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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.
Started 4 yr 3 mo ago
Took 1 hr 26 min on built-in

#1485 (Dec 31, 2019, 9:18:18 PM)

  1. doc/misc/robovm.txt: Writedown howto use JogAmp in combination with RoboVM AOT (details / cgit)
  2. doc/misc/robovm.txt: Mention -rvm: runtime flags (details / cgit)
  3. doc/misc/robovm.txt: Explore low footprint deployment 6.3Mb (details / cgit)
  4. doc/misc/robovm.txt: Update to JogAmp JOGL 2.3.2 and last libre RoboVM 1.6.1 (details / cgit)
  5. Update CSS; Add responsive viewport design tag (details / cgit)
  6. Update CSS; Add responsive viewport design tag (details / cgit)
  7. Bug 1381: Keep host PixelFormat functional using requested immutable alphaRequested + add appropriate API doc (details / cgit)
  8. iOS: Initial working commit supporting iOS (ipad pro 11) (details / cgit)
  9. iOS: Clean up promotion of EAGLLayer use down to FBObject (details / cgit)
  10. iOS: EAGLLayer FBO w/ DEPTH buffer workaround 1 (details / cgit)
  11. NEWT: Align native MacOS / IOS file- and classnames (details / cgit)
  12. Fix build test jar regression (commit bba73bc096250a3c7fc036d84b1ea054d1b70b06) (details / cgit)
  13. NEWT WindowImpl.doPointerEvent: Use native short[] for pNames (details / cgit)
  14. Copyright: Add missing Copyright tag (details / cgit)
  15. iOS / MacOS: PixelScale Update (details / cgit)
  16. NEWT iOS / MacOS: Simplify setJavaWindowObject (details / cgit)
  17. NEWT iOS: Support Multi-Touch Events, PixelScale, .. (details / cgit)
  18. NEWT iOS WindowDriver: native UIWindow/UIView creation change (details / cgit)
  19. NEWT iOS WindowDriver: Remove unused orig UIWindow/UIView creation path (details / cgit)
  20. NEWT iOS: Support translucent windows (details / cgit)
  21. iOS: IOSUtil_CreateGLViewDemoA0 tests native UIWindow parenting (works) (details / cgit)
  22. Fixed native header generation for native windowing code (details / cgit)
  23. Removed obsolete tools.jar (details / cgit)
  24. Removed references to non-existent method getPeer() in debug code (details / cgit)
  25. Removed import that caused GLUgl2/GLUgl2ProcAddressTable not to compile (details / cgit)
  26. Bug 1363: Java 11: javah replacement: Use conditional ant targets instead of branches, also re-add bootclasspath (details / cgit)
  27. Bug 1363: Java 11: Adapt build scripts for java11 (details / cgit)
  28. Removed remaining bootclasspath and javah; build now works on Windows 10 (details / cgit)
  29. Bug 1363: Java 11: bring back bootclasspath for java 8 target accuracy (details / cgit)
  30. Bug 1363: Java 11: Complement javah replacement: Add new iOS (details / cgit)
  31. Bug 1363: Java 11: Aligned HowToBuild.html w/ GlueGen's updated version (details / cgit)
  32. Bug 1363: Java 11: Adapt scripts for java11 (cont) (details / cgit)
  33. Fixed clean target so it doesn't fail if GlueGenTask is not present (details / cgit)
  34. Bug 1363: Java 11: (Hack) Inject OpenJFX [basic, graphics] into CLASSPATH (details / cgit)
  35. Removed illegal reflective access to sun.java2d.opengl.OGLUtilities (details / cgit)
  36. Bug 1363: Java 11: Don't use sun.awt.SunToolkit.awtLock/Unlock on Java9+ [illegal reflective access] (details / cgit)
  37. Bug 1363: Java 11: Don't use GraphicsDevice.getScaleFactor() on Java9+ [illegal reflective access] (details / cgit)
  38. Bug 1363: Java 11: Use getPixelScale standard method even on Mac under Java9+ (details / cgit)
  39. Bug 1363: Java 11: Resolve unsupported JAWTUtil.getMonitorDisplayID(..) (details / cgit)
  40. Reverting erroneous junit-test task condition (ant build) (details / cgit)
  41. Bug 1101: Add missing disposal of Pipelined_QuadRenderer's VBOs (details / cgit)
  42. Bug 1384: Allow GLRendererQuirks to be overridden by user properties (details / cgit)
  43. JoglVersion.getGLInfo: Increase robustness of debug output (details / cgit)
  44. GLRendererQuirks: Fix typo (details / cgit)
  45. Bug 1383: Cleanup GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(..): Parameter, variables and clip at 180 line width (details / cgit)
  46. Bug 1383: GLContext.isValidGLVersion() ensure only one profile bit is set max; Add OpenGL version 4.6 (details / cgit)
