#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20131018 05:28:03 (UTC)

20131018 05:28:03 -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
20131018 05:28:10 * jogamp (~jogamp@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 05:28:10 * Topic is 'http://jogamp.org | Hacking 3D Graphics, Multimedia and Processing across Devices'
20131018 05:28:10 * Set by rmk0 on 20130116 23:58:04
20131018 05:28:10 -NickServ- You are now identified for jogamp.
20131018 05:38:02 <sgothel> bumped JVM to 7u45
20131018 05:52:13 * xranby-64 (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 05:59:36 * xranby-64 (~familjen@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
20131018 06:03:29 <hharrison> eek: jogl patched
20131018 06:03:31 <hharrison> 658 files changed, 13401 insertions(+), 12273 deletions(-)
20131018 06:03:46 <sgothel> holy moly
20131018 06:03:55 <hharrison> that's a lotta whitespace/missing @Override
20131018 06:04:22 <sgothel> 1,128 overrides ?
20131018 06:04:41 <hharrison> yep
20131018 06:04:41 <sgothel> you become this month git master :)
20131018 06:05:11 <hharrison> Maybe I shoudl mark the Author as 'Eclipse Cleanup Tool'
20131018 06:05:17 <hharrison> ;-)
20131018 06:05:32 <sgothel> nana .. always good to not be alone in the commit log
20131018 06:05:51 <hharrison> just doing a full clean+rebuild to make sure nothing funny happens
20131018 06:06:17 <sgothel> very much appreciated
20131018 06:08:17 <hharrison> buillt fine, pushed out
20131018 06:08:20 <hharrison> https://github.com/hharrison/jogl.git master
20131018 06:10:55 <hharrison> OK, back to doing something more useful
20131018 06:11:48 <sgothel> pushed
20131018 06:12:08 <sgothel> you sure are in my remotes list already :)
20131018 07:10:47 * Eclesia (jsorel@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 07:10:54 <Eclesia> hi
20131018 07:14:28 <sgothel> good morning
20131018 07:16:01 <Eclesia> sgothel: strange, yesterday's morning was at 16H :)
20131018 07:18:26 <hharrison> sven: found an interesting optimization in the generated DebugGL context code
20131018 07:18:57 <hharrison> Or, an interesting bit of waste anyways....guess I'll have to learn how that code gets generated
20131018 07:19:24 <hharrison> I pushed some interesting findbugs fixes to my jogl repo....should be pretty non-controversial
20131018 07:23:58 <sgothel> hmm
20131018 07:25:07 <sgothel> fetch was empty
20131018 07:25:35 <sgothel> @Harvey .. looking at Bug 857 - seems we still have off URI bugs :-/
20131018 07:25:41 <sgothel> *odd*
20131018 07:25:56 <sgothel> @Eclesia: I hereby declare this days morning :)
20131018 07:27:28 <xranby> good morning
20131018 07:27:49 <hharrison> sorry, pushed to the right repo this time
20131018 07:28:21 <hharrison> sgothel: 0028 over here...I agree, officially morning!
20131018 07:28:42 <sgothel> :)
20131018 07:30:41 <sgothel> a91fb6149a59393ea3491700652b9f0d562792d8: Not some mystical (long)(int)-1 == ULong.MAX_INT ? :)
20131018 07:32:30 <hharrison> Yeah, kind looks like a c programmer assuming java does sign-extension the same way
20131018 07:32:49 <hharrison> Or the variable got changed to an int at some point
20131018 07:33:11 <hharrison> almost impossible to hit that, you'd have to be near out of memory to hit that
20131018 07:34:50 <hharrison> I hope you don't mind, but I'll try and clear out some of these noisy warnings first, should make it easier to monitor future commits if there are fewer around
20131018 07:37:45 <sgothel> appreciated - thank you
20131018 07:38:47 <sgothel> .. and if you have time to review the URI stuff (which you triggered ..) .. would be great as well ofc. Mostly URI decoding issues.
