---- Reported by m4braham 2006-03-28 12:30:21 ---- I would like to be able to access the chosen pixel format etc, mainly for logging purposes. It can be done as the API stands but an accessor on GLDrawable would be very convenient! ---- Additional Comments From kbr 2006-11-19 12:52:08 ---- Added getChosenGLCapabilities() to the GLDrawable interface. Implemented on Windows, Unix and Mac OS X platforms with various techniques. Attempts to provide correct answers in all cases, even when the GLCapabilitiesChooser mechanism is not supported. Required addition of new platform-specific Java code in most cases to either re-convert existing PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTORS / XVisualInfos, or to query the pixel format or visual chosen for drawables like pbuffers for which the chooser mechanism is not (yet) implemented. Tested on Windows, Solaris/x86, and Mac OS X with on-screen, off-screen and pbuffer drawables. (Full support for the Java2D/JOGL bridge is not yet in place; the answer returned from the GLJPanel in this case is currently the default GLCapabilities, and it is likely that "external" GLDrawables will return null.) --- Bug imported by sgothel@jausoft.com 2010-03-24 07:48 EDT --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 213 at https://jogl.dev.java.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=213