Sat Jan 18 2025 21:30:10 CET
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15 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1042 Jogl core gouessej RESO FIXE Add autodetection of image type in TextureIO 2015-09-27
1151 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE Add OculusVR SDK 0.5.* Support 2015-09-27
1189 Jogl opengl sgothel VERI FIXE Add OpenGL ES 3.2 and new GL 4.5 Extensions support 2015-10-08
1172 Gluegen core xerxes RESO FIXE Always file native libs in 'natives/os.and.arch'; Allow using maven-assembly-plugin single jar deployment 2015-09-27
1237 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Clarify IOUtil.getResource(..) for better efficiency, i.e. allow caller to skip relative futile lookup 2015-10-03
1193 Jogl opengl gouessej RESO FIXE com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderCode doesn't support compute shaders 2015-09-27
1205 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Security: Clear onscreen Window content after creation and before visibility 2015-10-04
1232 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Translucent [decorated] Windows Not Working On Windows >= 8 (Lack of Aero / Blur) 2015-10-02
1186 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Window: Use a Bitfield holding all state flags and expose it accordingly. 2015-09-27
1188 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Window: Support non-resizable, minimize, maximize, alwaysOnBottom and sticky/all-desktop where supported 2015-09-27
1145 General builds xerxes RESO FIXE Provide a JogAmp Big Fat Jar for Beginners [convenient, but inefficient] 2015-09-27
1215 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA Add ability to create multiple shared dummy AutoDrawable in GLDrawableFactory 2015-09-27
1113 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA Force high performance GPU for Nvidia Optimus systems 2015-09-27
1118 General builds sgothel RESO DUPL Add all-natives.jar with fat-jar directory structure we can download using maven 2015-09-27
637 Newt core sgothel RESO DUPL NEWT: Allow to set the window non resizeable 2015-09-27
15 bugs found.