20131018 07:39:23 <hharrison> Can you give me a 30-second pointer to the best starting point
20131018 07:39:36 <hharrison> Can certainly have a look
20131018 07:40:10 <hharrison> still working on my internal 'roadmap' of jogl source
20131018 07:40:25 <sgothel> IOUtil (URI usage) and JarUtil
20131018 07:41:20 <sgothel> - if( 0 > tX || 0 > tX ) { <- must have happened in the very early morning :)
20131018 07:42:48 <sgothel> if ((m[0] > m[4]) & (m[0] > m[8])) { .. nice
20131018 07:43:06 <sgothel> .. and me generous w/ String ctor :)
20131018 07:43:12 <sgothel> great job - thx for review!
20131018 07:43:42 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 07:44:09 <sgothel> (assuming Quaternion doesn't use a bitfield op)
20131018 07:44:22 <sgothel> Hi Max .. couldn't reproduce the bug :(
20131018 07:45:07 <hharrison> the String ctor thing...look at the generated code in the Debug context implementations...lots
20131018 07:45:30 <hharrison> I'll have a go at the URI thing first
20131018 07:45:39 <sgothel> @Max: https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=850#c8
20131018 07:45:59 <sgothel> it's you right ?
20131018 07:46:00 <hharrison> But I will loop back around to the generated code part, big hunks of low-hanging fruit there
20131018 07:46:15 <sgothel> awesome
20131018 07:46:57 <sgothel> at least I removed all 'middle' man class types .. all bind against highest Debug/Trace profile
20131018 07:47:09 <hharrison> And it wouldn't hurt to have one more person familiar with how that code gets generated
20131018 07:47:18 <sgothel> ofc
20131018 07:48:23 <sgothel> I just pressed the URI thing b/c of it's critical nature .. but general use cases do work .. so nothing too important I hope
20131018 07:48:49 <hharrison> agreed, I'll see what I can do to help
20131018 07:49:05 <sgothel> how can I enable DEBUG props in NB ?
20131018 07:49:24 <sgothel> me testing that Bug 857 test case ..
20131018 08:02:17 <hharrison> May be a red-herring, but the two versions of getJarFileURI in JarUtil seems a bit fishy, the one taking a String arg I think may be allowing invalid chars in the constructed URI
20131018 08:04:26 <hharrison> I always get screwed up by URI's toString method and what, if any normalization it does
20131018 08:06:51 <sgothel> existing code 'is a' working compromise :-/
20131018 08:07:03 <sgothel> same w/ File -> URI .. horrible
20131018 08:07:47 <sgothel> hence I used manual conversion (now space only .. ) found that on stackoverflow w/ hint to javascript .. autch
20131018 08:08:15 <sgothel> if passing String .. it's b/c we use already String in composition of final URI
20131018 08:08:29 <sgothel> and URL type is more 'tolerant' ..
20131018 08:08:43 <sgothel> reminder: we do all this to avoid DNS lookups
20131018 08:09:13 <hharrison> Yep, I wonder if we could pull it to one side or the other...ie:
20131018 08:09:16 <sgothel> I guess Java URI impl just sucks .. hence Android has their own :)
20131018 08:09:35 <hharrison> go to a URI as soon as we come in, and pass URI's down the stack
20131018 08:09:50 <hharrison> or pass Strings down and only do the URI thing dead last
20131018 08:10:06 <hharrison> now it feels kind of URI->String->URI
20131018 08:10:25 <sgothel> I tried using URI as much as possible, but in JarUtil .. we take them apart, edit .. back to URI
20131018 08:10:32 <sgothel> yes ..
20131018 08:10:37 <sgothel> at least in JarUtil
20131018 08:10:44 <sgothel> since we need to edit them ofc
20131018 08:10:56 <hharrison> hmmm
20131018 08:11:04 <hharrison> I'll keep looking
20131018 08:13:52 <sgothel> IOUtil.toURL(..) <- I guess worst case
20131018 08:14:45 <sgothel> i.e. biggest problem: save file -> URI and URL
20131018 08:20:20 <hharrison> One thing I'm toying with is replacing some of the Strings with fragment-only URIs
20131018 08:20:54 <hharrison> Not sure it will make much diff. but worth an experiment
20131018 08:35:35 <monsieur_max> sgothel: hi :) yes it's me, saw your update this morning. I'll give a try. I was working on another task lately
20131018 08:36:08 <sgothel> but I have not changed a thing in this regard .. so me still wondering why it fails for you
20131018 08:37:21 <monsieur_max> sgothel: i'll try to analyze how you're performing your test and see if it works for me
20131018 08:38:17 <monsieur_max> there must be an explanation, and it has to work, this game will have cutscenes !
