#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20160401 05:06:14 (UTC)

20160401 05:06:14 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160330120714.html
20160401 05:06:14 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160401050614.html
20160401 06:54:31 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160401 07:38:34 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160401 07:38:43 <Eclesia> good morning
20160401 08:00:33 * netlike (~netlike@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160401 08:56:19 * netlike (~netlike@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20160401 09:52:07 <rmk0> Eclesia: http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160330120714.html#l53
20160401 09:55:10 <Eclesia> rmk0: nice tips
20160401 09:56:14 <rmk0> i'm just glad i can actually profile now! \o/
20160401 09:58:23 <Eclesia> rmk0: it's just the FireGL gpu here at work which is disastrous. glClear is the most expensive thing with it. But at home with the gtx970, glclear is not even on the first page of the most expensive calls.
20160401 12:37:32 <monsieur_max> Eclesia: funny ... i have a fireGL at work and a gtx970 at home too .... are you me ?
20160401 12:39:33 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160401 12:43:13 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160401 12:45:36 <Eclesia> monsieur_max: maybe, type lscpu in a terminal
20160401 12:46:19 * monsieur_max is too afraid to know the truth
20160401 12:46:24 * Eclesia http://pastebin.com/3hA2Bqy0
20160401 12:47:01 <monsieur_max> jokes on you, i'm on windows at work :(
20160401 12:47:06 <monsieur_max> but i have a xeon too ;)
20160401 12:47:28 <Eclesia> only one ?
20160401 12:48:29 <monsieur_max> ouh did not see the number of sockets :) nice
20160401 12:48:58 <Eclesia> ^^ server machine
20160401 13:23:38 <dwbrite> Good morning
20160401 13:23:46 <dwbrite> Where has elect been??!
20160401 13:24:12 <Eclesia> you scared here
20160401 13:28:12 <Eclesia> him*
20160401 13:28:14 <monsieur_max> dwbrite: don't know, did not hear from him since a while now, even on other channels
20160401 13:28:40 <dwbrite> Maybe he's on vacation?
20160401 13:28:59 <Eclesia> if he is a french student that's possible
20160401 13:31:45 <monsieur_max> no, he's italian and no student
20160401 13:33:11 <zubzub> maybe he died in the brussels bombings
20160401 13:33:29 <dwbrite> Woah.
20160401 13:33:53 <dwbrite> That's something to say
20160401 13:33:56 <zubzub> I can write that because I'm belgian and the bombings happend 500m from where I work :p
20160401 13:34:29 <Eclesia> must have been a nuclear warhead if it reached Italia.
20160401 13:34:30 <zubzub> but I hope he's ok
20160401 13:34:48 <bruce-> he is just on a lunch break
20160401 13:34:50 <dwbrite> https://github.com/elect86
20160401 13:34:56 <dwbrite> Nothing on github
20160401 13:34:59 <zubzub> bruce-: ah yes the famous italian lunch breaks
20160401 13:36:39 <monsieur_max> dwbrite: send him an email , he's a nice guy and won't be bothered, he'll even feel famous
20160401 13:36:49 <monsieur_max> his mail is on github
20160401 13:39:57 <Eclesia> Something like : "My dear Elect, I miss you, come quickly I have something just for you" :D
20160401 13:40:56 <Eclesia> (talking about some GL code of course)
20160401 13:42:38 <dwbrite> I think it needs a winkey face somewhere
20160401 13:43:56 <dwbrite> "My de;)ar Elect, I miss you, come quickly I ;)have something just for you ;))))"
20160401 13:43:58 <dwbrite> Perfect.
20160401 13:44:25 <Eclesia> you can also attach a picture
20160401 13:45:10 <dwbrite> I know exactly what to put.
20160401 13:56:45 <dwbrite> http://imgur.com/2EYi7zM
20160401 13:56:50 <dwbrite> How's that?
20160401 13:58:17 <zubzub> looks great
20160401 13:59:10 <Eclesia> sweet, maybe attach a suspicious archive with some fake codefix.exe file in it. ^^
20160401 14:06:52 <dwbrite> gmail blocked it for security reasons :C
20160401 14:08:05 <Eclesia> and with the (excel) xls extension ?
20160401 14:09:47 <dwbrite> http://imgur.com/JR1uZyl
20160401 14:14:25 <dwbrite> And added an xls now
20160401 14:15:14 <dwbrite> Sent.
20160401 15:50:02 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160401 15:56:48 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has left #jogamp
20160401 17:11:21 <dwbrite> If anyone is here, care to give me some numbers to test a largeDecimal class? It's got just the simple stuff, so addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
20160401 17:17:20 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160401 17:26:46 <dwbrite> max
20160401 17:28:06 <dwbrite> monsieur_max: Give me some numbers to test my LargeDecimal class with addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division.
20160401 17:28:31 <monsieur_max> i'm not a bot, sorry
20160401 17:28:53 <dwbrite> Rude :O
20160401 17:31:04 <monsieur_max> dwbrite: yeah rude, you're right, not even a "please" :(
20160401 17:31:35 <dwbrite> + "please."
20160401 17:35:17 <dwbrite> <3
20160401 19:01:00 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160401 19:19:14 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has left #jogamp
20160401 19:21:00 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160401 21:06:00 <Eclesia> \o/ found my bug (6 month after)
20160401 21:45:22 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160401 23:04:39 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160402 05:06:15 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160402050615.html