Fri Mar 14 2025 15:14:15 CET
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
674 Jogl swt sgothel IN_P --- JOGL/SWT Windowing/Surface Interoperability 2023-07-12
1423 Jogl swt sgothel RESO FIXE Newt SWT GLWindow Fullscreen Wrong Coordinates in Embedded Layout 2023-01-24
1373 General generic sgothel VERI FIXE Support High-DPI across Platforms and Modules 2023-07-12
1422 Newt swt sgothel VERI FIXE NEWT: Handle SWT's DPI Scaling on non native dpi scaling platforms (Linux, Windows, ..) 2020-02-04
4 bugs found.