20131018 08:38:18 <sgothel> only ffmpeg in PATH, using our native jar stuff for jogamp native libs .. nothing special
20131018 08:39:40 <monsieur_max> well, that's something i do not do
20131018 08:40:41 <sgothel> so pls try w/ jogl/make/scripts/test* the Simple or Cube demo ..
20131018 08:40:53 <sgothel> tests-x64.bat .. you will see
20131018 08:41:04 <monsieur_max> yep, that was the plan :) i'll keep you informed
20131018 08:41:04 <sgothel> maybe you can add a test script reproducing the 'error'
20131018 08:42:05 <monsieur_max> yep, you're right about putting quote ;) as is said, it's probably my fault
20131018 08:45:49 <hharrison> sgothel: almost bedtime, but I'll pick up in the morning, one thing I would suggest (and will send patches for)
20131018 08:46:31 <hharrison> instead of passing a String called clazzBinName down to the IOUtil/JarUtil stuff
20131018 08:46:33 <sgothel> good night thank you .. and later
20131018 08:46:53 <hharrison> and then parsing the URL/URIs to develop a 'basename' for the source jar
20131018 08:47:17 <hharrison> One trick I've found useful is to just take the raw Class object and go:
20131018 08:47:32 <hharrison> klass.getResource("/").toURI();
20131018 08:47:52 <sgothel> oh ..
20131018 08:47:55 <hharrison> This essentially always works as the root resource always exists
20131018 08:48:02 <hharrison> then you get:
20131018 08:48:17 <sgothel> the basename thingy is about the embedded file:/ sub-uri .. in the jar-uri
20131018 08:48:28 <hharrison> jar:file:/foo/bar/baz.jar!/
20131018 08:48:34 <sgothel> yeah .. sure
20131018 08:48:43 <sgothel> thats how we start ..
20131018 08:49:28 <hharrison> Yeah, but there are some places that keep/pass the String when they may have had an easier time with the original Class obj
20131018 08:49:30 <sgothel> but extracting the sub-uri .. is the problem w/ URI class .. maybe .. at least it's ugly
20131018 08:49:40 <sgothel> true
20131018 08:49:53 <hharrison> Anyways...I'll say it with patches, will be easier I think....and maybe I'm missing some subtlety
20131018 08:49:55 <sgothel> I know what you mean, keep semantics intact
20131018 08:50:20 <sgothel> guess I have to produce good test cases as well
20131018 08:50:48 <hharrison> Bed for a few hours....night all
20131018 08:50:55 <sgothel> nighty
20131018 08:51:21 * hharrison (~chatzilla@anon) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130916094533])
20131018 09:06:03 * rmk0 (~rmk0@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20131018 09:07:15 * rmk0 (~rmk0@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 09:08:10 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20131018 11:44:03 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 12:32:13 * xranby (~xranby@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20131018 12:32:20 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 12:56:38 * xranby (~xranby@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
20131018 13:00:05 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 13:08:57 <Eclesia> sgothel: concurrency question. I have an executor service which loads textures . it creates TextureData and Texture objects using a GL made wih factory.createDummyDrawable . do I have to synchronize the on the GL instance each time a make a new Texture(gl,data) or it thread safe ?
