Sat Sep 28 2024 15:11:10 CEST
Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
891 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Enhance GLCapabilities-Query from native Configuration (EGL, GLX, WGL) / General Performance 2013-11-17
894 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Validate [offscreen|dummy] Surface Locking and Multithreaded GLOffscreenDrawable Usage 2013-11-17
904 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE GLJPanel: Allow user to skip isGLOriented() based vertical flip of offscreen backend 2013-12-10
905 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE GLJPanel and GLOffscreenDrawable Performance 2013-11-28
4 bugs found.


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