Class ImmModeSink

  • public class ImmModeSink
    extends Object

    Immediate mode sink, implementing OpenGL fixed function subset of immediate mode operations, i.e.

         glVertex3f(1f, 1f, 1f);
         glColor4f(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
    Implementation buffers all vertex, colors, normal and texture-coord elements in their respective buffers to be either rendered directly via glEnd(GL) or to be added to an internal display list via glEnd(gl, false) for deferred rendering via draw(GL, boolean).

    Buffer storage and it's creation via createFixed(..) and createGLSL(..)

    If unsure whether colors, normals and textures will be used, simply add them with an expected component count. This implementation will only render buffers which are being filled.
    The buffer growing implementation will only grow the exceeded buffers, unused buffers are not resized.

    Note: Optional types, i.e. color, must be either not used or used w/ the same element count as vertex, etc. This is a semantic constraint, same as in the original OpenGL spec.

    • Method Detail

      • createFixed

        public static ImmModeSink createFixed​(int initialElementCount,
                                              int vComps,
                                              int vDataType,
                                              int cComps,
                                              int cDataType,
                                              int nComps,
                                              int nDataType,
                                              int tComps,
                                              int tDataType,
                                              int glBufferUsage)
        Uses a GL2ES1, or ES2 fixed function emulation immediate mode sink

        See buffer storage details.

        initialElementCount - initial buffer size, if subsequent mutable operations are about to exceed the buffer size, the buffer will grow about the initial size.
        vComps - mandatory vertex component count, should be 2, 3 or 4.
        vDataType - mandatory vertex data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        cComps - optional color component count, may be 0, 3 or 4
        cDataType - optional color data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        nComps - optional normal component count, may be 0, 3 or 4
        nDataType - optional normal data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        tComps - optional texture-coordinate component count, may be 0, 2 or 3
        tDataType - optional texture-coordinate data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        glBufferUsage - VBO usage parameter for GL.glBufferData(int, long, Buffer, int), e.g. GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, set to 0 for no VBO usage
      • createGLSL

        public static ImmModeSink createGLSL​(int initialElementCount,
                                             int vComps,
                                             int vDataType,
                                             int cComps,
                                             int cDataType,
                                             int nComps,
                                             int nDataType,
                                             int tComps,
                                             int tDataType,
                                             int glBufferUsage,
                                             ShaderState st)
        Uses a GL2ES2 GLSL shader immediate mode sink, utilizing the given ShaderState.

        See buffer storage details.

        initialElementCount - initial buffer size, if subsequent mutable operations are about to exceed the buffer size, the buffer will grow about the initial size.
        vComps - mandatory vertex component count, should be 2, 3 or 4.
        vDataType - mandatory vertex data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        cComps - optional color component count, may be 0, 3 or 4
        cDataType - optional color data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        nComps - optional normal component count, may be 0, 3 or 4
        nDataType - optional normal data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        tComps - optional texture-coordinate component count, may be 0, 2 or 3
        tDataType - optional texture-coordinate data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        glBufferUsage - VBO usage parameter for GL.glBufferData(int, long, Buffer, int), e.g. GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, set to 0 for no VBO usage
        st - ShaderState to locate the vertex attributes
        See Also:
        draw(GL, boolean), ShaderState.useProgram(GL2ES2, boolean), com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderState#getCurrentShaderState()
      • createGLSL

        public static ImmModeSink createGLSL​(int initialElementCount,
                                             int vComps,
                                             int vDataType,
                                             int cComps,
                                             int cDataType,
                                             int nComps,
                                             int nDataType,
                                             int tComps,
                                             int tDataType,
                                             int glBufferUsage,
                                             int shaderProgram)
        Uses a GL2ES2 GLSL shader immediate mode sink, utilizing the given shader-program.

