Sun Jan 19 2025 04:11:15 CET
Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1147 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE Fix XRandR13 Usage: Rotate / Change-Mode, use unique CRTC/Mode ids, .. 2019-03-29
1148 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX MonitorDevice: Use unique and native deviceID instead of index 2019-03-29
1114 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA Large usage of VBO's results in low native memory and JOGL using a null pointer crashing the VM 2019-03-29
1105 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO DUPL AWT-EventQueue-0: WindowsWGLContex.createContextImpl ctx !ARB but ARB is used, profile > GL2 requested (OpenGL >= 3.0.1). Requested: GLProfile[GL4bc/GL4bc.hw], current: 1.1 2019-03-29
1109 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Bug Group: TempDir and Uri Issues 2019-03-29
1149 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP, allowing complete macro handling 2019-03-29
6 bugs found.
