Sat Jul 27 2024 04:40:38 CEST
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1296 Newt windows sgothel CONF --- Mouse pointer doesn't switch to resize arrow on Windows 10 2023-07-12
1424 Newt swt sgothel IN_P --- MacOSX: Newt Window Eclipse RCP Detached View Wrong Z-Order and Update 2023-07-12
1255 Jogl opengl sgothel IN_P --- Newt canvas in Miglayout fail to resize OR occupy complete JFrame instead of its target layout cell 2023-07-12
647 Jogl macosx pjgl CONF --- SWT scrolling of GLCanvas doesn't work under Mac OS Mountain Lion 2023-07-12
1298 Jogl macosx sgothel UNCO --- regression: Canvas in CardLayout always visible after showing once 2023-07-12
1324 Jogl macosx sgothel UNCO --- GLCanvas is always on top when using JInternalFrame 2023-07-12
1432 Jogl core sgothel CONF --- glMultTransposeMatrixd and glLoadTransposeMatrixd buggy in AMD Adrenalin drivers 2023-07-17
712 Jogl awt pjgl UNCO --- Using GLCanvas and the SWT_AWT bridge reveals a JavaEmbeddedFrame when ran with Java 7 2023-07-12
8 bugs found.
