---- Reported by albanc 2003-06-16 07:45:25 ---- OpenMind uses an extension of GLAnimCanvas in order to add it's own functions and hide all the low level OpenGL code from the user. The new GLCanvas class has been made final and can't be extended ! Why ? Please, avoid making classes final. This is of no interest for you and prevents the end users from making extended / higher level code, which is often very frustrating. Alban Cousinié Mind2Machine ---- Additional Comments From kbr 2003-06-18 08:59:30 ---- This was done by design. GL4Java allowed two ways of performing OpenGL drawing, both subclassing e.g. GLCanvas and adding a GLEventListener. OpenGL context management is somewhat tricky (especially in Java, where exceptions can be thrown) and has been hidden from the end user in Jogl. In Jogl there is one way of performing rendering, adding a GLEventListener to the GLDrawable. For this reason both GLCanvas and GLJPanel are final. --- Bug imported by sgothel@jausoft.com 2010-03-24 07:45 EDT --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 8 at https://jogl.dev.java.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=8