---- Reported by davelloyd 2006-03-23 08:23:50 ---- It would be very useful if the Screenshot class could select any screen rectangle. Thus the core method would have the following signature: Code: public static BufferedImage readToBufferedImage (int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean alpha) throws GLException; Change required is to simply pass in x, y to glReadPixels instead of 0,0 ---- Additional Comments From kbr 2006-03-25 15:47:20 ---- Added new overloaded entry points accepting starting x and y coordinates. --- Bug imported by sgothel@jausoft.com 2010-03-24 07:48 EDT --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 211 at https://jogl.dev.java.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=211