JOGL AWT Components, e.g. GLCanvas or NewtCanvasAWT, may be reconfigured by moving them to another display/monitor or by other means. Since AWT has no means to notify the user code via an event, JOGL components usually determine the reconfiguration via the override 'GraphicsConfiguration getGraphicsConfiguration()'. GLCanvas is sensible to this reconfiguration, however its AWTGraphicsConfiguration (owned via JAWTWindow) is not changed. Implement reconfiguration detection for all JOGL AWT Components and update the AWTGraphicsConfiguration if required. For now, constraint reconfiguration on GraphicsDevice change as currently implemented in GLCanvas. The updated AWTGraphicsConfiguration allows using the updated GraphicsDevice as it might be required for further information, e.g. pixel-scale on OSX.
commit 6ae08be1742e6d805b316c0d440364854a49e68f implemented as described.