commit bd47a89aad60a6915551fa847eea1ecda78fc9d5 Author: Sven Gothel Date: Fri Oct 12 15:29:01 2012 +0200 Adapt to latest JOGL changes commit 59c6358dbcfbb70e3796fef5d3063ffb9491ae8b Author: Xerxes Rånby Date: Thu Sep 20 13:20:13 2012 +0200 Improve frame rendering smoothness in src/demos/es2/ by using Animator instead of FPSAnimator. Calculate the time deltas for the theta movement using milliseconds passed between two frames. Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby commit 970515a87942224361a036d3ad17713ee3dac366 Author: Xerxes Rånby Date: Thu Sep 20 12:53:49 2012 +0200 Fix ecj warnings in src/demos/es2/ Removed unused imports, unused c field and the unused printMatrix function. Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby commit c9553e82282d86e336ab21e6565f0c828cfb8351 Author: Xerxes Rånby Date: Thu Sep 20 12:43:10 2012 +0200 Use NIO Direct buffers to pass data to glVertexAttribPointer in Fixed two logical flaws regarding: - GL spec: Pointer functions required passed memory pointers to persist - JNI: Primitive arrays may change their native memory location (swap), even if they were not GC'ed. The demo code is now updated to stay compatible with this change. Signed-off-by Xerxes Rånby commit ccb06ad604c0dd33cb8dd361413aef671af42c15 Author: Xerxes Rånby Date: Wed Aug 22 13:34:16 2012 +0200 es2/RawGL2ES2demo: Remove AWT dependency to allow running on a Raspberry Pi; Make syntax BeanShell compatible. - Raspberry Pi: Removed dependency of com.jogamp.newt.awt.NewtCanvasAWT to allow running on -Djava.awt.headlessi=true systems, we can do this by using NEWT directly to open a window. You can run this demo on a Raspberry Pi using the JogAmp JOGL auto-build aggregate from 20 Aug 2012 and later: wget 7z x jogamp-all-platforms.7z cd jogamp-all-platforms wget javac -cp jar/jogl-all.jar:jar/gluegen-rt.jar java -cp jar/jogl-all.jar:jar/gluegen-rt.jar:. RawGL2ES2demo - Beanshell: removed final in function arguments and changed float array declaration to become BeanShell compatible. You can run this demo interpreted using Beanshell: wget java -cp jar/jogl-all.jar:jar/gluegen-rt.jar:bsh-2.0b4.jar:. bsh.Interpreter - Vertex and Fragment shaders: remove #version lines to make the shaders compile on more drivers.