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Rendering problems on FreeBSD 8.2
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Log of output from NEWT gears test (note null values in first section of log)
TestNEWTGears.log.txt (text/plain), 168.73 KB, created by
on 2011-05-30 04:12:59 CEST
Log of output from NEWT gears test (note null values in first section of log)
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2011-05-30 04:12:59 CEST
168.73 KB
>JUnit version 4.8.2 >Info: XInitThreads() called for concurrent Thread support >GLProfile.init firstUIActionOnProcess: true, thread: main >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Platform: FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE (os), amd64 (arch) 8 cores >Platform: littleEndian true, 32Bit false, a-ptr bit-size 64 >Platform: Java 1.6.0, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Sun Microsystems Inc., http://java.sun.com/, is JavaSE: true >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Package: com.jogamp.common >Extension Name: null >Specification Title: null >Specification Vendor: null >Specification Version: null >Implementation Title: null >Implementation Vendor: null >Implementation Vendor ID: null >Implementation URL: null >Implementation Version: null >Implementation Branch: null >Implementation Commit: null >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Package: javax.media.nativewindow >Extension Name: null >Specification Title: null >Specification Vendor: null >Specification Version: null >Implementation Title: null >Implementation Vendor: null >Implementation Vendor ID: null >Implementation URL: null >Implementation Version: null >Implementation Branch: null >Implementation Commit: null >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Package: javax.media.opengl >Extension Name: null >Specification Title: null >Specification Vendor: null >Specification Version: null >Implementation Title: null >Implementation Vendor: null >Implementation Vendor ID: null >Implementation URL: null >Implementation Version: null >Implementation Branch: null >Implementation Commit: null >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >GLDrawableFactory.static - Native OS Factory for: X11: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory >main-SharedResourceRunner STARTED >main-SharedResourceRunner -> ready >java.lang.Throwable: Info: GLProfile.initProfilesForDevice: X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x0], isSet false > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.initProfilesForDeviceImpl(GLProfile.java:1302) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.initProfilesForDevice(GLProfile.java:1292) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.initProfilesForDefaultDevices(GLProfile.java:1260) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.access$000(GLProfile.java:71) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile$1.run(GLProfile.java:117) > at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.initSingleton(GLProfile.java:115) > at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT.initClass(TestGearsNEWT.java:58) > at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) > at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) > at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) > at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616) > at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:44) > at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:15) > at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:41) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:27) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(RunAfters.java:31) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236) > at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:128) > at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:24) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:193) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:52) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:191) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:42) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:184) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:157) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:136) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:117) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(JUnitCore.java:98) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(JUnitCore.java:53) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(JUnitCore.java:45) > at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT.main(TestGearsNEWT.java:131) >GLProfile.init map :0.0, desktopCtxUndef true, eglCtxUndef true >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL4bc/GL4bc] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map default GLProfile[GL4bc/GL4bc] on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL2/GL2] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL4/GL4] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL3/GL3] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL2] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map *** no mapping for GLES2 on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL2] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map *** no mapping for GLES1 on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL2] on devide :0.0 >getOrCreateShared() :0.0: trying >main doAndWait START init: :0.0, release: null >main initializeAndWait set command init: :0.0, release: null >main-SharedResourceRunner woke up for device connection init: :0.0, release: null >main-SharedResourceRunner create Shared for: :0.0 >!!! glXChooseFBConfig recommended fbcfg 0x83bf42500, idx 0 >!!! user caps GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >!!! fbcfg caps GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.chooseGraphicsConfigurationStatic(X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000], idx 0],GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]): X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >java.lang.Exception: Info: setGL (OpenGL null): main-SharedResourceRunner, <null> -> GL4bcImpl, jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGL(GLContextImpl.java:189) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(GLContextImpl.java:857) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContext.createImplRaw(X11GLXContext.java:343) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContext.createImpl(X11GLXContext.java:270) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrentLocking(GLContextImpl.java:449) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent(GLContextImpl.java:386) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory$SharedResourceImplementation.createSharedResource(X11GLXDrawableFactory.java:199) > at jogamp.opengl.SharedResourceRunner.run(SharedResourceRunner.java:206) > at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679) >main-SharedResourceRunner: !!! Initializing GLX extension address table: X11_:0.0_0 >main-SharedResourceRunner: !!! GLContext GLX ProcAddressTable mapping key(X11_:0.0_0) -> 718123118 >java.lang.Exception: Stack trace > at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(Thread.java:1266) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContext.updateGLXProcAddressTable(X11GLXContext.java:489) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(GLContextImpl.java:860) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContext.createImplRaw(X11GLXContext.java:343) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContext.createImpl(X11GLXContext.java:270) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrentLocking(GLContextImpl.java:449) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent(GLContextImpl.java:386) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory$SharedResourceImplementation.createSharedResource(X11GLXDrawableFactory.java:199) > at jogamp.opengl.SharedResourceRunner.run(SharedResourceRunner.java:206) > at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679) >main-SharedResourceRunner: !!! Context FQN: X11_:0.0_0-0x2202 >main-SharedResourceRunner: !!! GLContext GL ProcAddressTable mapping key(X11_:0.0_0-0x2202) -> 760805843 >ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Flush availability OpenGL 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1 >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Pre-caching init jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281, OpenGL 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1 >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Pre-caching extension availability OpenGL 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1, use glGetString >!!! GLX extensions: GLX_ARB_get_proc_address GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_EXT_import_context GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_OML_swap_method GLX_SGIS_multisample GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: ALL EXTENSIONS: 132 >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Added GL_VERSION_2_1 to known extensions >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Added GL_VERSION_2_0 to known extensions >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Added GL_VERSION_1_5 to known extensions >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Added GL_VERSION_1_4 to known extensions >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Added GL_VERSION_1_3 to known extensions >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Added GL_VERSION_1_2 to known extensions >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Added GL_VERSION_1_1 to known extensions >main-SharedResourceRunner:ExtensionAvailabilityCache: Added GL_VERSION_1_0 to known extensions >main-SharedResourceRunner: !!! GLContext GL ExtensionAvailabilityCache mapping key(X11_:0.0_0-0x2202) -> 274617771 >main-SharedResourceRunner: createContextImpl: NOT OK (ARB, initial) - extension not available - share 0 >X11GLXContext.createContextImpl failed, fall back to !ARB context 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1 >main-SharedResourceRunner: createContextImpl: OK (old-2) share 0 >main-SharedResourceRunner: createContextImpl: OK direct true/true >main-SharedResourceRunner: !!! Create GL context OK: 0x83bf4c900 for jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXContext >GLPipelineFactory: Start jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl, req. Interface: null -> javax.media.opengl.Debug >GLPipelineFactory: Try jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl Interface[9]: javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >GLPipelineFactory: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl _is_ instance of javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >GLPipelineFactory: Got : javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc, base interface: javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >java.lang.Exception: Info: setGL (OpenGL 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1): main-SharedResourceRunner, GL4bcImpl, jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 -> DebugGL4bc, DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 > ] > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGL(GLContextImpl.java:189) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent(GLContextImpl.java:409) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory$SharedResourceImplementation.createSharedResource(X11GLXDrawableFactory.java:199) > at jogamp.opengl.SharedResourceRunner.run(SharedResourceRunner.java:206) > at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679) >GLPipelineFactory: Start javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc, req. Interface: null -> javax.media.opengl.Trace >GLPipelineFactory: Try javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc Interface[9]: javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >GLPipelineFactory: javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc _is_ instance of javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >GLPipelineFactory: Got : javax.media.opengl.TraceGL4bc, base interface: javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >java.lang.Exception: Info: setGL (OpenGL 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1): main-SharedResourceRunner, DebugGL4bc, DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 > ] -> TraceGL4bc, TraceGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 > ] > ] > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGL(GLContextImpl.java:189) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent(GLContextImpl.java:413) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory$SharedResourceImplementation.createSharedResource(X11GLXDrawableFactory.java:199) > at jogamp.opengl.SharedResourceRunner.run(SharedResourceRunner.java:206) > at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679) >GLDebugMessageHandler: Using extension: <null> >GLDebugMessageHandler: No extension available! >!!! SharedDevice: X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000] >!!! SharedScreen: X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000], idx 0] >!!! SharedContext: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXContext [OpenGL 2.1, options 0x22, 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1, handle 0x83bf4c900, TraceGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 > ] > ], > Drawable: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11DummyGLXDrawable[Realized true, > Factory jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory@5239443f, > handle 0x2c00002, > Window WrappedSurface[config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]], displayHandle 0x83be40000, surfaceHandle 0x2c00002, size 64x64]], direct true] , madeCurrent true >!!! GLX Vendor: Mesa Project and SGI >!!! GLX Version: 1.4.0 >= 1.3: true >main-SharedResourceRunner -> ready >main initializeAndWait END init: :0.0, release: null >java.lang.Throwable: getOrCreateSharedl() :0.0: done > at jogamp.opengl.SharedResourceRunner.getOrCreateShared(SharedResourceRunner.java:103) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory.getOrCreateSharedContextImpl(X11GLXDrawableFactory.java:264) > at javax.media.opengl.GLDrawableFactory.getOrCreateSharedContext(GLDrawableFactory.java:283) > at javax.media.opengl.GLDrawableFactory.getIsSharedContextAvailable(GLDrawableFactory.java:270) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.initProfilesForDeviceImpl(GLProfile.java:1319) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.initProfilesForDevice(GLProfile.java:1292) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.initProfilesForDefaultDevices(GLProfile.java:1260) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.access$000(GLProfile.java:71) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile$1.run(GLProfile.java:117) > at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) > at javax.media.opengl.GLProfile.initSingleton(GLProfile.java:115) > at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT.initClass(TestGearsNEWT.java:58) > at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) > at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) > at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) > at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616) > at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:44) > at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:15) > at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:41) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:27) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(RunAfters.java:31) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236) > at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:128) > at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:24) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:193) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:52) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:191) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:42) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:184) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:157) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:136) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:117) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(JUnitCore.java:98) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(JUnitCore.java:53) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(JUnitCore.java:45) > at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT.main(TestGearsNEWT.java:131) >GLProfile.initProfilesForDevice: X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x0]: desktop Shared Ctx true >GLProfile.init map :0.0, desktopCtxUndef false, eglCtxUndef false >GLProfile.init map *** no mapping for GL4bc on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map *** no mapping for GL3bc on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL2/GL2] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map default GLProfile[GL2/GL2] on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map *** no mapping for GL4 on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map *** no mapping for GL3 on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL2] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map *** no mapping for GLES2 on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL2] on devide :0.0 >GLProfile.init map *** no mapping for GLES1 on device :0.0 >GLProfile.init map GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL2] on devide :0.0 >main: !!! createContextARB: SET mappedVersionsAvailableSet X11_:0.0_0 >GLProfile.initProfilesForDevice: :0.0: added profile(s): desktop true, egl false >GLProfile.initProfilesForDevice: :0.0: GLAvailability[Native[GL4bc false, GL4 false, GL3bc false, GL3 false, GL2 true[1.5 (compatibility profile, any, old)], GL2ES1 true, GLES1 false, GL2ES2 true, GLES2 false], Profiles[GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL2], GLProfile[GL2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL2], , default GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >GLProfile.dumpGLInfo: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXContext [OpenGL 2.1, options 0x22, 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1, handle 0x83bf4c900, TraceGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 > ] > ], > Drawable: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11DummyGLXDrawable[Realized true, > Factory jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory@5239443f, > handle 0x2c00002, > Window WrappedSurface[config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]], displayHandle 0x83be40000, surfaceHandle 0x2c00002, size 64x64]], direct true] >glGetString(<int> 0x1F00) = Mesa Project >glGetString(<int> 0x1F02) = 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1 >ExtensionAvailabilityCache: getGLExtensions() called >!!! GLX extensions: GLX_ARB_get_proc_address GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_EXT_import_context GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_OML_swap_method GLX_SGIS_multisample GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0]: GLAvailability[Native[GL4bc false, GL4 false, GL3bc false, GL3 false, GL2 true[1.5 (compatibility profile, any, old)], GL2ES1 true, GLES1 false, GL2ES2 true, GLES2 false], Profiles[GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL2], GLProfile[GL2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL2], , default GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >Swap Interval -1 >GL Profile GLProfile[GL2/GL2] >CTX VERSION 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1 >GL TraceGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 > ] > ] >GL_VENDOR Mesa Project >GL_VERSION 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1 >GL_EXTENSIONS > GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_120 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_logic_op GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_convolution GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_histogram GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_paletted_texture GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_resize_buffers GL_MESA_texture_array GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_OES_read_format GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGI_color_table GL_SGI_texture_color_table GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays >GLX_EXTENSIONS > GLX_ARB_get_proc_address GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_EXT_import_context GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_OML_swap_method GLX_SGIS_multisample GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x68 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x69 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x6a >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x6b >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x6c >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x6d >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x6e >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x6f >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x70 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x71 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x72 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x73 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x74 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x75 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x76 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x77 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x78 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x79 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x7a >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x7b >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x7c >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x7d >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x7e >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x7f >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x80 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x81 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x82 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x83 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x84 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x85 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x86 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0x87 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xa8 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xa9 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xaa >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xab >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xac >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xad >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xae >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xaf >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb0 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb1 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb2 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb3 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb4 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb5 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb6 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb7 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb8 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xb9 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xba >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xbb >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xbc >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xbd >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xbe >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xbf >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xc0 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xc1 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xc2 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xc3 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xc4 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xc5 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xc6 >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.GLXFBConfig2GLCapabilities: Null XVisualInfo for FBConfigID 0xc7 >GLCaps[---- 0x68: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x69: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x6a: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x6b: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x6c: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x6d: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x6e: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x6f: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x70: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 8/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x71: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 8/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x72: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 8/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x73: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 8/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x74: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 8/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x75: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 8/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x76: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 8/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x77: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 8/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x78: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x79: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x7a: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x7b: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x7c: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x7d: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x7e: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x7f: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x80: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x81: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x82: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x83: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x84: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x85: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x86: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0x87: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xa8: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xa9: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xaa: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xab: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xac: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xad: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xae: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xaf: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb0: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 8/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb1: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 8/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb2: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 8/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb3: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 8/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb4: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 8/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb5: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 8/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb6: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 8/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb7: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 8/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb8: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xb9: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xba: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xbb: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xbc: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xbd: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xbe: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xbf: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xc0: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xc1: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xc2: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xc3: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xc4: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xc5: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xc6: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[---- 0xc7: offscr, rgba 5/6/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x21 0xa6: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x21 0xa6: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x22 0xe6: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x22 0xe6: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x67 0xa2: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x67 0xa2: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xe8 0x88: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xe8 0x88: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xe9 0x89: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xe9 0x89: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xea 0x8a: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xea 0x8a: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xeb 0x8b: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xeb 0x8b: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xec 0x8c: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xec 0x8c: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xed 0x8d: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xed 0x8d: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xee 0x8e: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xee 0x8e: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xef 0x8f: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xef 0x8f: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf0 0x90: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf0 0x90: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf1 0x91: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf1 0x91: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf3 0x93: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf3 0x93: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf4 0x94: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf4 0x94: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf5 0x95: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf5 0x95: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf6 0x96: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf6 0x96: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf7 0x97: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf7 0x97: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf8 0x98: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf8 0x98: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xf9 0x99: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xf9 0x99: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xfa 0x9a: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xfa 0x9a: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xfb 0x9b: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xfb 0x9b: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xfc 0x9c: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xfc 0x9c: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xfd 