Harvey Harrison (1): gluegen: use String.format to emit the error exception in implementation classes Sven Gothel (11): Bump to 2.2.0 RC/Devel .. Bump (back) to 2.1.3 - devel (Postpone 2.2.0 track until important bugs and issues are fixed) Add generic 'check-glibc.sh' script / rename old script Use 'gluegen-clang.properties' for generic clang and 'gluegen-xcode_clang.properties' for OSX xcode-clang ; Add GNU/Linux LLVM/clang build scripts glibc-compat-symbols.h: Use GLIBC_2.0 for 32bit ; Use asm(..) instead of __asm__(..) to support clang ; Branch on OS predef-macro for GLIBC detection, allow __GNUC__ and __clang__ on __linux__ JarUtil: Use common strings for exceptions (same as used in IOUtil) IOUtil/JarUtil: DEBUG output on stderr not stdout IOUtil: Add comments to slashify args @ caller; Use validated File @ IOUtil.toURISimple ; DEBUG: stdout -> stderr JARUtil/IOUtil: Reuse IOUtil.JAR_SCHEME_SEPARATOR (now a char); Add DEBUG to JarUtil.getJarEntry(..) IOUtil.toURL(..) Apply decodeFromURI(uri.getPath()) if file-scheme; Add IOUtil.decodeURIToFilePath(..) for native usage. IOUtil.encodeToURI(): Only use method if required