Barcsik Attila (1): Fixing build scripts for Solaris systems. Michael Bien (11): copy gluegen-rt.jnlp with empty codebase to build folder for local testing. this jnlp is not used for the distribution zip file. copy gluegen-rt.jnlp with empty codebase to build folder for local testing. this jnlp is not used for the distribution zip file. - removed CDC impl for com.jogamp.common.nio - generified class hierarchy (casts no longer needed in client code) - @Override where needed and other minor changes - generified com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers. - class is now final (change it back on demand) - added concurrency warning to slice() method doc moved struct and buffer test to its nio friends, cleaned up imports junit test NB mapping. improved BuffersTest.slice(). added CachedBufferFactory + test. factory supports dynamic and static allocation schemes and has a synchronized and a unsynchronized implementation. - ensure slice uses the buffers original byteorder. - create new buffers only if size > capacity not if >= capacity - Buffers.slice() should maintain byteorder when sliceing ByteBuffers - simplified isDirect() and getArray() small cleanup in uitl package - StringBuffer -> StringBuilder - ReflectionUtil.getBaseName -> class.getSimpleName() - cleanup imports, generics and @Override for all touched classes Sven Gothel (40): GlueGen: Close in/out streams to allow deleteOnExit() to succeed on Windows Fix HashMapTests. The benchmark tests used the value as a key, hence finding the non existing hashed value lead to O(n) Disabled Struct* Tests (not working on Windows .. platform; Moved BuffersTest and PCPP to the proper src/junit folder. All junit tests are now handled by build-junit.xml HashMapTest: Back to 50% tolerance, removed 'put' error Refined VersionInfo (seperator/new-line) Add generic VersionNumber util class clean: import Debug: out -> err stream archive test results Add version tag in jnlp files Fix refactor bug: os -> os_lc in strings, reverted. run from base.compile Fix doc for type 'long' - added WARNING (ambiguous size Windows/Unix) debug: mention thread name ReflectionUtil: Add getBaseName(Class) Fix: Avoid NPE in case no manifest is available (running w/o JAR) Fix: VersionNumber compare shall throw ClassCastException if argument is of different kind Move implementation private files from com.jogamp..impl. to jogamp. Expand tabs to 4 spaces Bump Java source level to 1.5 / Disable CDC builds Remove CDC RT JAR Remove CDC html fixes Fix: Remove unused argument ClassLoader Fix: Buffers back to non final ; Added missing JogAmp (c) Fix: Buffers cstr back to protected bump scripts to 6u24 Fix comment Use NODE_NAME env var to determine test archive Provide task 'archive.7z' and use it instead of zip 7z: use OS searchpath Inverse build attribute build.noarchive -> build.archiveon Intro jogamp-env.xml to parse common env properties ; Fix archive.7z: use abs path fix jogamp-env.xml ; uses env vars BUILD_ARCHIVE=true|yes and NODE_NAME if set Fix archive.7z: unset property destfile.path. gluegen-archivetasks.xml -> jogamp-archivetasks.xml cleanup imports fix TestRecursiveLock01's LockedObjectAction1 sync RecursiveLock: static field -> final; NativeLibrary: cleanup DoubleCheckLocking: Added 'ok' comment - volatile var Fix jogamp-env.xml's NODE_NAME -> Wade Walker (1): Created Eclipse project files.