0x9d: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xfd 0x9d: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xfe 0x9e: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xfe 0x9e: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0xff 0x9f: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0xff 0x9f: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x100 0xa0: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x100 0xa0: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x101 0xa1: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x101 0xa1: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x102 0xa3: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x102 0xa3: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x103 0xa4: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x103 0xa4: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x104 0xa5: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x104 0xa5: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x105 0xa7: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x105 0xa7: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x106 0xc8: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x106 0xc8: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x107 0xc9: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x107 0xc9: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x108 0xca: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x108 0xca: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x109 0xcb: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x109 0xcb: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x10a 0xcc: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x10a 0xcc: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x10b 0xcd: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x10b 0xcd: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x10c 0xce: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x10c 0xce: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x10d 0xcf: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x10d 0xcf: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x10e 0xd0: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x10e 0xd0: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x10f 0xd1: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x10f 0xd1: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x110 0xd2: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x110 0xd2: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x111 0xd3: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x111 0xd3: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x112 0xd4: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x112 0xd4: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x113 0xd5: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x113 0xd5: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x114 0xd6: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x114 0xd6: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x115 0xd7: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x115 0xd7: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x116 0xd8: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x116 0xd8: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x117 0xd9: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x117 0xd9: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x118 0xda: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x118 0xda: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x119 0xdb: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x119 0xdb: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x11a 0xdc: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x11a 0xdc: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x11b 0xdd: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x11b 0xdd: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x11c 0xde: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x11c 0xde: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x11d 0xdf: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x11d 0xdf: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 0/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x11e 0xe0: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x11e 0xe0: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x11f 0xe1: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x11f 0xe1: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x120 0xe2: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x120 0xe2: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x121 0xe3: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x121 0xe3: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x122 0xe4: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x122 0xe4: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x123 0xe5: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x123 0xe5: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLCaps[0x124 0xe7: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >GLCaps[0x124 0xe7: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] >GLProfile.init isAWTAvailable false >GLProfile.init has desktopFactory true >GLProfile.init hasDesktopGL true >GLProfile.init hasGL234Impl true >GLProfile.init has eglFactory true >GLProfile.init hasGLES1Impl false >GLProfile.init hasGLES2Impl false >GLProfile.init defaultDesktopDevice X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x0] >GLProfile.init defaultEGLDevice EGLGraphicsDevice[type EGL, connection decon, unitID 0, handle 0x0] >GLProfile.init defaultDevice X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x0] >.SLOCK 1306717155178 +++ com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT - Locked /var/tmp/UITestCase.lock >++++ UITestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT - test01 >Display.createNative(X11_:0.0-1) Create EDTUtil: jogamp.newt.DefaultEDTUtil >Display.create() NEW: NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 0, hasEDT true, edtRunning false, null] main >Screen.create() NEW: NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 0, 480x480, null, NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 0, hasEDT true, edtRunning false, null]] main >Thread[main,5,main]: EDT START - edt: Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main] >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: EDT run() START main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1 >consumeWindowEvent: WindowEvent[WINDOW_RESIZED, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717155209 d 0ms]], visible false 0/0 128x128 >Animator add: 1111960904 - Thread[main,5,main] >Window setSize: START 128x128 -> 512x512, fs false, windowHandle 0x0, visible false >Window setSize: END 512x512, visibleAction 0 >Window setVisible: START (main) 0/0 512x512, fs false, windowHandle 0x0, visible: false -> true, parentWindowHandle 0x0, parentWindow false >java.lang.Exception: Stack trace > at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(Thread.java:1266) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.setVisible(WindowImpl.java:654) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.setVisible(GLWindow.java:287) > at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT.runTestGL(TestGearsNEWT.java:102) > at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT.test01(TestGearsNEWT.java:117) > at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) > at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) > at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) > at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616) > at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:44) > at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:15) > at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:41) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(InvokeMethod.java:20) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:28) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(RunAfters.java:31) > at org.junit.rules.TestWatchman$1.evaluate(TestWatchman.java:48) > at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runNotIgnored(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:79) > at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:71) > at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:49) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:193) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:52) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:191) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:42) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:184) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:28) > at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(RunAfters.java:31) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236) > at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:128) > at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:24) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:193) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:52) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:191) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:42) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:184) > at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:157) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:136) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:117) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(JUnitCore.java:98) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(JUnitCore.java:53) > at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(JUnitCore.java:45) > at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT.main(TestGearsNEWT.java:131) >GLWindow.resetCounter() Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main] >Window.createNative() START (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window[Config null >, NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 0, 480x480, null, NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 0, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, null]] >, ParentWindow null >, ParentWindowHandle 0x0 >, WindowHandle 0x0 >, SurfaceHandle 0x0 (lockedExt window false, surface false) >, Pos 0/0, size 512x512 >, Visible false >, Undecorated false >, Fullscreen false >, WrappedWindow null >, ChildWindows 0, SurfaceUpdatedListeners num 0 [], WindowListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1@625dcec6, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, ], MouseListeners num 0 [], KeyListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT$1@219ce060, ] ]) >Screen.addReference() (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): 0 -> 1 >Screen.createNative() START (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 0, 480x480, null, NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 0, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, null]]) >Display.addReference() (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): 0 -> 1 >Display.createNative() START (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 0, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, null]) >Display.createNative() END (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 0, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]) >Detected screen size 2880x900 >Screen.createNative() END (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 0, 2880x900, X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 1, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]]) >ScreenImpl.collectNativeScreenModes: ScreenMode number : 63 >ScreenImpl.collectNativeScreenModes: MonitorMode number : 16 >ScreenImpl.collectNativeScreenModes: ScreenSizeMM number: 1 >ScreenImpl.collectNativeScreenModes: SurfaceSize number : 7 >ScreenImpl.collectNativeScreenModes: Resolution number : 7 >ScreenModeStatus.map X11_:0.0-10 -> jogamp.newt.ScreenModeStatus@c9be79a >ScreenModeStatus.addListener (size: 1): NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 0, 2880x900, X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 1, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]] >!!! glXChooseFBConfig recommended fbcfg 0x83ec66e00, idx 0 >!!! user caps GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >!!! fbcfg caps GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.chooseGraphicsConfigurationStatic(X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0],GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]): X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >Window.createNative() END (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window[Config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >, NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 1, 2880x900, X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 1, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]] >, ParentWindow null >, ParentWindowHandle 0x0 >, WindowHandle 0x2e00002 >, SurfaceHandle 0x2e00002 (lockedExt window false, surface false) >, Pos 0/0, size 512x512 >, Visible false >, Undecorated false >, Fullscreen false >, WrappedWindow null >, ChildWindows 0, SurfaceUpdatedListeners num 0 [], WindowListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1@625dcec6, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, ], MouseListeners num 0 [], KeyListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT$1@219ce060, ] ]) >******** new parent (1): 0x600209 >Window.sizeChanged: (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): force false, 512x512 -> 1438x438 - windowHandle 0x2e00002 parentWindowHandle 0x0 >consumeWindowEvent: WindowEvent[WINDOW_RESIZED, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717155773 d 0ms]], visible false 0/0 1438x438 >Window.positionChanged: (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): 0/0 -> 1/1 - windowHandle 0x2e00002 parentWindowHandle 0x0 >consumeWindowEvent: WindowEvent[WINDOW_MOVED, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717155773 d 0ms]], visible false 1/1 1438x438 >Window.positionChanged: (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): 1/1 -> 1441/441 - windowHandle 0x2e00002 parentWindowHandle 0x0 >consumeWindowEvent: WindowEvent[WINDOW_MOVED, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717155773 d 0ms]], visible false 1441/441 1438x438 >Window.visibleChanged (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): false -> true - windowHandle 0x2e00002 parentWindowHandle 0x0 >Window.windowRepaint main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1 - 0/0 1438x438 >Window.consumeEvent: queued WindowUpdateEvent[WindowEvent[EVENT_WINDOW_REPAINT, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717155773 d 1ms]], [ 0 / 0 1438 x 438 ]] >Window.focusChanged: (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): false -> true - windowHandle 0x2e00002 parentWindowHandle 0x0 >consumeWindowEvent: WindowEvent[EVENT_WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717155775 d 0ms]], visible true 1441/441 1438x438 >GLWindow.setVisibleActionPost(true, true) Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main], start >GLDrawableFactoryImpl.createGLDrawable -> OnscreenDrawable: jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window[Config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >, NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 1, 2880x900, X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 1, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]] >, ParentWindow null >, ParentWindowHandle 0x0 >, WindowHandle 0x2e00002 >, SurfaceHandle 0x2e00002 (lockedExt window false, surface false) >, Pos 1441/441, size 1438x438 >, Visible true >, Undecorated false >, Fullscreen false >, WrappedWindow null >, ChildWindows 0, SurfaceUpdatedListeners num 0 [], WindowListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1@625dcec6, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, ], MouseListeners num 0 [], KeyListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT$1@219ce060, ] ] >GLDrawableFactoryImpl.createGLDrawable: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXDrawable[Realized false, > Factory jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory@5239443f, > handle 0x2e00002, > Window jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window[Config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >, NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 1, 2880x900, X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 1, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]] >, ParentWindow null >, ParentWindowHandle 0x0 >, WindowHandle 0x2e00002 >, SurfaceHandle 0x2e00002 (lockedExt window false, surface false) >, Pos 1441/441, size 1438x438 >, Visible true >, Undecorated false >, Fullscreen false >, WrappedWindow null >, ChildWindows 0, SurfaceUpdatedListeners num 0 [], WindowListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1@625dcec6, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, ], MouseListeners num 0 [], KeyListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT$1@219ce060, ] ]] >setRealized: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXDrawable false -> true >!!! glXChooseFBConfig recommended fbcfg 0x83ec66e00, idx 0 >!!! user caps GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >!!! fbcfg caps GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.chooseGraphicsConfigurationStatic(X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0],GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]): X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >!!! updateGraphicsConfiguration: X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >!!! X11GLXDrawable.setRealized(true): X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >GLWindow.setVisibleActionPost(true, true) Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main], fin >Window setVisible: END (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1) 1441/441 1438x438, fs false, windowHandle 0x2e00002, visible: true, nativeWindowCreated: true, madeVisible: true >consumeWindowEvent: WindowEvent[WINDOW_RESIZED, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717155787 d 0ms]], visible true 1441/441 1438x438 >java.lang.Exception: Info: setGL (OpenGL null): main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, <null> -> GL4bcImpl, jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@1cec6b00 > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGL(GLContextImpl.java:189) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(GLContextImpl.java:857) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContext.createImplRaw(X11GLXContext.java:343) > at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContext.createImpl(X11GLXContext.java:270) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrentLocking(GLContextImpl.java:449) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent(GLContextImpl.java:386) > at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL(GLDrawableHelper.java:320) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.display(GLWindow.java:537) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.display(GLWindow.java:513) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1.windowResized(GLWindow.java:91) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.consumeWindowEvent(WindowImpl.java:1957) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.sendWindowEvent(WindowImpl.java:1903) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.setVisibleActionImpl(WindowImpl.java:628) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl$VisibleAction.run(WindowImpl.java:640) > at com.jogamp.common.util.RunnableTask.run(RunnableTask.java:93) > at jogamp.newt.DefaultEDTUtil$EventDispatchThread.run(DefaultEDTUtil.java:282) >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: !!! Initializing GLX extension address table: X11_:0.0_0 >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: !!! GLContext GLX ProcAddressTable reusing key(X11_:0.0_0) -> 718123118 >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: !!! Context FQN: X11_:0.0_0-0x2202 >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: !!! GLContext GL ProcAddressTable reusing key(X11_:0.0_0-0x2202) -> 760805843 >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: !!! GLContext GL ExtensionAvailabilityCache reusing key(X11_:0.0_0-0x2202) -> 274617771 >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: createContextImpl: NOT OK (ARB, initial) - extension not available - share 0 >X11GLXContext.createContextImpl failed, fall back to !ARB context 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1 >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: createContextImpl: OK (old-2) share 0 >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: createContextImpl: OK direct true/true >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: !!! Create GL context OK: 0x83edcb900 for jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXContext >GLPipelineFactory: Start jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl, req. Interface: null -> javax.media.opengl.Debug >GLPipelineFactory: Try jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl Interface[9]: javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >GLPipelineFactory: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl _is_ instance of javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >GLPipelineFactory: Got : javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc, base interface: javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >java.lang.Exception: Info: setGL (OpenGL 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1): main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, GL4bcImpl, jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@1cec6b00 -> DebugGL4bc, DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@1cec6b00 > ] > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGL(GLContextImpl.java:189) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent(GLContextImpl.java:409) > at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL(GLDrawableHelper.java:320) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.display(GLWindow.java:537) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.display(GLWindow.java:513) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1.windowResized(GLWindow.java:91) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.consumeWindowEvent(WindowImpl.java:1957) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.sendWindowEvent(WindowImpl.java:1903) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.setVisibleActionImpl(WindowImpl.java:628) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl$VisibleAction.run(WindowImpl.java:640) > at com.jogamp.common.util.RunnableTask.run(RunnableTask.java:93) > at jogamp.newt.DefaultEDTUtil$EventDispatchThread.run(DefaultEDTUtil.java:282)GLPipelineFactory: Start javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc, req. Interface: null -> javax.media.opengl.Trace > >GLPipelineFactory: Try javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc Interface[9]: javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >GLPipelineFactory: javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc _is_ instance of javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >GLPipelineFactory: Got : javax.media.opengl.TraceGL4bc, base interface: javax.media.opengl.GL4bc >java.lang.Exception: Info: setGL (OpenGL 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1): main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, DebugGL4bc, DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@1cec6b00 > ] -> TraceGL4bc, TraceGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@1cec6b00 > ] > ] > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.setGL(GLContextImpl.java:189) > at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent(GLContextImpl.java:413) > at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL(GLDrawableHelper.java:320) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.display(GLWindow.java:537) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.display(GLWindow.java:513) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1.windowResized(GLWindow.java:91) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.consumeWindowEvent(WindowImpl.java:1957) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.sendWindowEvent(WindowImpl.java:1903) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl.setVisibleActionImpl(WindowImpl.java:628) > at jogamp.newt.WindowImpl$VisibleAction.run(WindowImpl.java:640) > at com.jogamp.common.util.RunnableTask.run(RunnableTask.java:93) > at jogamp.newt.DefaultEDTUtil$EventDispatchThread.run(DefaultEDTUtil.java:282) >GLDebugMessageHandler: Using extension: <null> >GLDebugMessageHandler: No extension available! >GLDrawableHelper GLAnimatorControl: com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator[started false, animating false, paused false, drawable 1], GLEventListeners num 1 [com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.Gears@647109c4[init false], ].invokeGL(): Running initAction >Gears: Init: NEWT-GLWindow[ > Helper: GLAnimatorControl: com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator[started false, animating false, paused false, drawable 1], GLEventListeners num 1 [com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.Gears@647109c4[init true], ], > Drawable: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXDrawable[Realized true, > Factory jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory@5239443f, > handle 0x2e00002, > Window jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window[Config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >, NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 1, 2880x900, X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 1, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]] >, ParentWindow null >, ParentWindowHandle 0x0 >, WindowHandle 0x2e00002 >, SurfaceHandle 0x2e00002 (lockedExt window false, surface false) >, Pos 1441/441, size 1438x438 >, Visible true >, Undecorated false >, Fullscreen false >, WrappedWindow null >, ChildWindows 0, SurfaceUpdatedListeners num 0 [], WindowListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1@625dcec6, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, ], MouseListeners num 0 [], KeyListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT$1@219ce060, ] ]], > Context: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXContext [OpenGL 2.1, options 0x22, 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1, handle 0x83edcb900, TraceGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@1cec6b00 > ] > ], > Drawable: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXDrawable[Realized true, > Factory jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory@5239443f, > handle 0x2e00002, > Window jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window[Config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] >, NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 1, 2880x900, X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 1, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]] >, ParentWindow null >, ParentWindowHandle 0x0 >, WindowHandle 0x2e00002 >, SurfaceHandle 0x2e00002 (lockedExt window false, surface false) >, Pos 1441/441, size 1438x438 >, Visible true >, Undecorated false >, Fullscreen false >, WrappedWindow null >, ChildWindows 0, SurfaceUpdatedListeners num 0 [], WindowListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$1@625dcec6, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, ], MouseListeners num 0 [], KeyListeners num 2 [com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.QuitAdapter@7cb25b9d, com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT$1@219ce060, ] ]], direct true] ] >Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] >INIT GL IS: javax.media.opengl.TraceGL4bc >glGetString(<int> 0x1F00) = null >GL_VENDOR: null >glGetString(<int> 0x1F01) = null >GL_RENDERER: null >glGetString(<int> 0x1F02) = null >GL_VERSION: null >glLightfv(<int> 0x4000, <int> 0x1203, <[F>, <int> 0x0) >glEnable(<int> 0xB44) >glEnable(<int> 0xB50) >glEnable(<int> 0x4000) >glEnable(<int> 0xB71) >glGenLists(<int> 0x1) = 0 >glNewList(<int> 0x0, <int> 0x1300) >glMaterialfv(<int> 0x404, <int> 0x1602, <[F>, <int> 0x0) >glShadeModel(<int> 0x1D00) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.5491502, <float> 0.85207564, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.309017, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> 1.127912, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.309017, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.1121366, <float> 1.9071198, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.952912, <float> 2.1454163, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3704853, <float> 2.7754817, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.809017, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.1454163, <float> 2.952912, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.809017, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3967946, <float> 3.3721602, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1279119, <float> 3.4713564, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.28637567, <float> 3.6387482, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.5954657E-7, <float> 3.65, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.8520757, <float> 3.5491502, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1279122, <float> 3.4713562, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9071202, <float> 3.1121364, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5877854, <float> 0.8090169, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454167, <float> 2.9529116, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5877854, <float> 0.8090169, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.7754824, <float> 2.3704848, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.9529123, <float> 2.145416, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.3721607, <float> 1.396794, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.30901703, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.4713562, <float> 1.1279122, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.30901703, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.6387484, <float> 0.2863755, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.65, <float> -3.1909315E-7, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.54915, <float> -0.85207623, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.9510564, <float> -0.3090172, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.471356, <float> -1.1279129, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.9510564, <float> -0.3090172, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.112136, <float> -1.9071208, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.9529119, <float> -2.1454167, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.370485, <float> -2.7754822, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.58778507, <float> -0.8090171, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454155, <float> -2.9529126, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.58778507, <float> -0.8090171, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3967935, <float> -3.372161, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901664, <float> -0.9510566, 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0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.9529119, <float> -2.1454165, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.3721604, <float> -1.3967946, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.30901694, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> -1.1279119, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.30901694, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.6387484, <float> -0.28637516, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 