Bug 639

Summary: High-Res Mouse-Wheel Support (getWheelRotation() of Newt MouseEvent constantly returns '0' with slow movement)
Product: [JogAmp] Newt Reporter: dan.j.allen
Component: windowsAssignee: Sven Gothel <sgothel>
Severity: normal    
Priority: ---    
Version: 1   
Hardware: pc_x86_64   
OS: windows   
Type: --- SCM Refs:
jogl da14d647581751f3d2f6d651741eaec485e255b5
Workaround: ---
Attachments: The test class.

Description dan.j.allen 2012-11-12 22:52:30 CET
When the test class is run and the mouse wheel is continuously turned slowly, a MouseEvent is continuously fired as expected. However, the output from calling the getWheelRotation() method always returns '0'.

When using AWT MouseEvent and the same hardware, again a MouseEvent is triggered continuously. However, the output from calling the getWheelRotation() method returns a '1' for approx 1 in 4 events (the other events being '0').

It appears the Newt MouseEvent is not carrying over the remainder from each event and therefore a '1' is never returned for slow movements of the wheel.

The mouse in use for this test is a Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 6000.

The test class is attached.

Output from version info:

Implementation-Title = Java Bindings for OpenGL Runtime Environment
 Implementation-Version = 2.0-b853-20121108
 Manifest-Version = 1.0
 Specification-Vendor = JogAmp Community
 Created-By = 1.6.0_35-b10 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
 Implementation-URL = http://jogamp.org/
 Ant-Version = Apache Ant 1.8.2
 Implementation-Commit = 3b57e34459703b2755f9c432e36beff596850b91
 Implementation-Vendor = JogAmp Community
 Trusted-Library = true
 Implementation-Vendor-Id = com.jogamp
 Specification-Title = Java Bindings for OpenGL API Specification
 Implementation-Branch = master
 Specification-Version = 2.0
 Extension-Name = javax.media.opengl
OS: Windows 7, version 6.1, arch x86
GL_VENDOR     ATI Technologies Inc.
GL_RENDERER   ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
GL_VERSION    3.3.11653 Compatibility Profile Context
JOGL GIT sha1 3b57e34459703b2755f9c432e36beff596850b91
Comment 1 dan.j.allen 2012-11-12 22:53:42 CET
Created attachment 383 [details]
The test class.