Thu Jan 16 2025 02:00:03 CET
Moore's law is a violation of Murphy's law. Everything gets better and better.
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
812 Newt core xerxes CONF --- Add USB Topology / Graph to query device location etc. 2019-03-29
807 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for more devices a.k.a (Accelerometer, GPS, Compass, Joystick ..) 2019-03-29
808 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for Gyroscope / Accelerometer Devices 2019-03-29
809 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for Compass Devices 2019-03-29
813 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Allow InputDevice to be auto-assigned, e.g. via USB Topology (Monitor - Mouse/Keyboard) 2019-03-29
814 Newt core gouessej CONF --- Enhance PointerEvent / Deprecate MouseEvent 2023-04-20
6 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "core" component of the "Newt" product