1.7484555E-7, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.65, <float> 6.381863E-7, <float> 0.5) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x7) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.3365903, <float> 0.34129706, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.2964444, <float> 0.68048996, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.5491502, <float> 0.85207564, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> 1.127912, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.0188756, <float> 1.664673, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.8758783, <float> 1.9748588, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.1121366, <float> 1.9071198, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.952912, <float> 2.1454163, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.307766, <float> 2.8250992, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.0759144, <float> 3.0759144, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3704853, <float> 2.7754817, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.1454163, <float> 2.952912, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2728684, <float> 3.7089849, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.9748588, <float> 3.8758783, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3967946, <float> 3.3721602, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1279119, <float> 3.4713564, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0154871, <float> 4.229809, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.6804895, <float> 4.2964444, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.28637567, <float> 3.6387482, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.5954657E-7, <float> 3.65, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.3412974, 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>glVertex3f(<float> -4.229809, <float> 1.0154873, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.2964444, <float> 0.68048984, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.6387484, <float> 0.2863755, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.65, <float> -3.1909315E-7, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.3365903, <float> -0.3412976, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.296444, <float> -0.68049055, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.54915, <float> -0.85207623, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.471356, <float> -1.1279129, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.0188756, <float> -1.6646739, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.8758779, <float> -1.9748597, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.112136, <float> -1.9071208, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.9529119, <float> -2.1454167, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.3077655, <float> -2.8250995, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.075914, <float> -3.0759149, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.370485, <float> -2.7754822, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454155, 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0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.5954657E-7, <float> 3.65, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.8520757, <float> 3.5491502, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1279122, <float> 3.4713562, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9071202, <float> 3.1121364, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454167, <float> 2.9529116, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5877854, <float> 0.8090169, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.7754824, <float> 2.3704848, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5877854, <float> 0.8090169, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.9529123, <float> 2.145416, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.3721607, <float> 1.396794, 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>glVertex3f(<float> -2.370485, <float> -2.7754822, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454155, <float> -2.9529126, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.58778507, <float> -0.8090171, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3967935, <float> -3.372161, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.58778507, <float> -0.8090171, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1279107, <float> -3.4713566, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901664, <float> -0.9510566, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.28637403, <float> -3.6387484, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901664, <float> -0.9510566, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.3525816E-8, <float> -3.65, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1924881E-8, <float> -1.0, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.852076, <float> -3.5491502, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1924881E-8, <float> -1.0, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1279125, <float> -3.4713562, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.9071206, <float> -3.1121361, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.145417, <float> -2.9529114, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5877855, <float> -0.8090168, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.7754827, <float> -2.3704846, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5877855, <float> -0.8090168, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.9529119, <float> -2.1454165, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.3721604, <float> -1.3967946, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> -1.1279119, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.30901694, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.6387484, <float> -0.28637516, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.30901694, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.65, <float> 6.381863E-7, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 1.7484555E-7, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.54915, <float> 0.8520766, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 1.7484555E-7, <float> -0.5) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x7) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.5491502, <float> 0.85207564, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.2964444, <float> 0.68048996, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.3365903, <float> 0.34129706, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.1121366, <float> 1.9071198, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.8758783, <float> 1.9748588, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.0188756, <float> 1.664673, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> 1.127912, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3704853, <float> 2.7754817, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.0759144, <float> 3.0759144, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.307766, <float> 2.8250992, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.952912, <float> 2.1454163, <float> -0.5) 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<float> 3.4713562, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.7754824, <float> 2.3704848, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.075915, <float> 3.0759137, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.8250997, <float> 3.3077652, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454167, <float> 2.9529116, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.3721607, <float> 1.396794, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.8758786, <float> 1.974858, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.7089849, <float> 2.2728684, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.9529123, <float> 2.145416, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.6387484, <float> 0.2863755, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.2964444, <float> 0.68048984, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.229809, <float> 1.0154873, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.4713562, <float> 1.1279122, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.54915, <float> -0.85207623, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.296444, <float> -0.68049055, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.3365903, <float> -0.3412976, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.65, <float> -3.1909315E-7, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.112136, <float> -1.9071208, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.8758779, <float> -1.9748597, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.0188756, <float> -1.6646739, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.471356, <float> -1.1279129, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.370485, <float> -2.7754822, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.075914, <float> -3.0759149, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.3077655, <float> -2.8250995, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.9529119, <float> -2.1454167, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3967935, <float> -3.372161, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9748574, <float> -3.8758788, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2728677, <float> -3.7089853, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454155, <float> -2.9529126, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.28637403, <float> -3.6387484, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.68048805, <float> -4.2964444, <float> -0.5) 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>glVertex3f(<float> 3.5491502, <float> 0.85207564, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.5491502, <float> 0.85207564, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> 1.127912, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> 1.127912, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.7000564, <float> -0.7140876, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.0188756, <float> 1.664673, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.0188756, <float> 1.664673, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.309017, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.8758783, <float> 1.9748588, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.8758783, <float> 1.9748588, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.06773901, <float> 0.76374173, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.1121366, <float> 1.9071198, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.1121366, <float> 1.9071198, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.309017, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.952912, <float> 2.1454163, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.952912, <float> 2.1454163, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.8864583, <float> -0.46280864, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.307766, <float> 2.8250992, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.307766, <float> 2.8250992, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.0759144, <float> 3.0759144, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.0759144, <float> 3.0759144, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30043268, <float> 0.7054291, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3704853, <float> 2.7754817, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3704853, <float> 2.7754817, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.1454163, <float> 2.952912, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.1454163, <float> 2.952912, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.9860877, <float> -0.16622603, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2728684, <float> 3.7089849, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2728684, <float> 3.7089849, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.809017, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.9748588, <float> 3.8758783, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.9748588, <float> 3.8758783, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.50371814, <float> 0.5780642, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3967946, <float> 3.3721602, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3967946, <float> 3.3721602, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.809017, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1279119, <float> 3.4713564, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1279119, <float> 3.4713564, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.98919183, <float> 0.14662719, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0154871, <float> 4.229809, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0154871, <float> 4.229809, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.6804895, <float> 4.2964444, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.6804895, <float> 4.2964444, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.65769625, <float> 0.3941138, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.28637567, <float> 3.6387482, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.28637567, <float> 3.6387482, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.5954657E-7, <float> 3.65, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.5954657E-7, <float> 3.65, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.89546704, <float> 0.44512784, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.3412974, <float> 4.3365903, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.3412974, <float> 4.3365903, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.68048984, <float> 4.2964444, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.68048984, <float> 4.2964444, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.7472942, <float> 0.17158586, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.8520757, <float> 3.5491502, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.8520757, <float> 3.5491502, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1279122, <float> 3.4713562, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1279122, <float> 3.4713562, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.71408767, <float> 0.70005625, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6646732, <float> 4.0188756, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6646732, <float> 4.0188756, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9748591, <float> 3.875878, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9748591, <float> 3.875878, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.76374173, <float> -0.06773889, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9071202, <float> 3.1121364, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9071202, <float> 3.1121364, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454167, <float> 2.9529116, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454167, <float> 2.9529116, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.4628084, <float> 0.8864584, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.8250997, <float> 3.3077652, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.8250997, <float> 3.3077652, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.5877854, <float> 0.8090169, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.075915, <float> 3.0759137, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.075915, <float> 3.0759137, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.70542884, <float> -0.30043268, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.7754824, <float> 2.3704848, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.7754824, <float> 