  47. Bug 1283: GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailbility(..) calls: When leaving OpenGL version open, don't assume the profile (details / cgit)
  48. Bug 1383: GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailbility(..): Ensure only one requested profile bit is set; Query GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK for hasCtxProfileBits (details / cgit)
  49. Bug 1383: Final fix: Always test GL3CompatNonCompliant and test on requested version/profile, also .. (details / cgit)
  50. Bug 1383: Tighten version/profile qualification: fail if: requested compat profile && has core profile (details / cgit)
  51. Bug 1385: Limit Quirk GL3CompatNonCompliant to Mesa < 18.2.0 (details / cgit)
  52. Bug 1384: Move remaining 'lose' property quirks into GLRendererQuirks.Override (details / cgit)
  53. Bug 1363: Java 11: Use new Android SDK 24 for Eclipse Android .classpath (details / cgit)
  54. check-junit: enhance output (make it a brief list of classes) (details / cgit)
  55. Bug 1363: Java 11: JAWTUtil: Use sun.awt.SunToolkit.awtLock/Unlock and disableBackgroundErase (impl. semantics) (details / cgit)
  56. Bug 1363: Java 11: Utilize UnsafeUtil.doWithoutIllegalAccessLogger(..) avoiding further unnecessary warnings (details / cgit)
  57. Bug 1390: Fix GLPixelBuffer.GLPixelAttributes::convert(GL, int, boolean) failure on unsupported GL data format/type (details / cgit)
  58. Bug 1391: Cleanup to submit fix: Update known Quirk range; BuggyColorRenderbuffer enables NoFullFBOSupport (details / cgit)
  59. Bug 1392: Add CapabilitiesFilter and GLCapabilitiesFilter supporting diverse reusable [GL]CapabilitiesImmutable list filter (details / cgit)
  60. Bug 1391 Bug 1392: Implement GLRendererQuirks DontChooseFBConfigBestMatch and No10BitColorCompOffscreen (details / cgit)
  61. Bug 1392: X11PixmapGLXDrawable::createPixmap() requires X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration having a valid XVisualInfo (details / cgit)
  62. Bug 1392: Simplify CapabilitiesFilter: Criteria -> Test, remove RemovalCriteria as all Test definitions may be used for anything. (details / cgit)
  63. Buig 1389: Fix SIGSEGV on OpenJDK11 on [NSApplicationAWT sendEvent:] (details / cgit)
  64. OSXUtil::IsMainThread() Utilize ThreadLocal storage flag avoiding unnecessary JNI calls (details / cgit)
  65. Bug 1393: Run orderFront0(=setVisible) async off-thread on AppKit after sync AppKit NSWindow creation (details / cgit)
  66. Bug 1393: MacOS/iOS: Issue updateSizePosInsets0 async to AppKit Main-Thread (details / cgit)
  67. Bug 1393: OSXUtil: Optionally inject Apple's 'Main Thread Checker' (details / cgit)
  68. NEWT Cleanup: WindowImpl::visibleChanged(ZZ): Remove unused 'defer' argument. Method only changes state. (details / cgit)
  69. NEWT Cleanup: WindowImpl: Drop unused 'defer' argument (state change only): insetsChanged + insetsVisibleChanged (details / cgit)
  70. Bug 1393: Add window position validation in TestDisplayLifecycle*NEWT (details / cgit)
  71. Bug 1394 - NEWT X11Window didn't gather inset at window creation (properly) (details / cgit)
  72. Bug 1393: Adding test cases setting visibility before enabling exclusive context thread animator (details / cgit)
  73. Bug 1393: MacOS: Implement AppKit EDTUtil operating solely on main-thread (details / cgit)
  74. MacOS: Add more debug log details (details / cgit)
  75. IOS: CGL.updateContextRegister(..) call on main-thread using AppKit (details / cgit)
  76. Bug 1393: MacOS: Wait for window position setting on main-thread (blocking) (details / cgit)
  77. test scripts: add --illegal-access=warn (details / cgit)
  78. make void* an opaque long in EGL generated class (details / cgit)
  79. detect gbm platform on linux when no other display server is running (details / cgit)
  80. add gbm java & build modifications (details / cgit)
  81. add native gbm implementation for drm and gbm initialization. (details / cgit)
  82. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: Cherry pick changes .. (details / cgit)
  83. gbm/WindowDriver: make it compile and link (details / cgit)
  84. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: Cleanup Code & Replace Newt GBM implementation (details / cgit)
  85. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: Fix Cleanup (Newt package relocation / hack default GBM) (details / cgit)
