Bug 201

Summary: gluScaleImage struggles with non-proportionate scaling.
Product: [JogAmp] Jogl Reporter: Sven Gothel <sgothel>
Component: coreAssignee: Sven Gothel <sgothel>
Severity: normal    
Priority: P3    
Version: 1   
Hardware: All   
OS: all   
Type: DEFECT SCM Refs:
Workaround: ---

Description Sven Gothel 2010-03-24 07:48:26 CET

---- Reported by krazykatz 2006-02-02 15:21:34 ----

Mipsmap.gluScaleImage has difficulty scaling in a non-proportionate manner.  If
you give the method a destination buffer a percentage larger in just the
vertical direction the image will be scaled horizontally rather than vertically.
 The same applies if you give it an image that should be scaled horizontally.

This problem probably affects glu.gluScaleImage also as this method just calls
down to Mipsmap.gluScaleImage.

---- Additional Comments From kbr 2006-02-03 00:26:30 ----

Could you please provide a self-contained test case illustrating the problem?
There may certainly be issues with the Java port of the GLU mipmap code, but
without a test case it is not feasible for us to try to reproduce the issue.

---- Additional Comments From kbr 2006-02-23 16:00:07 ----

I'm afraid we can't do anything with this report without a test case. Closing as
invalid. Please reopen the bug or file a new issue if a test case can be produced.

--- Bug imported by sgothel@jausoft.com 2010-03-24 07:48 EDT  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 201 at https://jogl.dev.java.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=201