---- Reported by andyskinner 2004-02-06 10:38:03 ---- My issue #62 is the result of trying to get a complicated multi-threaded approach to work with the assumption that the GLCanvas can only tell my app to do something through the GLEventListener interface. I'd prefer a simpler approach that skips those issues altogether. I'd really like only only thread (my rendering thread) to deal with Jogl. However, I do want to be able to render when the GLCanvas gets a paint event. This is my suggestion, though I'd be open to other ways of achieving the same thing: In GLCanvas.paint(), add an else condition to the if that checks the autoredraw mode. If autoredraws are turned off, call paint(g) on the GLCanvas's parent. This allows me to set up GLCanvas, turn off autoredraw, and have my paint method tell my rendering thread when it can go. Now I don't have to worry about thread synchronization issues trying to share Jogl between AWT calling display() and my rendering thread calling display(), and things are much cleaner. I first thought of asking for another method on the GLEventListener interface, but I don't want the call to go through invokeGL(), which is synchronized. Because I want to be in control of Jogl, I just want GLCanvas to let me know when it would have made a picture, so I could handle it in my own way (in addition to the way I initiate making a picture on my own). If there is a good way to handle this already, I'd be interested in hearing about it. I'm trying to fit this into a large existing system, so I can't make too many architectural changes to my own stuff. thanks andy ---- Additional Comments From kbr 2006-01-10 23:58:50 ---- The JSR-231 APIs have substantially revised the amount of control given to applications as well as significantly changed how operations such as forcing all GLAutoDrawable work on to a single thread are done. The NoAutoRedraw API has been completely removed from the JSR-231 APIs as it is no longer necessary for correctness. We believe the current JOGL implementation is significantly more robust than earlier versions and request you try the current version if still applicable. --- Bug imported by sgothel@jausoft.com 2010-03-24 07:46 EDT --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 63 at https://jogl.dev.java.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=63