20131018 13:09:26 <Eclesia> or is it thread safe*
20131018 13:31:30 <Eclesia> hm... doesn't work
20131018 13:41:24 <Eclesia> anyone have an idea ? http://pastebin.com/EtuwyKwG
20131018 14:39:46 * xranby (~xranby@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
20131018 14:56:56 * hharrison (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 14:57:55 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 15:01:57 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20131018 15:09:06 <hharrison> morning all
20131018 15:15:45 <hharrison> sgothel: found some bad implementations of clone() in the tree....I suggest we just kill them
20131018 15:16:28 <sgothel> .. and I found the Bug 857 issue .. URI file path encoding .. going into the details, i.e. why not hitting normal test run, but w/ NB
20131018 15:16:56 <hharrison> if you throw it on a branch, I will have a look
20131018 15:17:13 <hharrison> either that or I'll go back to findbugs triage
20131018 15:18:45 <sgothel> I will analyze then push and doc w/ Bug 857 - then it would be great if you can review and discuss ofc .. it's a simple 'D:\lala\a.jar' issue should throw all the time .. but doesn't. The method I mentioned: IOUtil.toURL(..)
20131018 15:19:09 <sgothel> suggest: you findbugs .. join thorough discussion on this in a bit ..
20131018 15:19:18 <hharrison> ok
20131018 15:19:19 <sgothel> (after I pushed pre-checked)
20131018 15:36:31 <hharrison> Jogl assumes at least Java 5 API is available, right?
20131018 15:47:03 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 16:13:33 * Eclesia (jsorel@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20131018 16:20:02 <sgothel> yup .. but you know how Android is :)
20131018 16:20:13 <sgothel> core Java 5
20131018 16:20:21 <sgothel> even core java 6 by now
20131018 16:20:44 <sgothel> check Android SDK .. if in doubt (Level 9 ?!)
20131018 16:20:57 <sgothel> all in gluegen .. jogamp-env.xml AFAIK
20131018 16:21:15 <hharrison> ok
20131018 16:21:16 <sgothel> - Java 1.6 (Level 6.0)
20131018 16:21:16 <sgothel> - Android SDK API Level 9 (Version 2.3 Gingerbread)
20131018 16:21:16 <sgothel> Official production builds are performed w/ Java 1.6.
20131018 16:21:16 <sgothel> - Java 1.6 (Level 6.0)
20131018 16:21:16 <sgothel> - Android SDK API Level 9 (Version 2.3 Gingerbread)
20131018 16:22:46 <sgothel> a java Pattern to match "\[^\]", i.e. to replace all single backslash ?
20131018 16:24:23 <sgothel> java.util.regex.Pattern .. that is
20131018 16:24:30 <sgothel> to do .. patternBSRaw.matcher(s).replaceAll("/");
20131018 16:24:40 <sgothel> Pattern.compile("\\\\[^\\\\]"); ?
20131018 16:24:41 <sgothel> all \ are doubled .. nasty \ encoding :)
20131018 16:24:42 <sgothel> actually quadrupled ..
20131018 16:30:26 <hharrison> yeah...have that somewhere in my codebase as well
20131018 16:35:52 <rmk0> eye candy: http://waste.io7m.com/2013/10/18/fwd_ls_ao_bt_nm_el_sm.mp4
20131018 16:42:27 <sgothel> @Harvey: https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=857#c4 :)
20131018 16:42:39 <sgothel> @Mark: dl'ing
20131018 16:43:22 <sgothel> bump [map] the pixels :)
20131018 16:43:25 <sgothel> sexy
20131018 16:43:29 <rmk0> hehe
20131018 16:43:46 <sgothel> now .. make the 'bump' flow .. :)
20131018 16:43:52 <sgothel> *bumps* .. :)
20131018 16:43:55 <rmk0> doable!
20131018 16:44:02 <sgothel> -> water
20131018 16:44:05 <rmk0> yesh
20131018 16:44:21 <rmk0> the last two items on the agenda are shadow mapping and projective texturing for spotlights and so on
20131018 16:44:27 <sgothel> so this is our new UI editor then ? :)
20131018 16:44:33 <rmk0> it's swing /o\
20131018 16:44:45 <sgothel> 1st iteration .. ofc
20131018 16:45:00 <rmk0> yeah, just needed a gui quickly for testing the renderer
20131018 16:45:04 <sgothel> then use that to do the 2nd iter w/ .. bootstraping UI editor :)
20131018 16:45:40 <rmk0> i might stick to swing for the engine tools... is too much work to rewrite everything i'll need
20131018 16:45:45 <sgothel> I probably would have tons of commandline options by then .. or a compiler :)
20131018 16:45:46 <rmk0> but i will need some sort of minimal gui for in-game
20131018 17:40:37 <hharrison> Oooo, mesa landing opengl 3.3 support
20131018 17:44:55 <hharrison> Really hoping the open drivers become a credible option for the steamboxes
20131018 17:46:13 <sgothel> yup .. at least Intel, eventually AMD will do it .. NV is IMHO on the verge to switch ..
