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Started 1 mo 21 days ago
Took 1 min 31 sec on built-in

#685 (Feb 25, 2024, 2:16:30 AM)

  1. SimpleSineSynth: Ensure stop() destroys ALAudioSink even if streamWorker is not running (details / cgit)
  2. ALAudioSink: Allow disabling using AL_SOFT_events via setUseSOFTEvents(boolean) (details / cgit)
  3. SimpleSineSynth: Reuse WorkerThread, drop handcrafted code .. (details / cgit)
  4. Bug 1473 - ALAudioSink: AV Synchronization Broken, Regression in-between JogAmp Version [2.4.0 - 2.5.0] (details / cgit)
  5. Bug 1472: AVSync: Add more comprehensive DEBUG info to detect sync issues (details / cgit)
  6. ALAudioSink: getPTS() returns time-adjusted last dequeued PTS, new updateQueue() dequeues w/o wait 1st, then returns adjusted PTS; Simplify/split waitFroReleaded*(); Use TSPrinter for DEBUG (details / cgit)
  7. Bug 1472: Enhance AV Sync: Pass through PTS object in ALAudioSink, tracking last PTS value against System Clock Reference (SCR) (details / cgit)
  8. ALAudioSink: Use clipAudioVolume(..) function for clarity (details / cgit)
  9. feat(devices): Allow to retrieve devices specifiers with ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT (details / cgit)
  10. feat(version): Invoking JoalVersion no longer destroys the current context (details / cgit)
  11. feat(devices): Move ALC_EXT constant from ALCconstants into ALHelpers with other ALC_EXT names (details / cgit)
  12. feat(headers): Update al*.h and efx*.h to latest version of openal-soft embedded (details / cgit)
  13. drop(eax): Remove support of legacy EAX extension (details / cgit)
  14. Bug 1479 - NativeLibrary: Add getNativeLibraryPath() returning actual native library path, support throughout DynamicLibraryBundle[Info] (details / cgit)
  15. Bug 1475: Minor revision of orig patch-set (details / cgit)
  16. sound3d.Context: Add tryMakeCurrent(..) variant (details / cgit)
  17. Bug 1476: Reviewed updated OpenAL header (extensions) via make/scripts/ (details / cgit)
  18. Bug 1481: ALAudioSink: Adopt to GlueGen's PascalString Change (details / cgit)
  19. Bump OpenAL-Soft to git 571b546f35eead77ce109f8d4dd6c3de3199d573 2023-11-25, post v1.23.1; Adding 2 extensions (ALExt) (details / cgit)
  20. Bug 1480 - Adjust for MacOS >= 10.13 (Min Deployment Version) (details / cgit)
  21. feat(alc): Add missing @Override annotation in ALCImpl (details / cgit)
  22. feat(alc): Fix typo of following methods in ALC api : (details / cgit)
  23. feat(alext): Add ALC_SOFT_system_events inside JoalVersion.getALStrings if supported (details / cgit)
  24. feat(alext): Add tests related to ALC_SOFT_system_events. (details / cgit)
  25. JoalVersion: Avoid using Map.of(..), i.e. streaming API to be compatible w/ JRE 1.8.0 (details / cgit)
  26. Sync OpenAL-Soft to commit b82cd2e60edb8fbe5fdd3567105ae76a016a554c (details / cgit)

Started by an SCM change (1,305 times)

Revision: 9a63edc27748ddb7d4e00e3bba44d58628977ce2
Repository: git://
  • origin/master
Test Result (no tests)

    Aborted by user Sven Gothel