2.3704848, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.5877854, <float> 0.8090169, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.9529123, <float> 2.145416, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.9529123, <float> 2.145416, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.16622639, <float> 0.98608756, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.7089849, <float> 2.2728684, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.7089849, <float> 2.2728684, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.8758786, <float> 1.974858, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.8758786, <float> 1.974858, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.5780641, <float> -0.5037179, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.3721607, <float> 1.396794, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.3721607, <float> 1.396794, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.4713562, <float> 1.1279122, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.4713562, <float> 1.1279122, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.14662714, <float> 0.98919183, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.229809, <float> 1.0154873, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.229809, <float> 1.0154873, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.30901703, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.2964444, <float> 0.68048984, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.2964444, <float> 0.68048984, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.39411435, <float> -0.657696, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.6387484, <float> 0.2863755, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.6387484, <float> 0.2863755, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.30901703, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.65, <float> -3.1909315E-7, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.65, <float> -3.1909315E-7, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.4451279, <float> 0.89546704, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.3365903, <float> -0.3412976, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.3365903, <float> -0.3412976, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.296444, <float> -0.68049055, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.296444, <float> -0.68049055, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.17158568, <float> -0.74729395, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.54915, <float> -0.85207623, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.54915, <float> -0.85207623, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.471356, <float> -1.1279129, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.471356, <float> -1.1279129, 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>glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.075914, <float> -3.0759149, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -3.075914, <float> -3.0759149, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30043268, <float> -0.70542884, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.370485, <float> -2.7754822, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.370485, <float> -2.7754822, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454155, <float> -2.9529126, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.1454155, <float> -2.9529126, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.9860877, <float> 0.16622603, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2728677, <float> -3.7089853, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2728677, <float> -3.7089853, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.58778507, <float> -0.8090171, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9748574, <float> -3.8758788, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.9748574, <float> -3.8758788, <float> -0.5) 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-0.7000564, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6646737, <float> -4.0188756, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6646737, <float> -4.0188756, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.9748594, <float> -3.8758779, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.9748594, <float> -3.8758779, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.76374173, <float> 0.06773877, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.9071206, <float> -3.1121361, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.9071206, <float> -3.1121361, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.145417, <float> -2.9529114, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.145417, <float> -2.9529114, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.4628084, <float> -0.8864584, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.8251, <float> -3.307765, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.8251, <float> -3.307765, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.5877855, <float> -0.8090168, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.0759153, <float> -3.0759134, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.0759153, <float> -3.0759134, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.70542884, <float> 0.30043268, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.7754827, <float> -2.3704846, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.7754827, <float> -2.3704846, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.5877855, <float> -0.8090168, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.9529119, <float> -2.1454165, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.9529119, <float> -2.1454165, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.16622633, <float> -0.98608756, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.7089846, <float> -2.2728689, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.7089846, <float> -2.2728689, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.8758783, <float> -1.9748588, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.8758783, <float> -1.9748588, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.5780642, <float> 0.5037179, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.3721604, <float> -1.3967946, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.3721604, <float> -1.3967946, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> -1.1279119, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.4713564, <float> -1.1279119, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.14662734, <float> -0.98919183, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.229809, <float> -1.015487, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.229809, <float> -1.015487, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.30901694, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.2964444, <float> -0.6804894, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 4.2964444, <float> -0.6804894, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.39411426, <float> 0.657696, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.6387484, <float> -0.28637516, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.6387484, <float> -0.28637516, <float> -0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.30901694, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 3.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.5) >glEnd() >glShadeModel(<int> 0x1D01) >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -0.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.95105654, <float> -0.309017, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.309017, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.309017, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.809017, <float> -0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.58778524, <float> -0.809017, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.809017, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.809017, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901697, <float> -0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 4.371139E-8, <float> -1.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901703, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.5877854, <float> -0.8090169, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5877854, <float> 0.8090169, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5877854, <float> 0.8090169, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901706, <float> -0.5877852, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.9510565, <float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.30901703, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.30901703, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.9510564, <float> 0.3090172, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.9510564, <float> -0.3090172, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.9510564, <float> -0.3090172, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> 0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.58778507, <float> 0.8090171, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.58778507, <float> -0.8090171, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.58778507, <float> -0.8090171, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901664, <float> 0.9510566, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901664, <float> -0.9510566, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.30901664, <float> -0.9510566, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.1924881E-8, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1924881E-8, <float> -1.0, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1924881E-8, <float> -1.0, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901712, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.5877855, <float> 0.8090168, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5877855, <float> -0.8090168, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5877855, <float> -0.8090168, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> 0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.95105654, <float> 0.30901694, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.30901694, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.95105654, <float> -0.30901694, <float> 0.5) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -1.7484555E-7, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 1.7484555E-7, <float> -0.5) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 1.7484555E-7, <float> 0.5) >glEnd() >glEndList() >gear1 list created: 0 >glGenLists(<int> 0x1) = 0 >glNewList(<int> 0x0, <int> 0x1300) >glMaterialfv(<int> 0x404, <int> 0x1602, <[F>, <int> 0x0) >glShadeModel(<int> 0x1D00) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.4045085, <float> 0.29389262, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.4045085, <float> 0.29389262, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450849, <float> 0.47552827, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450849, <float> 0.47552827, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.15450852, <float> 0.47552824, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.15450852, <float> 0.47552824, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40450853, <float> 0.2938926, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40450853, <float> 0.2938926, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5, <float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5, <float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40450847, <float> -0.29389268, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40450847, <float> -0.29389268, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.15450832, <float> -0.4755283, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.15450832, <float> -0.4755283, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450856, <float> -0.47552824, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450856, <float> -0.47552824, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40450847, <float> -0.29389265, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40450847, <float> -0.29389265, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 8.742278E-8, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 2.8849516E-7, <float> 1.0) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x7) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.367621, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> 0.7261899, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812953, <float> 1.9011899, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.36762077, <float> 2.3210676, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.02721756E-7, <float> 2.35, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0668778, <float> 2.0938652, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812951, <float> 1.9011899, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.0938654, <float> 1.0668774, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.234983, <float> 0.72618943, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.3210673, <float> -0.36762133, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2349827, <float> -0.72618985, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6617006, <float> -1.6617011, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812948, <float> -1.9011902, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.36762, <float> -2.3210678, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1485907E-6, <float> -2.35, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0668781, <float> -2.093865, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812958, <float> -1.9011894, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0668777, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> -0.7261898, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> 1.0) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 0.0, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 0.0, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> -1.0) 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>glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450856, <float> -0.47552824, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40450847, <float> -0.29389265, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40450847, <float> -0.29389265, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 2.8849516E-7, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 8.742278E-8, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701605, <float> 0.74908483, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 8.742278E-8, <float> -1.0) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x7) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> 0.7261899, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.367621, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812953, <float> 1.9011899, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.6617008, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.02721756E-7, <float> 2.35, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.36762077, <float> 2.3210676, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812951, <float> 1.9011899, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0668778, <float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.234983, <float> 0.72618943, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.0938654, <float> 