        See buffer storage details.

        initialElementCount - initial buffer size, if subsequent mutable operations are about to exceed the buffer size, the buffer will grow about the initial size.
        vComps - mandatory vertex component count, should be 2, 3 or 4.
        vDataType - mandatory vertex data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        cComps - optional color component count, may be 0, 3 or 4
        cDataType - optional color data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        nComps - optional normal component count, may be 0, 3 or 4
        nDataType - optional normal data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        tComps - optional texture-coordinate component count, may be 0, 2 or 3
        tDataType - optional texture-coordinate data type, e.g. GL.GL_FLOAT
        glBufferUsage - VBO usage parameter for GL.glBufferData(int, long, Buffer, int), e.g. GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, set to 0 for no VBO usage
        shaderProgram - shader-program name to locate the vertex attributes
        See Also:
        draw(GL, boolean), ShaderState.useProgram(GL2ES2, boolean), com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderState#getCurrentShaderState()
      • destroy

        public void destroy​(GL gl)
      • reset

        public void reset()
      • reset

        public void reset​(GL gl)
      • draw

        public void draw​(GL gl,
                         boolean disableBufferAfterDraw)
      • draw

        public void draw​(GL gl,
                         Buffer indices,
                         boolean disableBufferAfterDraw)
      • glBegin

        public void glBegin​(int mode)
      • glEnd

        public final void glEnd​(GL gl)
      • glEnd

        public void glEnd​(GL gl,
                          boolean immediateDraw)
      • glEnd

        public final void glEnd​(GL gl,
                                Buffer indices)
      • glVertexv

        public void glVertexv​(Buffer v)
      • glNormalv

        public void glNormalv​(Buffer v)
      • glColorv

        public void glColorv​(Buffer v)
      • glTexCoordv

        public void glTexCoordv​(Buffer v)
      • glVertex2f

        public final void glVertex2f​(float x,
                                     float y)
      • glVertex3f

        public final void glVertex3f​(float x,
                                     float y,
                                     float z)
      • glNormal3f

        public final void glNormal3f​(float x,
                                     float y,
                                     float z)
      • glColor3f

        public final void glColor3f​(float x,
                                    float y,
                                    float z)
      • glColor4f

        public final void glColor4f​(float x,
                                    float y,
                                    float z,
                                    float a)
      • glTexCoord2f

        public final void glTexCoord2f​(float x,
                                       float y)
      • glTexCoord3f

        public final void glTexCoord3f​(float x,
                                       float y,
                                       float z)
      • glVertex2s

        public final void glVertex2s​(short x,
                                     short y)
      • glVertex3s

        public final void glVertex3s​(short x,
                                     short y,
                                     short z)
      • glNormal3s

        public final void glNormal3s​(short x,
                                     short y,
                                     short z)
      • glColor3s

        public final void glColor3s​(short x,
                                    short y,
                                    short z)
      • glColor4s

        public final void glColor4s​(short x,
                                    short y,
                                    short z,
                                    short a)
      • glTexCoord2s

        public final void glTexCoord2s​(short x,
                                       short y)
      • glTexCoord3s

        public final void glTexCoord3s​(short x,
                                       short y,
                                       short z)
      • glVertex2b

        public final void glVertex2b​(byte x,
                                     byte y)
      • glVertex3b

        public final void glVertex3b​(byte x,
                                     byte y,
                                     byte z)
      • glNormal3b

        public final void glNormal3b​(byte x,
                                     byte y,
                                     byte z)
      • glColor3b

        public final void glColor3b​(byte x,
                                    byte y,
                                    byte z)
      • glColor3ub

        public final void glColor3ub​(byte x,
                                     byte y,
                                     byte z)
      • glColor4b

        public final void glColor4b​(byte x,
                                    byte y,
                                    byte z,
                                    byte a)
      • glColor4ub

        public final void glColor4ub​(byte x,
                                     byte y,
                                     byte z,
                                     byte a)
      • glTexCoord2b

        public final void glTexCoord2b​(byte x,
                                       byte y)
      • glTexCoord3b

        public final void glTexCoord3b​(byte x,
                                       byte y,
                                       byte z)
      • getUseVBO

        public boolean getUseVBO()
      • getResizeElementCount

        public int getResizeElementCount()
        Returns the additional element count if buffer resize is required.
        See Also: