etc UISceneDemo0[01]: Useless minor editing (can't move animator lower as sadly used in our window dtor event handler) GraphUI Demos: (Text) Type Animation ... WWW: Add Games: Wakfu + Archipelago WWW: Cleanup Featured Projects intro and have section links bold. Quaternion: Shorten toString() type name Graph: Fix Font.getGlyphBoundsFU(): FU of advance is requested here. Graph Font: Rename getBBox*() -> getBounds*() to preserve a common semantic name Graph FontScale: Simplify names, fix API doc and add unit test GraphUI Demos: Remove unused GPUUISceneTextAnim01 Graph Font.Glyph: Add getFont() (the owner) Graph Font.GlyphVisitor*: Pass 'char symbol' to visitor, passing full text-processing information Graph RenderState: Add setColorStatic(float[]) variant GraphUI: Shape.dispatchMouseEvent(): Rename dsx/dsxy -> sx/sy as they denominate whole scale-factor, not their delta GraphUI: Shape: Fix setTransform(): Scale around center and rotate around pivot-point or center; Assume Shape origin to be bottom-left for drag-zoom. Removes questionable scale-hack. GraphUI: Label: Enforce bottom-left origin @ 0/0 for good drag-zoom experience (working sticky edge) GraphUI Label: Remove glyphVisitor's debug code (exception handling) GraphUI Label: Add getScaledLineHeight() and refine setFontScale(), i.e. only act and markDirty() on change GraphUI Button: Simplify addShapeToRegion() GraphUI: Decouple GraphShape from Shape, i.e. allow future Shape w/o Graph/GLRegion GraphUI Demo UISceneDemo02: Use em-sized label w/ scale. GraphUI Demo UISceneDemo03: Add kerning and compensate on label 0/0 origin using Glyph bounds minY() Graph Font: TypecastFont: getGlyphBoundsFU() + processString(): If isWhitespace() continue w/ AABBox resize, but don't earmark this (whitespace) glyph for next left_glyph (kerning). GraphUI Scene: Added API doc args GraphUI Shape.setTransform(): Fix !sameScaleRotatePivot && hasRotate && !hasRotPivot: Don't scale pivot back from center-pivot, same as w/ hasRotPivot GraphUI Shape: Rename rotOrigin -> rotPivot WWW: Remove 'Sponsor' button, annoying and no feedback README: Shorten sponsor text Vec2f, Vec3f: Return this @ set(..), add set(float[]) and add(float, ..) Graph*: API doc refinement GraphUI Shape: Refine API doc GraphUI Shape.setTransform(..): Scale before rotate to preserve target-size in rotation GraphUI: Add GlyphShape representing a single Font.Glyph as a GraphShape; Use w/ UISceneDemo03 Type Animation... GraphUI Scene: Add screenshot(..) method for convenience GraphUI Demo UISceneDemo03: Add 1 space padding to demo-text, make screenshots, add launch screen (visible @ '-wait') GraphUI Demo: UISceneDemo20 use Scene.screenshot(..), drop own code Graph GLSL: Enable 'discard' in fragment shader w/o GLRendererQuirks.GLSLBuggyDiscard to avoid overdraw of such regions. GraphUI Demos: Cover more std arguments via GraphUIDemoArgs GraphUI: Fix debug-box and allow API access in Shape (off, thickness fractional to box size) and Scene for all Shapes. GraphUI Shape: DragZoom: Allow resize_sxy_min down to 1/2%, need to find a good way to auto-deteminate this one (dpi, ..) Graph Shader: Complete the USE_DISCARD logic avoiding output set after discard, even though technically allowed (ignored after discard) GraphUI: Relocate* -> com.jogamp.graph.ui.