1.0668774, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2349827, <float> -0.72618985, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.3210673, <float> -0.36762133, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812948, <float> -1.9011902, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6617006, <float> -1.6617011, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1485907E-6, <float> -2.35, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.36762, <float> -2.3210678, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812958, <float> -1.9011894, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0668781, <float> -2.093865, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> -0.7261898, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0668777, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> -1.0) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.4804469, <float> -0.87702376, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.367621, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.367621, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> 0.7261899, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> 0.7261899, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.022894442, <float> 0.764822, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.90419143, <float> -0.42712745, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.6617008, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812953, <float> 1.9011899, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812953, <float> 1.9011899, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.4310292, <float> 0.63221097, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.98256546, <float> 0.18591715, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.36762077, <float> 2.3210676, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.36762077, <float> 2.3210676, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.02721756E-7, <float> 2.35, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.02721756E-7, <float> 2.35, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.72031415, <float> 0.25811675, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.6856328, <float> 0.7279476, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0668778, <float> 2.0938652, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0668778, <float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812951, <float> 1.9011899, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812951, <float> 1.9011899, 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>glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.48044723, <float> 0.8770236, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.3210673, <float> -0.36762133, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.3210673, <float> -0.36762133, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2349827, <float> -0.72618985, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2349827, <float> -0.72618985, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.022894561, <float> -0.764822, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.90419155, <float> 0.4271273, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6617006, <float> -1.6617011, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6617006, <float> -1.6617011, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812948, <float> -1.9011902, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812948, <float> -1.9011902, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.4310292, <float> -0.63221097, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.9825654, <float> -0.18591739, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.36762, <float> -2.3210678, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.36762, <float> -2.3210678, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901664, 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>glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.12681195, <float> -0.9919267, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0668777, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0668777, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> -0.7261898, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> -0.7261898, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.4680731, <float> 0.60529697, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> -1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -1.0) >glEnd() >glShadeModel(<int> 0x1D01) >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -0.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 0.0, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.809017, <float> -0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.4045085, <float> 0.29389262, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.4045085, <float> 0.29389262, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901697, <float> -0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450849, <float> 0.47552827, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450849, <float> 0.47552827, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901703, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.15450852, <float> 0.47552824, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.15450852, <float> 0.47552824, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901706, <float> -0.5877852, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40450853, <float> 0.2938926, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40450853, <float> 0.2938926, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5, <float> -4.371139E-8, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5, <float> -4.371139E-8, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> 0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40450847, <float> -0.29389268, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40450847, <float> -0.29389268, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901664, <float> 0.9510566, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.15450832, <float> -0.4755283, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.15450832, <float> -0.4755283, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901712, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450856, <float> -0.47552824, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.15450856, <float> -0.47552824, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> 0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40450847, <float> -0.29389265, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40450847, <float> -0.29389265, <float> 1.0) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -1.7484555E-7, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 8.742278E-8, <float> -1.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5, <float> 8.742278E-8, <float> 1.0) >glEnd() >glEndList() >gear2 list created: 0 >glGenLists(<int> 0x1) = 0 >glNewList(<int> 0x0, <int> 0x1300) >glMaterialfv(<int> 0x404, <int> 0x1602, <[F>, <int> 0x0) >glShadeModel(<int> 0x1D00) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.051722, <float> 0.7641208, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.051722, <float> 0.7641208, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172204, <float> 1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172204, <float> 1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172213, <float> 1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172213, <float> 1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517222, <float> 0.7641207, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517222, <float> 0.7641207, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3, <float> -1.13649605E-7, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3, <float> -1.13649605E-7, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517219, <float> -0.76412094, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517219, <float> -0.76412094, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172163, <float> -1.2363735, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172163, <float> -1.2363735, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172225, <float> -1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172225, <float> -1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0517219, <float> -0.7641209, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0517219, <float> -0.7641209, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 2.2729921E-7, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 2.8849516E-7, <float> 0.25) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x7) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.367621, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> 0.7261899, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.6617008, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812953, <float> 1.9011899, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.36762077, <float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.02721756E-7, <float> 2.35, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0668778, <float> 2.0938652, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812951, <float> 1.9011899, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.0938654, <float> 1.0668774, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.234983, <float> 0.72618943, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.3210673, <float> -0.36762133, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2349827, <float> -0.72618985, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6617006, <float> -1.6617011, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812948, <float> -1.9011902, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.36762, <float> -2.3210678, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1485907E-6, <float> -2.35, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0668781, <float> -2.093865, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812958, <float> -1.9011894, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0668777, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> -0.7261898, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> 0.25) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.051722, <float> 0.7641208, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.051722, <float> 0.7641208, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172204, <float> 1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172204, <float> 1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172213, <float> 1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172213, <float> 1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517222, <float> 0.7641207, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517222, <float> 0.7641207, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3, <float> -1.13649605E-7, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3, <float> -1.13649605E-7, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517219, <float> -0.76412094, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517219, <float> -0.76412094, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172163, <float> -1.2363735, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172163, <float> -1.2363735, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172225, <float> -1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172225, <float> -1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0517219, <float> -0.7641209, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0517219, <float> -0.7641209, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 2.8849516E-7, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 2.2729921E-7, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701605, <float> 0.74908483, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 2.2729921E-7, <float> -0.25) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x7) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> 0.7261899, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.367621, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812953, <float> 1.9011899, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.6617008, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.02721756E-7, <float> 2.35, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.36762077, <float> 2.3210676, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812951, <float> 1.9011899, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0668778, <float> 2.0938652, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.234983, <float> 0.72618943, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.0938654, <float> 1.0668774, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2349827, <float> -0.72618985, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.3210673, <float> -0.36762133, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812948, <float> -1.9011902, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6617006, <float> -1.6617011, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1485907E-6, <float> -2.35, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.36762, <float> -2.3210678, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812958, <float> -1.9011894, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0668781, <float> -2.093865, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> -0.7261898, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0668777, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> -0.25) >glEnd() >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.4804469, <float> -0.87702376, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.367621, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.367621, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> 0.7261899, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> 0.7261899, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.022894442, <float> 0.764822, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.74908435, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3348781, <float> 0.96984565, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.90419143, <float> -0.42712745, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.6617008, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6617008, <float> 1.6617008, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812953, <float> 1.9011899, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812953, <float> 1.9011899, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.4310292, <float> 0.63221097, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.74908435, <float> 1.4701607, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.809017, <float> 0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.509878, <float> 1.5692433, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.98256546, <float> 0.18591715, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.36762077, <float> 2.3210676, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.36762077, <float> 2.3210676, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.02721756E-7, <float> 2.35, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.02721756E-7, <float> 2.35, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.72031415, <float> 0.25811675, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.25811684, <float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901697, <float> 0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.5098781, <float> 1.5692432, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.6856328, <float> 0.7279476, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0668778, <float> 2.0938652, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0668778, <float> 2.0938652, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812951, <float> 1.9011899, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812951, <float> 1.9011899, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.7344638, <float> -0.21456897, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.1667261, <float> 1.1667261, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901703, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3348781, <float> 0.96984553, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.12681171, <float> 0.99192685, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.0938654, <float> 1.0668774, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.0938654, <float> 1.0668774, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.234983, <float> 