Index: src/net/java/games/gluegen/ =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/jogl/src/net/java/games/gluegen/,v retrieving revision 1.7 diff -c -r1.7 *** src/net/java/games/gluegen/ 4 Oct 2004 22:55:38 -0000 1.7 --- src/net/java/games/gluegen/ 4 Apr 2005 18:33:26 -0000 *************** *** 609,615 **** writer.print(" "); emitGetStringUTFChars(writer, "(jstring) _tmpObj", ! "(const char*)"+convName+"_copy[_copyIndex]"); } else if (isNIOBufferClass(subArrayElementJavaType)) { --- 609,615 ---- writer.print(" "); emitGetStringUTFChars(writer, "(jstring) _tmpObj", ! convName+"_copy[_copyIndex]"); } else if (isNIOBufferClass(subArrayElementJavaType)) { *************** *** 781,787 **** } // free the main array ! writer.print(" free("); writer.print(convName+"_copy"); writer.println(");"); } // end of cleaning up copied data --- 781,787 ---- } // free the main array ! writer.print(" free((void*) "); writer.print(convName+"_copy"); writer.println(");"); } // end of cleaning up copied data *************** *** 1251,1257 **** Class elementType = javaType.getJavaClass().getComponentType(); if (javaType.isArray() && javaType.getJavaClass().getComponentType() == java.lang.String.class) { ! writer.print(" char **"); } else { writer.print(ptrTypeString); } --- 1251,1257 ---- Class elementType = javaType.getJavaClass().getComponentType(); if (javaType.isArray() && javaType.getJavaClass().getComponentType() == java.lang.String.class) { ! writer.print(" const char **"); } else { writer.print(ptrTypeString); } Index: src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/types/ =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/jogl/src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/types/,v retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -r1.2 *** src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/types/ 14 Jul 2003 05:34:51 -0000 1.2 --- src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/types/ 4 Apr 2005 18:33:26 -0000 *************** *** 76,82 **** } else if (getName() != null) { hashcode = getName().hashCode(); } else { ! hashcode = System.identityHashCode(this); } computedHashcode = true; --- 76,82 ---- } else if (getName() != null) { hashcode = getName().hashCode(); } else { ! hashcode = 0; } computedHashcode = true; *************** *** 90,97 **** } CompoundType t = (CompoundType) arg; return (super.equals(arg) && ! kind == t.kind && ! listsEqual(fields, t.fields)); } /** Returns the struct name of this CompoundType, i.e. the "foo" in --- 90,98 ---- } CompoundType t = (CompoundType) arg; return (super.equals(arg) && ! (structName == t.structName || (structName != null && structName.equals(t.structName))) && ! kind == t.kind && ! listsEqual(fields, t.fields)); } /** Returns the struct name of this CompoundType, i.e. the "foo" in