Mark Raynsford (12): Update example to rc11 Trivial-as-possible JOAL test Removed JOAL example (moved to JOAL demos) Initial jp4da setup Add license Use 3.5.0 android maven plugin Use standard JOGL license Use rc11post03 Use SDK 9, not 8 Use SDK 9 in the Android manifest Rename the launcher to jp4da, from MainActivity Use API level 10 (as the SDK will now refuse to use 9 due to it being replaced with 10), and add a nice jp4da icon Sven Gothel (13): Adapt to JOGL changes commit 5fafc1ac360333645b807dcd8dff0c0a655ea439 Adapt to JOGL changes commit 5fafc1ac360333645b807dcd8dff0c0a655ea439 Adapt to JOGL ShaderState changes - track our own instance. RawGL2ES2demo: Fix Animator usage; Added missing 'package demos.es2;' RawGL2ES2demo: Fixed launch in document due to package demos.es2;' RawGL2ES2demo: Fixed compile/launch in document due to package demos.es2;' Adapt to new version scheme, see GlueGen a3f2ef50ad33c58a240a17fcf03e415d772207c3, etc -> target init, depends on jogamp.env.init Adapt to JOGL changes commit fd418a69eca7b8c1bb74244982305fc6004d0a52 Adapt to JOGL commit 8b33170ec6fd3f215976875cb66d746fa1b48f61, Fix Bug 688: Removal of NEWT KeyEvent.EVENT_KEY_TYPED and KeyListener.keyTyped(KeyEvent) HDR: Add resource re: floating point filtering .. Fix applet html pages, add gears and gearsjoal NApplet. make script 32bit: force java6 creation