  86. Bug 1156: GBM: FIXME: Hard link gbm and drm (temporary) (details / cgit)
  87. Bug 1156: Utilize internal glGetStringi (same as glGetString) - Robostness (details / cgit)
  88. Bug 1156: GBM: FIXME: Remove scanning for desktop-GL via EGL, see commit e674f4fa0e795bd67335025123f9af727d856f7d (details / cgit)
  89. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: [Re]use EGL Platform type for eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface as well (like eglGetPlatformDisplay) (details / cgit)
  90. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: Fix NativeWindowFactory native-window-type query according to Bug 1156 (details / cgit)
  91. Bug 1156: NEWT: NewtFactory.getCustomClass(..) Robustness (details / cgit)
  92. Bug 1156: GBM: Fixing native GBM code, surviving initialization (details / cgit)
  93. Bug 1156: GBM: Bring up incl GL rendering (TODO: GBM working page flip / sync) (details / cgit)
  94. Bug 1156 - Implement DRM/GBM Support for JOGL(EGL) and NEWT (details / cgit)
  95. Bug 1402: Standalone native test attempting to reproduce issue (details / cgit)
  96. Bug 1156: Using EGL.eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface(..) crashes on NVIDIA 430.40 on GNU/Linux X11 (details / cgit)
  97. Bug 1200: probeSurfacelessCtx works at least since NVIDIA 430.40. (details / cgit)
  98. Updating my eclipse (details / cgit)
  99. Bug 1156: DRM/GBM Native test: Add Cursor (details / cgit)
  100. Bug 1156: LinuxKeyEventTracker: Fix 64bit InputEvent and attempt to only use keyboard event files (details / cgit)
  101. Bug 1156: DRM/GBM: Add full PointerIcon (Cursor) Support (details / cgit)
  102. Bug 1156: LinuxKeyEventTracker: Add '/dev/input/by-path/*-event-kbd' and more documentation (details / cgit)
  103. Bug 1156: HowToBuild: Add GNU/Linux dependencies to libdrm and libgbm (details / cgit)
  104. Adding test invocation script for linux aarch64 / Refined HowToBuild.html (details / cgit)
  105. Bug 1156: LinuxKeyEventTracker, LinuxMouseTracker: Adding property to disable each (details / cgit)
  106. Bug 1156: LinuxKeyEventTracker, LinuxMouseTracker: Robostness (+NEWT fix) (details / cgit)
  107. Bug 1156: Remove verbose print in native CreatePointer.. (details / cgit)
  108. Scripts: Macos /opt-share -> /usr/local (Catalina Read-Only) (details / cgit)
  109. Scripts: Tests No Verbose (details / cgit)
  110. VC4: Broadcom uses,, and since 7 Jul 2016 (details / cgit)
  111. VC4: Only load Broadcom EGL driver when guessVCIVUsed (details / cgit)
  112. Bug 1405: Provide stand alone demo launcher reducing complexity (details / cgit)
  113. Bug 1406: DRMUtil: Probe DRM device whether it has resources attached (and is the desired one) (details / cgit)
  114. build-test.xml: fix (unused) (details / cgit)
  115. Bug 1406: demos.Launcher0: More tests .. (details / cgit)
  116. Bug 1406: demos.Launcher0: More code path reduction: useMultiplePointerIcon must be enabled via -pointerIcon (details / cgit)
  117. Bug 1156, Bug 1406: NEWT DRM/GBM WindowDriver.surfaceSwap(): Pass swapInterval to optionally skip VSYNC if 0 (details / cgit)
  118. Bug 1406, Bug 1405: demos.Launcher0: No sleep w/o animator. VSYNC setting rules (launch script w/ key tracker) (details / cgit)
  119. NEWT: Align DisplayImpl.createPointerIcon(..) behavior; PointerIconImpl.validatedHandle() shall not create native resource. (details / cgit)
  120. Bug 1408: NEWT DRM/GBM DisplayDriver: Add device locking/unlocking decoration for PointerIcon operations (details / cgit)
  121. Bug 1408: NEWT DisplayImpl PointerIcon: Property 'newt.disable.PointerIcon' disables PointerIcon usage in general. (details / cgit)
  122. Bug 1408: NEWT DRM/GBM WindowDriver: Adding glFinish() before eglSwapBuffers(..) just in case .. (details / cgit)
  123. Bug 1156: NEWT DRM/GBM PointerIcon: Use hotX/hotY drmModeSetCursor2(..), hence pass PointerIconImpl through (details / cgit)
  124. Bug 1406, Bug 1405: demos.Launcher0: Allow passing GLEventListener via '-demo classname' (details / cgit)
  125. NEWTDemoListener: Fix NPE (details / cgit)
  126. Bug 1156, Bug 1401: Disable DesktopGL on EGL w/ DRM/GBM earlier in initialization (details / cgit)
  127. Bug 1406, Bug 1405: demos.Launcher0: Defaults to use multiple PointerIcons again (details / cgit)
  128. LinuxKeyEventTracker: Factor out 'sendKeyEvent(..)' call with null check. (details / cgit)
  129. Bug 1405, Bug 1406, Bug 1408: Resolution: Call ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(..) in GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(..) code path! (details / cgit)
  130. PointerIcon new instances are always valid .. (details / cgit)
  131. Bug 1409: GNU/Linux DRM Console: Clear stdin before exit and don't act on stdin in vsync-wait-loop (details / cgit)
  132. Fix regression of commit 2b899a55e365aa03aeb234187600526777c1a9ac (details / cgit)
  133. Bug 1410: Fix NEWT PointerIcon Lifecycle (destroy and clean references @ closing) (details / cgit)
  134. Bug 1412 - JNI: NEWT Check & Handle Exception after calling back into Java (X11Display + X11Window) (details / cgit)
  135. Bug 1413 - NEWT X11Window: NewtWindows_getFrameExtends(..) may hang on XPeekEvent(..) (details / cgit)
  136. Bug 1412 - JNI: NEWT Check & Handle Exception after calling back into Java (NewtCommon.c) (details / cgit)
  137. Bug 1412: Fix commit a8c2de110a2254af137a3d99007cc77e3ecd8078 (details / cgit)
  138. Bug 1411 - Unit Test Subset for DRM/GBM JOGL(EGL) and NEWT (details / cgit)
  139. Bug 1156: DRM/GBM NEWT: Clarify drmModeSetCrtc(..)'s x/y parameter and earmark spanning across monitors (details / cgit)
  140. Bug 1200: GLRendererQuirks.NoSurfacelessCtx still persists on Linux/X11 NVIDIA 440.36 using FBO (details / cgit)
  141. Bug 1393: Make window position check more tolerant (2x insets or 64 pixels, whichever is greater) (details / cgit)
  142. NEWT WindowImpl: Wording in comment (details / cgit)
  143. Bug 1415: ExclusiveContextBase00+10: Utilize one Animator per Window for clean ExclusiveContextThread (details / cgit)
  144. Bug 1415: MacOS: Disable multiple Window creation on ExclusiveContextThread in test case (details / cgit)
  145. Bug 1393: Resolve EDT + AppKit Deadlock with native parenting: Fetch parent screen position directly w/o locking. (details / cgit)
  146. Bug 1393: Apply 12eed5d38616d23b6e8e2e5b497dfc2f54d90c90 to IOS, avoiding AppKit/EDT deadlock for parent screen location lookup (details / cgit)
  147. Bug 1156: NEWT Window: Better handling of fixed console case: Not resizable and not repositionable. (details / cgit)
  148. Bug 1416 - Allow EGLDrawableFactory re-creation after shutdown() - be functional (details / cgit)
  149. Bug 852: TestCPUSourcingAPINEWT Reference the bug entry and add a little reminder (details / cgit)
  150. Bug 1156: NEWT WindowDriver: Handle case with requested CapabilitiesImmutable not being GLCapabilitiesImmutable (details / cgit)
  151. Bug 1411: DRM/GBM JOGL: Specify '' unit test target. (details / cgit)
  152. Bug 1411 DRM/GBM JOGL: Fix '' unit test target, use it in respective (renamed) scripts. (details / cgit)
  153. Bug 1411 DRM/GBM JOGL: Fix '' - three times a charm? (details / cgit)
  154. Bug 1411 DRM/GBM JOGL: Fix '' - fourth times (details / cgit)
  155. Bug 1417 - Android: Adopt to gluegen/make/scripts/ changes (details / cgit)
  156. Bug 1156: Seperate DRM/GBM NEWT native library from main head NEWT native library (details / cgit)
  157. Bug 1417 - Android: Disable native FFmpeg binding for Android (details / cgit)
  158. Bug 1156 Regression (Bug 1417): Probe whether 'eglGetPlatformDisplay(..)' is available before using (details / cgit)
  159. Bug 1417 - Android: Add adb scripts for x86 [re-]install (details / cgit)
  160. Bug 1417 - Android: APK Manifest [min=21, target=28]; Adopt to GlueGen's 'aapt.signed' d8 usage (details / cgit)
  161. Bug 1287 - Complete Immutable glNamedBufferStorage support in GLBufferObjectTracker (details / cgit)
  162. Bug 1347: Resolve Merged EGL/Desktop Profile Mapping (details / cgit)
  163. Reuse Gluegen's Bitfield.Util for 'PowerOf2' computation (details / cgit)
  164. Gears* tests: Obey verbose flags (details / cgit)
  165. Bug 1312: GLContextShareSet Cleanup (details / cgit)
  166. Bug 1312: GLContextShareSet: Utilize WeakIdentityHashMap for shareMap and its destroyedShares (details / cgit)

Started by user Sven Gothel

Revision: 79833c9e4741bec9d1f56ea8b322679756b16f70
Repository: git://
  • origin/master
Test Result (16 failures / +13)