Sven Gothel (15): bump to 2.3.1-rc Fix DynamicLibraryBundle.isToolLibComplete() no tool-lib case, regression of commit 12feaa7d3b1544098f684d851e3caff1ec88cbc8 Import JOGL's JNI header and unify them for GlueGen and C-Compiler usage. Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP, allowing complete macro handling (Part-1: Cleanup / Preparation) Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP, allowing complete macro handling (Part-2: JCPP submodule, build, test and doc) Fix Logging: PlainLogConsoleHandler shall start w/ Level.ALL, add explicit Level setter for handler. Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP: Name used CPP impl. Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP: Final version bump .. Refine JNI header's jni_md.h: Always include 'gluegen_stdint.h' for 'standalone' usage. Bug 1149: Fix parsing of hexadecimal w/ binary exponent floats in regexp-constant and java-parser. (Due to PCPP -> JCPP) Bug 1149 - Fix JCPP test case IncludeAbsoluteTest Bug 1149 - Add JCPP Apache 2.0 License to LICENSE.txt file / Also add the Apache 2.0 license to doc/licenses/Apache.LICENSE-2.0 JavaEmitter: Always use 'containingJTypeName' for JavaConfiguration.canonicalStructFieldSymbol(..) Bump to 2.3.1 release TestVersionSemantics: Add version tests: v220 -> v221, v221 -> v230 and v230 -> v23x