Bug 701

Summary: Invalid keyChar for 'ß' in keyTyped()
Product: [JogAmp] Newt Reporter: cubus <damichl73>
Component: windowsAssignee: Sven Gothel <sgothel>
Severity: normal    
Priority: ---    
Version: 1   
Hardware: pc_all   
OS: windows   
Type: --- SCM Refs:
Workaround: ---

Description cubus 2013-03-13 03:38:44 CET
jogl 2.0 rc-11
windows vista 32 bit
java 1.6.0_39
german keyboard (qwertz)

in keyTyped(), KeyEvent.getKeyChar() returns invalid values for the 'ß' key.

problem 1
'ß'         -> 'ß' (OK)
'ß' + SHIFT -> 'ß' (SHOULD BE '?')
'ß' + ALTGR -> 'ß' (SHOULD BE '\')

problem 2
the first time 'ß' gets typed after application startup:
KeyEvent.getKeyEvent() returns 0
KeyEvent.getKeyChar() returns 65535

problem 3
when typing 'ß' + ALTGR:
KeyEvent.isAltGraphDown() returns false
Comment 1 Sven Gothel 2013-03-13 06:00:59 CET
v2.0-rc11 is very old and a bug report against this version is invalid,
especially regarding NEWT keyboard input processing - implementation has changed!

Please test your use case against on of the latest aggregated build:

If you can reproduce and the above constrain is _not_ the case,
please reopen, thank you!
In such case, it would be great if you can use one of our unit tests
to reproduce the bug, or create a new one - and attach it to this bug report
and/or offer a git-patch.