Tue Nov 5 2024 14:55:41 CET
Moore's law is a violation of Murphy's law. Everything gets better and better.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1314 Jocl opencl wwalker3 UNCO --- Testability problem: CLEventList is final 2019-03-29
1136 Jocl opencl wwalker3 UNCO --- Crash in clBuildProgram 2015-03-25
1057 Jocl opencl sgothel CONF --- Windows [8.1] and Intel i7-4770T CPU / HD Graphics 4600 - CLProgramTest.builderTest Freezes 2014-09-01
1303 Jocl opencl wwalker3 CONF --- Add ability to use clRetainMemObject() on CLBuffers instead of automatically releasing 2019-03-29
1003 Jocl opencl wwalker3 IN_P --- Create working test of texture interoperation 2014-04-14
5 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "opencl" component of the "Jocl" product