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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.
Started 13 yr ago
Took 15 min on built-in

#364 (Apr 1, 2011, 3:33:10 PM)

  1. Import Typecast r106, - Apache License, (details / cgit)
  2. Minor changes, OTGlyph: remove redundant/errorneous add-on points (details / cgit)
  3. Imported part of Harmony's awt.geom impl. 6.0-r991881, (details / cgit)
  4. Fitting of jogamp.graph.geom.plane: double -> float, package location, (details / cgit)
  5. Add generic Font and impl TypecastFont. (details / cgit)
  6. Add com.jogamp.graph.geom types (details / cgit)
  7. Add initial GPU based curve rendering implementation, utilizing TTF (details / cgit)
  8. Add LICENSE file (details / cgit)
  9. Make com.jogamp.graph.geom.plane non public: jogamp.graph.geom.plane, (details / cgit)
  10. updated file names (details / cgit)
  11. Refactored Vertex Point PointTex GraphPoint namings (details / cgit)
  12. Fix: GPUTextnewtDemo02 showing r2t algo output (details / cgit)
  13. Fix: RenderingDemo with MULTI_PASS doesnt uses MSAA (details / cgit)
  14. TextDemos: Dump MSAA values, see what which AA style does .. (details / cgit)
  15. TextDemo02 multi pass: no MSAA - right (details / cgit)
  16. sample coverage: no diff to lines (details / cgit)
  17. TextDemo01 (MSAA): 4 samples (details / cgit)
  18. TextDemo01 (MSAA): 4 samples (duh) (details / cgit)
  19. WindowTitle: Add r2t/msaa - Region Demos: Dump MSAA (details / cgit)
  20. Common demo gllistener for text; Cleanup HwTextRenderer: Use GL as (details / cgit)
  21. demo: add numbers to rendering text (details / cgit)
  22. revert to 2nd pass magic fbo size 190 (details / cgit)
  23. Font: Make font instances size agnostic (remove all size states), size (details / cgit)
  24. Demo refactor variable names (details / cgit)
  25. MSAATool Split dump to CSAA and MSAA (details / cgit)
  26. Fix: remove TTF imports (details / cgit)
  27. Added print screen to TGA file to be used in junit (details / cgit)
  28. Testcase for R2T with two sizes (details / cgit)
  29. Multiple snapshots r2t; Added test initial MSAA (details / cgit)
  30. Add debug flag for boundary tri (details / cgit)
  31. Updated textTextRenderer 3 views each and write to tga file (details / cgit)
  32. Same size for both tests diff technique (details / cgit)
  33. Refactor / Use font name as file path, if not a java font (details / cgit)
  34. Refactoring for public: Remove Line ; public/private API cleanup (details / cgit)
  35. Font Refactoring ; Misc Changes ; Demo/Test Update (details / cgit)
  36. Import: Ubuntu Font Family 0.71.2, - Ubuntu Font (details / cgit)
  37. Relocate Hw*Renderer -> opengl subpackage (details / cgit)
  38. Renamed Hw*Renderer -> *Renderer (details / cgit)
  39. Added inclass comments to OutlineShape (details / cgit)
  40. Added inclass documentation to AABBox; Misc changes (details / cgit)
  41. Refactor: Public *Renderer / Unify Region Demos / Using own Screenshot (details / cgit)
  42. Avoid NPE in Screenshot/ReadBufferUtil (details / cgit)
  43. Demo/Test: Use public API (details / cgit)
  44. Fix: RegionRenderer TwoPass Renderering, fix methodnames in Renderer (details / cgit)
  45. Remove generics notion of Type<Vertex>, since Vertex _is_ the lowest (details / cgit)
  46. Set relative texSize to RegionDemo02 (details / cgit)
  47. Temp: updated Testcases to onscreen (details / cgit)
  48. VBORegion2PGL3 -> VBORegion2PES2 (details / cgit)
  49. Text Demo listener: Use keycode instead of keychar (details / cgit)
  50. Fix: Outline over triangulation. (details / cgit)
  51. Inclass Documentation cleanup of public API (details / cgit)
  52. Final core and demo changes for jogl merge (details / cgit)
  53. Folded turtle2d into jogl folders (details / cgit)
  54. Folded typecast into jogl folder (details / cgit)
  55. integrated typecast into jogamp. tree (details / cgit)
  56. Remove HashCode util and its usage (details / cgit)
  57. Add graph shaders and fonts .. (details / cgit)
  58. Font: +getName / +getAllNames / +isPrintableCharacter (details / cgit)
  59. Load fonts via File or URL . (details / cgit)
  60. more text in text demos (details / cgit)

Started by an SCM change

Started by upstream project joal build number 150
originally caused by:

Revision: be6b84a849763df8dbce8ade2caac95dc3cb7eec
  • origin/master
Test Result (10 failures / +2)


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