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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.
Started 4 yr 8 mo ago
Took 47 min on macosx64-NV320M-10_6-jogamp-x64-sgothel-012

#1502 (Jan 16, 2020, 7:35:23 AM)

  1. Bug 1422: NewtCanvasSWT: Handle case of !OSX && DPIUtil.getScalingFactor() > 1 (details / cgit)

Started by upstream project jogl build number 1502
originally caused by:

Revision: f63b94cccc71cf154a7a6d3359ceface3a683229
Repository: git://
  • origin/master
Test Result (2 failures / ±0)Show all failed tests >>>