0.72618943, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.234983, <float> 0.72618943, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.4680726, <float> -0.6052972, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6296858, <float> 0.25811684, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901706, <float> 0.5877852, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.65, <float> -1.4424758E-7, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.48044723, <float> 0.8770236, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.3210673, <float> -0.36762133, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.3210673, <float> -0.36762133, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2349827, <float> -0.72618985, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -2.2349827, <float> -0.72618985, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.022894561, <float> -0.764822, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.4701607, <float> -0.7490844, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.334878, <float> -0.96984583, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.90419155, <float> 0.4271273, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6617006, <float> -1.6617011, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.6617006, <float> -1.6617011, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812948, <float> -1.9011902, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3812948, <float> -1.9011902, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.4310292, <float> -0.63221097, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.7490839, <float> -1.470161, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> -0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.50987744, <float> -1.5692433, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.9825654, <float> -0.18591739, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.36762, <float> -2.3210678, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.36762, <float> -2.3210678, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901664, <float> -0.9510566, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1485907E-6, <float> -2.35, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1485907E-6, <float> -2.35, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.7203144, <float> -0.2581166, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.25811777, <float> -1.6296855, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901664, <float> -0.9510566, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.5098782, <float> -1.5692432, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.6856325, <float> -0.72794783, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0668781, <float> -2.093865, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0668781, <float> -2.093865, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812958, <float> -1.9011894, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3812958, <float> -1.9011894, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.7344637, <float> 0.21456921, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.1667266, <float> -1.1667258, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901712, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.334878, <float> -0.9698457, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.12681195, <float> -0.9919267, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0668777, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.0938652, <float> -1.0668777, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> -0.7261898, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 2.2349827, <float> -0.7261898, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.4680731, <float> 0.60529697, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.6296858, <float> -0.2581167, <float> -0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> -0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.65, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.25) >glEnd() >glShadeModel(<int> 0x1D01) >glBegin(<int> 0x8) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -0.0, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 0.0, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.809017, <float> -0.58778524, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.051722, <float> 0.7641208, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.051722, <float> 0.7641208, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901697, <float> -0.95105654, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172204, <float> 1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172204, <float> 1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901703, <float> -0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172213, <float> 1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172213, <float> 1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901706, <float> -0.5877852, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517222, <float> 0.7641207, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517222, <float> 0.7641207, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 1.0, <float> 8.742278E-8, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3, <float> -1.13649605E-7, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.3, <float> -1.13649605E-7, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.80901694, <float> 0.58778536, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517219, <float> -0.76412094, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -1.0517219, <float> -0.76412094, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> 0.30901664, <float> 0.9510566, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172163, <float> -1.2363735, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> -0.40172163, <float> -1.2363735, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.30901712, <float> 0.9510565, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172225, <float> -1.2363734, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 0.40172225, <float> -1.2363734, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -0.80901694, <float> 0.5877853, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0517219, <float> -0.7641209, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.0517219, <float> -0.7641209, <float> 0.25) >glNormal3f(<float> -1.0, <float> -1.7484555E-7, <float> 0.0) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 2.2729921E-7, <float> -0.25) >glVertex3f(<float> 1.3, <float> 2.2729921E-7, <float> 0.25) >glEnd() >glEndList() >gear3 list created: 0 >glEnable(<int> 0xBA1) >glViewport(<int> 0x0, <int> 0x0, <int> 0x59E, <int> 0x1B6) >Gears: Reshape 0/0 1438x438 >glMatrixMode(<int> 0x1701) >glLoadIdentity() >glFrustum(<double> -1.0, <double> 1.0, <double> -0.30458971858024597, <double> 0.30458971858024597, <double> 5.0, <double> 60.0) >glMatrixMode(<int> 0x1700) >glLoadIdentity() >glTranslatef(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> -40.0) >glClearColor(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glClear(<int> 0x4100) >glPushMatrix() >glRotatef(<float> 20.0, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 30.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glPushMatrix() >glTranslatef(<float> -3.0, <float> -2.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 2.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glCallList(<int> 0x0) >glPopMatrix() >glPushMatrix() >glTranslatef(<float> 3.1, <float> -2.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> -13.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glCallList(<int> 0x0) >glPopMatrix() >glPushMatrix() >glTranslatef(<float> -3.1, <float> 4.2, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> -29.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glCallList(<int> 0x0) >glPopMatrix() >glPopMatrix() >consumeWindowEvent: WindowUpdateEvent[WindowEvent[EVENT_WINDOW_REPAINT, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717155773 d 143ms]], [ 0 / 0 1438 x 438 ]], visible true 1441/441 1438x438 >glClearColor(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glClear(<int> 0x4100) >glPushMatrix() >glRotatef(<float> 20.0, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 30.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glPushMatrix() >glTranslatef(<float> -3.0, <float> -2.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 4.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glCallList(<int> 0x0) >glPopMatrix() >glPushMatrix() >glTranslatef(<float> 3.1, <float> -2.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> -17.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glCallList(<int> 0x0) >glPopMatrix() >glPushMatrix() >glTranslatef(<float> -3.1, <float> 4.2, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> -33.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glCallList(<int> 0x0) >glPopMatrix() >glPopMatrix() >Animator start:Thread[main-Animator-1,5,main]: [started false, animating false, paused false, drawable 1] >finishLifecycleAction(com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator$WaitForStartedCondition): finished - waited true, started: true, animating: true, paused: false, drawables 1 >glClearColor(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glClear(<int> 0x4100) >glPushMatrix() >glRotatef(<float> 20.0, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 30.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glPushMatrix() >glTranslatef(<float> -3.0, <float> -2.0, <float> 0.0) >glRotatef(<float> 6.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 0.0, <float> 1.0) >glCallList(<int> 0x0)Animator stop Thread[main-Animator-1,5,main]: [started true, animating true, paused false, drawable 1] >Exception in thread "main-Animator-1" javax.media.opengl.GLException: Thread[main-Animator-1,5,main] glGetError() returned the following error codes after a call to glCallList(<int> 0x0): GL_INVALID_VALUE ( 1281 0x501), > at javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc.checkGLGetError(DebugGL4bc.java:25544) > at javax.media.opengl.DebugGL4bc.glCallList(DebugGL4bc.java:23662) > at javax.media.opengl.TraceGL4bc.glCallList(TraceGL4bc.java:15963) > at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.Gears.display(Gears.java:193) > at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.display(GLDrawableHelper.java:165) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow$DisplayAction.run(GLWindow.java:591) > at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL(GLDrawableHelper.java:335) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.display(GLWindow.java:537) > at com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow.display(GLWindow.java:513) > at com.jogamp.opengl.util.DefaultAnimatorImpl.display(DefaultAnimatorImpl.java:50) > at com.jogamp.opengl.util.AnimatorBase.display(AnimatorBase.java:142) > at com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator$MainLoop.run(Animator.java:174) > at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679) >Window.destroy() START main >!!! Window DestroyAction() main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1 >GLWindow.destroy() Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main], start >Gears: Dispose >glXDestroyContext(dpy 0x83ebf3000, ctx 0x83edcb900) >!!! Destroyed OpenGL context 35414391040 >setRealized: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXDrawable true -> false >Animator remove: 1111960904 - Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main]: com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator[started false, animating false, paused false, drawable 1] >GLWindow.destroy() Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main], fin >Screen.removeReference() (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): 1 -> 0 >ScreenModeStatus.removeListener (size: 0): NEWT-Screen[X11_:0.0-10, idx 0, refCount 0, 2880x900, X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000], idx 0], NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 1, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]]] >ScreenModeStatus.unmap X11_:0.0-10 -> jogamp.newt.ScreenModeStatus@c9be79a >Display.removeReference() (main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1): 1 -> 0 >Display.destroy(X11_:0.0-1) BEGIN DisplayList[] entries: 1 - main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1 > [0] : NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 0, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]] >Display.destroy(): NEWT-Display[X11_:0.0-1, refCount 0, hasEDT true, edtRunning true, X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83ebf3000]] main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1 >Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main]: EDT signal STOP (on edt: true) - tasks: 0 - Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main] >Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main]: EDT signal STOP X edt: Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main] >Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main]: EDT reset - edt: Thread[main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1,5,main] >Display.destroy(X11_:0.0-1) END DisplayList[] entries: 0 - main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1 >consumeWindowEvent: WindowEvent[EVENT_WINDOW_DESTROYED, NEWTEvent[sys:false, source:jogamp.newt.x11.X11Window, when:1306717156029 d 0ms]], visible true 1441/441 1438x438 >Window.destroy() END main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1 >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: EDT run() END main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, tasks: 0, null, null >main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1: EDT run() EXIT main-Display-X11_:0.0-1-EDT-1, null >++++ UITestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT - test01 >SLOCK 1306717156076 --- com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt.TestGearsNEWT - Unlocked /var/tmp/UITestCase.lock > >Time: 1.74 > >OK (1 test) > >main-SharedResourceRunner release START >!!! Shutdown Shared: >!!! Device : X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000] >!!! Screen : X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000], idx 0] >!!! Drawable: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11DummyGLXDrawable[Realized true, > Factory jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory@5239443f, > handle 0x2c00002, > Window WrappedSurface[config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]], displayHandle 0x83be40000, surfaceHandle 0x2c00002, size 64x64]] >!!! CTX : jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11OnscreenGLXContext [OpenGL 2.1, options 0x22, 2.1 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 2.1 Mesa 7.6.1, handle 0x83bf4c900, TraceGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: DebugGL4bc [ implementing javax.media.opengl.GL4bc, > downstream: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@58ecb281 > ] > ], > Drawable: jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11DummyGLXDrawable[Realized true, > Factory jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXDrawableFactory@5239443f, > handle 0x2c00002, > Window WrappedSurface[config X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration[X11GraphicsScreen[X11GraphicsDevice[type X11, connection :0.0, unitID 0, handle 0x83be40000], idx 0], visualID 0xf2, fbConfigID 0x92, > requested GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]], > chosen GLCaps[0xf2 0x92: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]], displayHandle 0x83be40000, surfaceHandle 0x2c00002, size 64x64]], direct true] >main-SharedResourceRunner release END >X11Util.Display: Shutdown (close open / pending Displays: false, open (no close attempt): 0/0, open (no close attempt and uncloseable): 0) >
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