---- Reported by catharsis 2004-06-03 15:04:27 ---- Provide a platform independent way to enable disable vsync.. An example of such functionality can be found in LWJGL where vsync is enabled by a method call "Window.setVSyncEnabled(<boolean>)" http://www.javagaming.org/cgi-bin/JGNetForums/YaBB.cgi? board=jogl;action=display;num=1085725562 Ken Russell: "Disabling sync-to-vertical-retrace is a window system-specific option. If you're on Windows, you can call wglSwapIntervalEXT(0). It looks like the analogous function on X11 is glXSwapIntervalSGI. We should probably provide some platform-independent means for doing this." ---- Additional Comments From kbr 2005-04-23 17:31:03 ---- Sorry for the long delay in addressing this bug. GL.setSwapInterval(int interval) has been added and implemented on all of JOGL's supported platforms. --- Bug imported by sgothel@jausoft.com 2010-03-24 07:46 EDT --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 92 at https://jogl.dev.java.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=92