Started by upstream project "joal" build number 558 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "gluegen" build number 814 originally caused by: Started by user Sven Gothel Building remotely on win64-amd58xx-win7-jogamp-x64-c3d-002 (win7-x86_64-amd) in workspace c:\JogAmpSlavex64\workspace\joal-demos > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url git:// Fetching upstream changes from git:// > git --version > git fetch --tags --progress git:// +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse "origin/master^{commit}" Checking out Revision 9a86b8e9a8834d2727865eb3f4a2a4e89e54c3fc (origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout > git checkout -f 9a86b8e9a8834d2727865eb3f4a2a4e89e54c3fc > git rev-list 9a86b8e9a8834d2727865eb3f4a2a4e89e54c3fc No emails were triggered. Triggering solaris-x86_64-nv Triggering win7-x86_64-amd Triggering linux-x86_32-amd Triggering linux-x86_64-amd Triggering win7-x86_32-nvida Triggering win7-x86_32-amd Triggering win7-x86_64-nvida Triggering macosx-10_6-x86_64-nvidia Triggering linux-x86_32-nvidia Triggering solaris-x86_32-nv Triggering linux-x86_64-nvidia solaris-x86_64-nv completed with result SUCCESS win7-x86_64-amd completed with result SUCCESS linux-x86_32-amd completed with result SUCCESS linux-x86_64-amd completed with result SUCCESS win7-x86_32-nvida completed with result SUCCESS win7-x86_32-amd completed with result SUCCESS win7-x86_64-nvida completed with result SUCCESS macosx-10_6-x86_64-nvidia completed with result SUCCESS linux-x86_32-nvidia completed with result SUCCESS solaris-x86_32-nv completed with result SUCCESS linux-x86_64-nvidia completed with result SUCCESS No emails were triggered. Warning: you have no plugins providing access control for builds, so falling back to legacy behavior of permitting any downstream builds to be triggered Triggering a new build of jogl #1329 Notifying upstream projects of job completion Finished: SUCCESS