20131018 17:46:38 <sgothel> doing unit tests .. now
20131018 17:48:09 <hharrison> I just don't understand why the ARM vendors don't seem to realize how behind they are
20131018 17:48:32 <hharrison> and what a threat the open-drivers are to their competitive advantage
20131018 17:49:01 <sgothel> yes, mentioned this w/ the rev. engineering .. they should be payed well by ARM since they generate value for 'em ..
20131018 17:49:12 <sgothel> and how stupid .. they could push it further
20131018 17:49:21 <sgothel> they DO FUCKING SALE HARDWARE :)
20131018 17:49:35 <sgothel> (or hardware IP)
20131018 17:49:37 <hharrison> That's the thing, it takes a long time to 'go open', once they finally realize it, it will be years before they catch up
20131018 17:49:47 * [Mike] (~Mike]@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 17:50:30 <sgothel> .. and even if you sell software, do it 'software as a service' for crying out loud
20131018 17:51:02 <sgothel> it's like the dying trade of overpaid art .. do something once and get payed a lifetime - won't work anymore soon
20131018 17:51:14 <hharrison> Yeah, I still don't understand what advatage they get (real or perceived) from not going with an open driver, baffling
20131018 17:51:38 <sgothel> code must be so shitty .. or something :)
20131018 17:51:53 <hharrison> Ahhh....the shame defence ;-)
20131018 17:52:07 <sgothel> or hierarchy in company .. you are just tired of blabbering the same every day
20131018 17:52:10 <hharrison> Or too many NSA backdoors
20131018 17:52:23 <sgothel> ha .. Intel proves you wrong here :)
20131018 17:52:38 <sgothel> do it in hardware .. firmware blobs ..
20131018 17:52:55 <sgothel> or even in silicon ? (Intel maybe)
20131018 17:53:13 <hharrison> I'll put my tinfoil hat back on ;-)
20131018 17:54:54 <sgothel> I posted a link to a paper a while ago .. that dotation bug (transistors on die) ..
20131018 17:55:07 <sgothel> could remove the randomness ..
20131018 17:59:41 <hharrison> Yeah, saw that
20131018 18:00:43 <hharrison> So, stylistic question: are you attached to using clone, or is that more of a historical leftover in the codebase...just curious
20131018 18:03:21 <sgothel> hmm .. my 'past' are C++ ctor w/ lots of qualifiers (const ..) .. but then I worked w/ Java 1.1 :)
20131018 18:03:43 <sgothel> so I don't mind a copy-ctor w/ const args .. etc
20131018 18:04:22 <hharrison> Sure, I'm not going to go on a crusade to kill them, but if I see buggy ones, I'll remove them rather than repair...agreed?
20131018 18:04:25 <sgothel> just no time to deal w/ these aspects of beauty all the time .. sometimes .. I can't help myself either :) .. you go ahead sure
20131018 18:04:40 <sgothel> yup
20131018 18:04:57 <sgothel> sure I appreciate all that!
20131018 18:05:04 <hharrison> I figure this is the level of help I can offer right now...let you concentrate on the new ground
20131018 18:07:25 <rmk0> is everyone working on jogl doing so with eclipse?
20131018 18:07:42 <hharrison> I'm an eclipse user
20131018 18:07:58 <sgothel> me too
20131018 18:08:14 <rmk0> just wondering if it'd be worth publishing a set of cleanup/formatter/compiler settings that can be loaded into eclipse
20131018 18:08:26 <rmk0> to keep the codebase consistent now that cleanups are occurring
20131018 18:08:55 <hharrison> formatter maybe a bit early....pretty large range of styles in the codebase
20131018 18:09:26 <hharrison> But suggested/mandatory compiler warnings would be useful
20131018 18:09:50 <hharrison> Have the 'low noise' set, gradually add new checks as existing stuff gets dealt with
20131018 18:47:07 * xranby-64 (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131018 19:35:01 * xranby-64 (~familjen@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20131018 19:59:37 <rmk0> i could devote quite a bit of time to doing cleanup work
20131018 20:00:02 <rmk0> is kind of hypnotic, low effort stuff i tend to do when i'm thinking about other problems
20131018 20:00:39 <rmk0> wasn't sure if patches like that would be welcomed, because in some places it's considered needless churn
20131018 20:13:00 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=857 <- Down .. w/ unit test cleanup regrading URI/URL
20131018 20:14:32 <sgothel> @Mark: Not really .. Warnings and language optimization (qualifiers .. etc) .. enhances quality and gives some intrinsic safety
20131018 20:14:56 <sgothel> final and @Override, as well as private are good examples ..
20131018 20:15:13 <sgothel> and keep in mind .. code is 10+ years old .. partially :)
20131018 20:16:07 <sgothel> @Harvey .. so I went through this .. thoroughly .. have the feeling I don't want to touch it _ever_ again :)
20131018 20:16:45 <sgothel> fetching .. ah .. lucky me, nothing from Harvey in this regard :)
20131018 20:17:15 <sgothel> @ALL: It needs such ass kicking to keep quality high - so yes, motivation and ass-kicking always welcome
20131018 20:17:49 <sgothel> maybe I have time for the remaining JPanel parent visibility bug .. on OSX .. @Harvey Bug XXX ?
20131018 20:17:59 <sgothel> then .. we should call it 2.1.1
20131018 20:18:14 <sgothel> (if you don't mind)
20131018 20:33:49 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=854 <- Mesa, Java3D issue ..
20131018 20:34:54 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has left #jogamp
20131018 20:41:10 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=862 <- .. always testing core profiles .. so this almost slipped :)
20131018 23:56:53 * xranby (~xranby@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
20131019 00:05:11 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131019 02:49:02 <sgothel> @Harvey: TestBug816OSXCALayerPos03cAWT - Checkbox toggles GLCanvas's parent jpanel's visibility state.
20131019 02:51:16 <sgothel> (working)
20131019 02:58:11 <sgothel> .. adding CLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo
20131019 04:49:23 <sgothel> done
20131019 04:50:04 <sgothel> .. release after sleep
20131019 04:55:50 * [Mike] (~Mike]@anon) Quit ()
20131019 05:24:05 <sgothel> http://jogamp.org/deployment/archive/master/gluegen_733-joal_489-jogl_1114-jocl_865/ <- 2.1.1
20131019 05:24:30 <sgothel> deploying maven 2.1.1 on our server (@Mark: Pls push to central ..)
20131019 05:29:17 <sgothel> signed and links updated ..
20131019 05:32:00 * [Mike] (~Mike]@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131019 05:38:11 <sgothel> tagging & archiving
20131019 05:51:24 <sgothel> http://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Release_2.1.1
20131019 07:45:56 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131019 08:00:16 * xranby-64 (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131019 08:54:39 * [Mike] (~Mike]@anon) Quit ()
20131019 10:26:54 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has left #jogamp
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20131019 12:11:05 * rmk0 pushes 2.1.1
20131019 12:21:46 <sgothel> thx
20131019 12:47:32 <sgothel> me off till monday/tuesday .. good weekend
20131019 12:48:21 <rmk0> byee!
20131019 12:51:21 * sgothel (~sven@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20131019 15:21:04 * odin_ (~Odin@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20131019 15:41:26 <rmk0> anybody know of any examples of correctly setting up multithreaded rendering on JOGL?
20131019 15:55:50 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has left #jogamp
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20131019 19:22:55 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20131019 19:23:00 <Eclesia> hi
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20131019 20:38:24 * Disconnected.