Downloading and installing JOGL: Difference between revisions

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Before you can build a project that uses JOGL in your IDE or on the command line, you'll need to download and install the JOGL JAR files and native libraries (.dll/.so/.jnilib files).

You have a choice of JOGL versions to download. The latest stable version is the safest, but lags behind in features. The latest automatic build contains all checked-in code, but may be failing some tests.

Downloading the latest stable version

Go to this page and download one of these files for each platform you're developing on:

32-bit Windows: jogamp-windows-i586.7z
64-bit Windows: jogamp-windows-amd64.7z
32/64-bit Mac OS X: jogamp-macosx-universal.7z
32-bit Linux: jogamp-linux-i586.7z
64-bit Linux: jogamp-linux-amd64.7z
32-bit Solaris: jogamp-solaris-i586.7z
64-bit Solaris: jogamp-solaris-amd64.7z

Downloading the latest automatic build

For the latest automatic build, we have to download gluegen and jogl separately.

First, go to this page and click on the most recent gluegen-b* directory. Then download one of these files for each platform you're developing on:

32-bit Windows: gluegen-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-windows-i586.7z
64-bit Windows: gluegen-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-windows-amd64.7z
32/64-bit Mac OS X: gluegen-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-macosx-universal.7z
32-bit Linux: gluegen-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-linux-i586.7z
64-bit Linux: gluegen-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-linux-amd64.7z
32-bit Solaris: gluegen-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-solaris-i586.7z
64-bit Solaris: gluegen-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-solaris-amd64.7z

Then, go back to this page and click on the most recent jogl-b* directory. Then download one of these files for each platform you're developing on:

32-bit Windows: jogl-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-windows-i586.7z
64-bit Windows: jogl-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-windows-amd64.7z
32/64-bit Mac OS X: jogl-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-macosx-universal.7z
32-bit Linux: jogl-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-linux-i586.7z
64-bit Linux: jogl-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-linux-amd64.7z
32-bit Solaris: jogl-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-solaris-i586.7z
64-bit Solaris: jogl-2.0-bvvv-20yymmdd-solaris-amd64.7z

Note that these automatic builds may not have passed all the regression tests. You can check the test results on the build server to make sure you're not downloading a broken build.

Unzipping the files

Unzip all the downloaded files with 7zip. An unzipped file has this general directory structure:


Now you may copy the required JARs out of each jar folder and the native libraries out of each lib folder. For a full desktop installation, here are the files you need:

Windows Linux Mac
gluegen-rt.jar gluegen-rt.jar gluegen-rt.jar
jogl.all.jar jogl.all.jar jogl.all.jar
jogl.all.jar jogl.all.jar jogl.all.jar
gluegen-rt.dll libgluegen-rt.jnilib
jogl_desktop.dll libjogl_desktop.jnilib
nativewindow_awt.dll libnativewindow_awt.jnilib
nativewindow_win32.dll libnativewindow_macosx.jnilib
newt.dll libnewt.jnilib

More information

JogAmp follows a release scheme, which describes the following locations to download the 7z archives from:

JOGL Deployment describes the content of the 7z archive files.

These installations contain all of JOGL. If you want to remove parts you don't use, see JOGL Deployment for more information.