How To Compile On Windows: 1. You need to have JDK installer (JRE is not enough). Set JAVA_HOME to point to is, say JAVA_HOME = D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_30 2. You need to have ant installed and set ANT_HOME to point to it, say ANT_HOME=D:\Ant\apache-ant-1.8.2 3. You need, as Java3D build instructions ask, to have all 3 folders side by side, in the same parent directory: vecmath j3d-core j3d-core-utils 4. In JDK, in JRE, in lib/ext you need to put the following jars from JOGL 2.0: gluegen-rt.jar jogl.all-noawt.jar jogl.all.jar jogl.core.jar 5. go to vecmath folder and type ant clean ant jar 6. go to j3d-core folder and type: ant clean ant -Dbuild.jogl=true jar-debug-javaonly This would force to compile WITHOUT compiling natives (since we will ask JOGL to do the rendering) and will also build the JOGL module in Java3D. How To Run On Windows 1. From vecmath/build folder copy vecmath.jar in JDK, in JRE, in lib/ext 2. From j3d-core/build folder copy j3dcore.jar & j3dutils.jar in JDK, in JRE, in lib/ext 3. In JDK, in JRE, in lib/ext you need to put the following jars from JOGL 2.0: gluegen-rt-natives-windows-i586.jar jogl-all-natives-windows-i586.jar 4. In any Java3D program add in the main function before Java3D in initiated: System.setProperty("j3d.rend", "jogl"); This would force Java3D to use the JOGL renderer