#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20140311 18:48:45 (UTC)

20140311 18:48:46 -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
20140311 18:48:52 * jogamp (~jogamp@anon) has joined #jogamp
20140311 18:48:52 * Topic is 'http://jogamp.org | Hacking 3D Graphics, Multimedia and Processing across Devices'
20140311 18:48:52 * Set by rmk0 on 20130116 23:58:04
20140311 18:48:52 -NickServ- You are now identified for jogamp.
20140311 18:48:58 <sgothel> nope .. one user was waiting for 24 hours .. but didn't look into to deeply ..
20140311 19:06:38 <rmk0> checking to see if i can reproduce the forum issue with maven
20140311 19:06:44 <rmk0> i don't have a jdk8, though
20140311 19:09:26 <rmk0> oh dear, i can reproduce it
20140311 19:11:07 <rmk0> oh for fuck's sake
20140311 19:11:29 <rmk0> have absolutely no idea how, but the source jar has been uploaded as the class jar
20140311 19:11:46 <sgothel> same w/ local repo ?
20140311 19:12:49 <rmk0> yep
20140311 19:12:53 <rmk0> >_<
20140311 19:12:58 <rmk0> god damnit, that's incredibly frustrating
20140311 19:13:44 <rmk0> i'll try to find out what happens in these situations, there may be a way to replace the artifacts on central
20140311 19:14:07 <rmk0> don't want to require a 2.1.6 for this idiotic mistake on my part
20140311 19:17:32 <rmk0> guess that should've had more testing
20140311 19:17:38 <rmk0> like... some
20140311 19:18:19 <sgothel> would be nice to learn how to flush a whole release ..
20140311 19:18:49 <rmk0> to do that reliably on the jogamp repository requires a repos manager
20140311 19:19:03 <rmk0> have a nasty feeling it's absolutely not doable on the central repository
20140311 19:21:17 <sgothel> 2.1.5b ?
20140311 19:21:34 <rmk0> heh, it might come to that
20140311 19:23:17 <sgothel> Note: zfs send/receive - watch the 'mountpoint' property after initial sent - it will be transfered :)