Fri Oct 18 2024 05:18:02 CEST
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1427 Default default sgothel UNCO --- Move JMonkeyEngine's JogAmp backend into JogAmp repositories 2023-07-12
595 Newt core sgothel CONF --- NEWT event propagation to Jinput 2019-03-29
814 Newt core gouessej CONF --- Enhance PointerEvent / Deprecate MouseEvent 2023-04-20
813 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Allow InputDevice to be auto-assigned, e.g. via USB Topology (Monitor - Mouse/Keyboard) 2019-03-29
592 Jinput core sgothel IN_P --- Migrate Jinput to JogAmp 2019-03-29
5 bugs found.
