Sven Gothel (39): Fix javadoc package property, use comma as separator (dropped newt and oculusvr apidoc) GLStateTracker: Avoid private access wrapper, reuse fetched pixelStateMap Scripts: Bump to java 1.7.0_67 and apache-ant 1.9.4 Fix commit b5910f18f0b82a8a1f6f6252dc19971d5e487f39 for toString(): Call super.hashCode(), due to InternalError("hashCode not designed") graph/font: Use 'pixelSize' var-name, remove redundancies Graph/Text: Prepare unit tests for font rendering validation (WIP) Graph/Text: Prepare unit tests for font rendering validation (WIP) HowToBuild: Bump requirements: ant >= 1.9.0, git >= 1.7.10 HowToBuild: Revert required git version back to 1.6.0 (from 1.7.10, commit 1882b6551326e583c311b6b169be2222125df4d9) TestVersionSemantics: BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_USER current vs 2.2.0 glsl.sdk.CompileShader: Use IOUtil.StreamMonitor GLSharedContextSetter: Fix API doc and all html references (fix URL and complete notes in all implementations) Bug 1054: Cleanup GLContext 'lock' and 'drawable' usage, perform drawable null check in constructor. Bug 1054: Cleanup GLContext: 'lock' -> 'contextLock' Bug 1054: GLContext: makeCurrent() needs a null-check of [mutable] drawable; Review null checks and synchronization/locking. Bug 1055 - Access and query shared master GLContext in a deterministic fashion ; Don't use arbitrary shared context as 'master'. Bug 1054: Revert dfb9ed47ac6d8e85f6ae5fe166e7a6e28ca8ff83: Cannot change protected field name w/o breaking backward compatibility Refine test cases for synchronous GLAutoDrawable display, swap-buffer and read-pixels (non-MSAA and MSAA) Bugs: 841, 975 and 1020 Refine test cases for synchronous GLAutoDrawable display, swap-buffer and read-pixels (non-MSAA and MSAA) Bugs: 841, 975 and 1020 FBObject Cleanup: Add comments about maxSamples > 0 implies fullFBOSupport; bind(): Set dedicated read/write if fullFBOSupport TestGLReadBuffer01GLJPanelAWT: Add keyFrame-wait after init Bug 1020 - First MSAA FBO frame on a mac osx nvidia card not antialiased TestSharedContextNewtAWTBug523: Fix junit usage .. Scripts: Bump to java 1.8.0_20 Bug 1017 - TextureIO.write(Texture, File) throws GLException Not a GL2 implementation on GL3 contexts Bug 1052 - OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3 Caught GLException: Not a GL4ES3 implementation - Part 1/2 Bug 1052 - OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3 Caught GLException: Not a GL4ES3 implementation - Part 2/2 GLProfile: Use String.intern() on static final profile strings ('GL4bc', 'GL4', ..) consequently using reference comparison. Bug 1048: Add unit tests demonstrating multiple NewtCanvasAWT instances are working Bug1044: Offscreen drawable AWT/ImageIO results in black image on OSX/[Java7-Java8] Bug 1043 - Add Tessellation Control and Evaluation Shader Support Bug 1058 - Fix GLContext.getGLSLVersionString(): Add 'profile' after version for GLSL >= 150 allowing GLSL compatibility profile HowToBuild: Debian i386 on x64: Add symbolic links for shared libs Bug 1059 _and_ version-compat breackage of commit c78ceb642d0ef5bb5bf27ff8ff1495175ee2e983 Adding missing '@since 2.2.1' tags to ShaderCode and GLContext Bug 1060 - Add GLProfile.isInitialized(): Returns true if JOGL has been initialized Bug 1047 - jogamp.opengl.glu.mipmap.Mipmap now uses already parsed GL version number and GL profile selection LICENSE.txt: Emphasice incompatible A.7) module is OPTIONAL Bug 1065: Handle NULL result of TISGetInputSourceProperty(keyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData), avoiding crash