Harvey Harrison (1): gluegen: directly use git subcommands rather than sed over a temp file Sven Gothel (12): Bump to 2.2.1-rc IntIntHashMap: Reduce temp. ArrayList instances in clone Scripts: Bump to java 1.7.0_67 and apache-ant 1.9.4 Bug 1015: Test executable permission on Windows via bat file (temp dir, like on unix and osx) scripts: favor java8 on 32bit like we do on 64bit Revert "gluegen: directly use git subcommands rather than sed over a temp file" TestVersionSemantics: BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_USER current vs 2.2.0 Semver: Bump to 0.9.27 scripts: setenv-build-x86*: allow using a preset jre/jdk iff JAVA_HOME and J2RE_HOME is set and path exists Scripts: Bump to java 1.8.0_20 Bug 908: Fix URI/URL double encoding, ensuring encoded/decoded variants are used properly (Added unit test) Bump to 2.2.1 release