*, resolve GL/VK abstraction at a later time differently GraphUI: Use Shape.ZAscendingComparator in Scene, to be reused across typs Math: Complete Matrix4f w/ Vec[234]f and adopt it throughout Quaternion, Ray, AABBox, Frustum, Stereo*, ... adding hook to PMVMatrix GraphUI: Adopting Vec*f API; Adding Group; Scene + Group are Container, traversing the PMVMatrix throughout childs (-> see TreeTool). TestAWTCardLayoutAnimatorStartStopBug532: Suppress warnings AABBOX: Revert API doc copy/type errors from commit 15e60161787224e85172685f74dc0ac195969b51 Matrix4f Perf: Enhance invert(), Drop (test) load on Matrix4f.mul(Matrix4f) for fair and realistic numbers - Both mul() ops faster than FloatUtil PMVMatrix rewrite using Matrix4f, providing SyncMatrix4f* for GLUniformData; Utilize Vec3f, Recti, .. throughout API (Matrix4f, AABBox, .. Graph*) LICENSE: Year range bump, update URL refs VBORegion2P*ES2: Just instantiate SyncMatrices4f16 in place, drop local ref Adding experimental Doxygen target 'doxygen.public' .. (WIP) Doxygen: Refine javapublic + javaall, update and www/index.html text PMVMatrix API doc: Use `` to quote code since {@code } causes block-quoting w/ Doxygen. Doxygen uses markdown Add blog + 2 more individuals (total +3 today) GraphUI: Adjust for rotation: Drag-resize and -move (flip x- and/or y-axix), as well as getSurfaceSize(..) (use absolute size) GraphUI Demos: Use GraphUIDemoArgs PMVMatrix: Expose temporary storage (w/o side-effects) for efficiency; GraphUI.Shape: Efficiently reuse matPMv and temporary PMVMatrix storage Matrix4f.mapWin*(): Drop unused temp matrices, map*() returns false on invPMv null; PMVMatrix: Make Mvi, Mvit optional at ctor, add user PMv and PMvi - used at gluUnProject() .. GraphUI: Container (Group, Scene): Add removeAllShapes() and expose frustum-culling get/set GraphUI: Group is non-interactive per default -> setInteractive(..) GraphUI Shape: Refined toString(), add onToggle(Listener), at toggle() only markStateDirty() if toggleable GraphUI Scene.pickShape(): Consider isInteractive() most early in visitor() before gluUnProjectRay(..) GraphUI TreeTool: For all forAll*(): Allow acting upon Container Shape, i.e. 1st visit Shape, only therafter (if false) traverse into Container GraphUI UISceneDemo03: Use Group as a Container to hold all Glyphs and have them no more interacting when arrived. Play: Drag 'em ;-) GraphUI UISceneDemo03b: Action with the Glyph Group Container: Rotate auto and w/ scroll-wheel (or zoom if alt is pressed) GraphUI Demos: Use GraphUIDemoArgs for UISceneDemo1[01] GraphUI: Return this on setter/modifier methods for chaining Graph/Math: Cleanup toString(), spacing and use System.lineSeparator() GraphUI TreeTool: Iterate from start to end (not vice versa), eliminating potential side-effects - fixing forSortedAll(..) GraphUI GridLayout: Functional Grid Layout w/ Padding, demo'ed in UISceneDemo20 with button Groups GraphUI Demos: Fix var-name typo, its velocity GraphUI Rectangle: Construct shape w/ 0/0 bottom-left origin as recommended by Shape spec GraphUI Group: Avoid additional shapes-loop w/o layouter GraphUI Shape: Add onClicked(..) GraphUI GridLayout: Also adjust potential bottom-left delta when centering shape to cell (like GlyphShape w/ underline) GraphUI Demos: Adding prelim FontView01, which may become a 'little FontForge' ;-) GraphUI Scene.screenshot(): Add convenient variant to be executed on-display call. FontView stays open and issues a screenshot. Graph Region: Add NORM_RENDERING_BIT (0) for better documented usage; Add getRenderModeString(renderModes, graphSampleCount, fsaaSampleCount) for unified tech representation Graph TypecastFont: Avoid PostTable (out-of-bounds) for glyph_name when not even a Glyph was mapped to the ID GraphUI Scene: Use getRenderModeString(..) w/ sample-counts where applicable, restructure screenshot(..) by using nextScreenshotFile(..) - all using default tech representation GraphUI Shape.validate(*): Return this for chaining GraphUI Demos: Use new Scene.screenshot(.. screen.nextScreenShotFile(..)) Graph Unit Tests: Minor edits: Wait for GLRunnable done on screenshot, ... GraphUI Demo FontView01: Use full window size if grid is not otherwise defined and scale group accordingly GraphUI Tests: Add TestTextRendererNEWT21 using FontViewListener01 (like FontView01 demos) rendering a grid of each glyph for better validation for many fonts and renderModes/sampleCount GraphUI Demo/Test: FontView[Listener]01: Use 10 'mmPerCell', Monitor resolution independent for display same size. Typecast GlyfTable: Use `final` qualifier (cleanup) Typecast: Expose (new) getGlyphCount(): GlyfTable.getSize() -> (OTFont,Font).getGlyphCount() Typecast Font.Glyph: Expose isUndefined(), i.e. name == ".notdef" Graph OutlineShape: Add getOutlineVectexCount(), i.e. total vertex count of all Outlines Typecast Font: Add API doc for getLineHeight(), remove unused Vec3f import Typecast Font.getGlyph(..): Fix Glyph case w/ 0 getOutlineVectexCount() -> isWhiteSpace = true, use emptyShape GraphUI Container.removeShape(..): Return removed Shape, add removeShape(index) variant; Group.(add|remove)Shape(..) markShapeDirty() to recompute bbox and layout. GraphUI Group.drawImpl0(): Copy List to array and sort using Shape.ZAscendingComparator GraphUI Demo FontView01: Add 'infoGrid' w/ GlyphShape (-> DAG SG reusing instance) + details in text, active via mouse-click GraphUI Demo FontView01: Separate general font metrix (height, line-height) from actual Glyph metrix GraphUI Demo FontView01: Add screenshot per selected Glyph GraphUI Demo FontView01: Add font-name and selected glyphID to screenshot filename (documentation) GraphUI Demos: Move GraphUIDemoArgs to sub-package util Graph + GraphUI: Consolidate Vertex: Drop SVertex and factory, use Vec[234]f instead of float[] and remove unused VectorUtil methods VectorUtil: Fix isVec3InTriangle3(..) testing p1, p2 and p3 Graph OutlineShape.checkOverlaps(): Test overlap first to drop overlaps.contains(..) test GraphUI Padding: Use CSS alike ctor semantics, hence swizzle ctor arguments GraphUI: Add BoxLayout and Margin, todo: Have GridLayout properly use Gap w/ Padding and alignment (Margin?) (CSS alike) GraphUI Test: Have TestTextRendererNEWT21's FontViewListener01 use 8mm/cell to match old screenshots for regression test. Graph Font.getGlyphShapeBounds(): Use variant w/ 2 temp AffineTransform matching getGlyphBounds() GraphUI {Round->Base}Button, denoting perpendicular or round corners (aka rectangle or oval shape) Graph: Region.countOutlineShape(..) -> static, allow usage w/o instance; TextRegionUtil.addStringToRegion() grow region buffer w/ counting (as well); GLRegion.create(..) count + reuse create(.., size) static-ctor Graph Region.addOutlineShape(): Fix DEBUG_INSTANCE path, enable perf counter if disabled. Graph GLRegion: Consolidate pass-1 common data (indices, vertices, ..) and all related methods. Add growCount stat. Graph [GL]Region: Use small initial indices/vertices count (640 -> 16), since (huge) text glyph gets always pre-calculated. Graph VBORegion2P*.renderVBO(): Add comment on BITHINT_GLOBAL_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLED usage -> To be investigated. GLArrayDataServer.addGLSLSubArray(): Return (actual) GLArrayDataWrapper instead of just GLArrayData interface, exposing and allowing mutable access to attribute location for interleaved sub-arrays Graph GLRegion*: Utilize interleaved GLSL buffers for vertices, curveParams and the optional colors (GPU effeciency and performance; Increased CPU buffer growth performance) GraphUI Button.createGLRegion(): Pre-calc Region buffer size for BaseButton (16) + Label-Text to avoid buffer grow GLArrayDataClient: Refine API doc for grow*() and reserve() Graph OutlineShape.get{Outline->}VectexCount() renamed Graph GLRegion/TextRegionUtil: Enhance pre-determination of buffer-size, increase default initial 16->64 (unsued) GraphUI GraphShape: createGLRegion() -> updateGLRegion(), called by addShapeToRegion() impl to utilize OutlineShape -> GLRegion ctor w/ proper buffer-size Vec[234]f: Add 'max' and 'min' function [PMV]Matrix[4f]: Clarify 'mulVec[34]f' in-place arg properties, add pure in-place variant and use it in PMVMatrix dropping temporary AABBox: Add 'translate' w/ dedicated components GraphUI GraphShape: {update->reset}GLRegion() and reserve vertices+indices if (rect) border is present GraphUI GraphShape: Refine API doc GraphUI GraphShape: Apply {update->reset}GLRegion() GraphUI Revise Padding and Border: Padding + Border belong to Shape's bounds. Account for both (seperately) and add border rendering to Group as well. GraphUI Colors: Use pure white modulation w/ color-channel on no-action for original color, adjust defaults accordingly GraphUI Shape: [add|remove]MouseListener(): Return shape for chaining GraphUI Add Alignment and Gap for layout GraphUI Shape: Fix hasPadding() and add padding + border details to toString() GraphUI Shape: Use null rotPivot indicating unset (isZero not sufficient); toString() just drop no-border and no-padding. GraphUI Working GridLayout w/ and w/o cell-size and alignment; Added BoxLayout. GraphUI GridLayout: Remove old unused layout0(..) method GraphUI GridLayout: Handle 'diffBL' in 2nd path, no need to store as we don't use PMVMatrix for computation HowToBuild: Windows: We use MinGW64 w/ 'posix threads' instead of 'win32 threads', allowing C++ std::mutex etc to be used (openal-soft) Windows tests scripts: Update Graph* and *Movie* demos cmdline launches Graph FontFactor: Adopt to GlueGen commit 69d22df0a6132dbf8b88fd04090c0bc81129237f IOUtil.copyStream2File() changes AudioSinkFactory: Add debug output in case of failed initialization Graph GLRegion.growBuffer(..): Disable debug output (static final flag) HowToBuild: MacOS: Detail cmake commandline installation and mention 7-Zip doc/HowToBuild.html: Align w/ GlueGen's MacOS changes Graph GLRegion: DEBUG_BUFFER (growth) 'jogl.debug.graph.curve.Buffer' Graph CDTriangulator2D: Drop invalid innerPoly, avoiding Loop.initFromPolyline(..) outline.getGraphPoint().size() < 3 IllegalArgumentException doc/HowToBuild.html: Align w/ GlueGen (MacOS changes, min deployment target 10.7) Nativewindow OSXmisc.m: Minor cleanup MacOSXCGLDrawableFactory.canCreateGLPbuffer(): Disabled for MacOS >= 10.13 (High Sierra) JOGL File Layout: Have * inside jar folder, add missing jar/ GLMediaPlayer: Replace GLMediaEventListener.EVENT_CHANGE_* 'int event_mask' with EventMask.Bit/EventMask Fix GLMediaPlayerImpl.initGL(GL): Allow null==gl and audio-only mode (regression to initial implementation) HiDPI: TestGearsES2NEWT: Show MonitorDevice properties, validating pixelScale HiDPI: NEWT/MacOS: WindowDriver.sizeScreenPosInsetsChanged() is called w/ client-area in windowUnits (*fix regression*) HiDPI AWT/NEWT: Propagate AWT enforced pixelScale via setSurfaceScale() blocking native change by monitor-pixelScale (Windows, X11) SurfaceScaleUtils: Remove unused isZero(..) HiDPI: Revert WindowImpl.applySoftPixelScale()'s if( DEBUG...) { ..; dumpStack(); } HiDPI: Complete testing on Windows (AWT, NEWT, AWT+NEWT): AWT pixel scale propagated properly to our AWT GLCanvas and NEWT Fix MovieSimpleActivity1: Adjust to GLMediaPlayer API change (commit 9a7b9768e2e018a33ca44a170f372fee84c26a27) HiDPI: Revise AWT GLCanvas/GLJPanel ScalableSurface: No setSurfaceScale(), have AWT toolkit define pixelScale only (simplification) Common av classes (*AudioSink, ..) are promoted to gluegen (commit 270172bcbd91f96d4a38a3d73e23d744f57a25b8) and joal (commit 03f4bb63ce8a358b1c2ef303480e1887d72ecb2e) make/scripts/ Adjust D_ARGS for AudioSink (moved to gluegen/joal); Validated GLMediaPlayer ... FFMPEGMediaPlayer: AudioFormat is now a stand-alone class (gluegen 2b339721a4d6dd4f3af129a4654375b15c7ea340) MovieCube: Restart @ EOS FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Adjust to AudioFormat changes build.xml: Preserve, copy filtered README-zip-bundles.txt to archive w/ same name Relocate 'jar/atomic/jogl-fonts-p0.jar' -> 'jar/jogl-fonts-p0.jar' to simplify inclusion in distribution; UbuntuFontLoader's Uri is patched accordingly. *MediaPlayer: Adop to JOAL 39a32fd56de313c31bd197ee6022288e97f9729a make/build-test.xml: Add JOAL to classpath GLMediaPlayer: Add setAudioChannelLimit(..), correlating with AudioSink.setChannelLimit() .. GraphUI MediaButton: Expose AudioSink GraphUI Scene: Drop redundant and wrong setupMatrix(pmv) for forOne(..) and forAll(..), should be setup before call by user GraphUI Shape: Add one-shot init callback, will be called after each draw(..) until it returns true. GraphUI UISceneDemo20: Add OpenAL spatial 3D sound features: Add SimpleSineSynth Button and have MediaButton to produce mono-only for 3D sound Adding JogAmp History & Milestones, ... Shorten gl4java section Adopt to GlueGen commit 952e0c1f83c9e0583a97d39988a6ba1428911c8c Adopt to GlueGen Struct API Change get/set array arguments NativeSignatureJavaMethodBindingEmitter: Adopt to GlueGen changes JogAmp History & Milestones: Added Java3D + Ardor3D, added GlueGen JavaCallback (grouped) Add {GL, GLContext}.getDefaultDrawBuffer() to complement getDefaultReadBuffer() README: Add Harvey to contributors (missed him, sorry) Graph: Minor cleanup: TextRegionUtil: Fix API doc references; RegionRenderer.enable(..) merge '!enable' branch, fix API doc GraphUI: Add Shape.getSurfacePort(..): Similar to getSurfaceSize(..) but returns the whole Recti viewport of the shape GLStateTracker: Encapsulate PixelStateMap for PixelStorei states (prepare for tracking of blending states) GLStateTracker: Add tracking of blending states (part-1) Add Graph/GraphUI UISceneDemoU01a, showcase integration and multiple projection settings Graph GLRegion.create(..): Expose variant with custom pass2TexUnit for VBAA (default texture unit is 0) Graph RenderState: Initialize colorStatic w/ alpha=1 to avoid invisible rendering if no static color has been set Graph RegionRendered.init(..): Disable renderer (and shader programs etc) to avoid side-effects. Usually called @ GLEventListener.init(..) Graph Add {GLRegion, GraphShape}.setTextureUnit(int): Allowing to set texture unit after ctor UISceneDemoU01a: Destory textRegion @ dispose Update tests script .. (consolidate GraphUI demo lines) Graph: Simplify RegionRenderer API by exposing common RenderState methods (and fwd 'em to RenderState aggregate) Graph RegionRenderer.destroy(): Detach RenderState from GL instance Graph RenderState: Initialize colorStatic w/ all white (1,1,1,1) if color-channel is used and no static-color set Graph TextRegionUtil.drawString3D(..): Redefine 'rgbaColor' semantics: Either fill color-channel with value if used and set static-color to white - or just set static color channel with value. Graph / GraphUI Demos: Don't use the color-channel if not required (mixing colors within one region) Bug 1441 - Fix ARB_multi_draw_indirect: Belongs to GL4, glMultiDrawElementsIndirect shall only have VBO indirect access Bug 1441, 852: Annotate ARB_draw_indirect dual sourcing, remove redundant manual declarations Update, index.html (Graph/GraphUI, references) and add README/index: Fix link to OpenGL_API_Divergence.html Test Bug1310: Remove and re-add a GLJPanel from its Swing parent (working) README/index: 'Graph UI' -> GraphUI scripts/ Add TestGLJPanelReadd01Bug1310AWT Untangle joal from build requirements as introduced via new jogl-demos README: Add Mathieu Féry, who enhanced GlueGen Bug 1450: Remove nativewindow's drm-gbm GlueGen config's manual constant definitions, now properly passed from GlueGen GLMediaPlayer: Show more reasonable DEBUG output in factory; Impl initGL(GL) shall handle null streamWorker, i.e. when using NullGLMediaPlayer Graph TextRegionUtil.drawString3D(..): Allow null `rgbaColor` w/o color-channel again, was enforced to be set in commit bb6ee81bc5514663bb7b22224fcdd5ba34a51ac6 FontViewListener01/TestTextRendererNEWT21: Use 30 pixelPerCell (total w/ gap) for test case to compare pixel-by-pixel Add GraphUI to javadoc source path Fix typo of commit d8e086e0321ef1021f4a7810d7bfd2306c4ac725: jogl{s->}-demo{->s}-android WWW: Replace Gephi icon w/ a more friendly JogAmp website matching preview one (white background, showing a graph) Animator*: Add ctor variants passing modeBits directly, i.e. enable/disable AWT rendering thread support. Adopt it in tests and demos Demos: Add main() to GearsES2, .. allowing to be used for simple bringup tests GraphUIDemoArgs: Add GL4 core Texture ctor w/ external textureID: Pass `ownsTextureID` where true hands over ownership and allows destroy() to delete it, otherwise not. Fixes GraphUI's GLButton. make/scripts/ Add Basic demos if jogl-demos.jar Minor cleanup of imports, etc: FBObject, GLContext*, Texture, .. UISceneDemo20: Fix info/debug text title GPUUISceneGLListener0A -> UISceneDemo20 GraphUIDemoArgs: Issue GLProfile.initSingleton() once in static init block, ensuring JOGL is completely initialized Demos: ..demos.graph.ui.util.GraphUIDemoArgs -> ..demos.util.CommandlineOptions MacOS test scripts: Enable FFmpeg6 from Homebrew Add make/scripts/ for a quick bringup-test README: Fix JOGL inception, pre Sun launch and later acquired by Sun. README: Fix links Bug 1310: Detect missing glViewport(..) on Windows before GLEventListener.reshape(..) when re-adding GLJPanel Bug 1310: Reset GLJPanel states @ dispose(..) and always reshapeImpl(..) @ addNotify(), leading to proper initialization sequence when re-adding panel. Tom G. Christensen (2): Add support for Linux/ppc64le architecture Add swt 4.26 for gtk-linux-ppc64le