Michael Bien (54): cl_apple_gl_sharing -> cl_APPLE_gl_sharing. added CLDeviceFilters utility api. added queueMode to filter utilities. fixed a bug which used a wrong eventlist offset under certain conditions and added a regression test. fixed bug 491 "createImage3d incorrect arguments" made 3d version of putCopyImage less restrictive, its now possible to copy from 2d to 3d and from 3d to 2d images. CachedBufferFactory constructors for CLEventList allows efficient creation of large amounts of small lists. using Buffers.sizeOfBufferElem(buffer) instead of old private implementation. equals of CLMemory should also check the nio buffer. CLBuildConfiguration.save(..) should store device index and not the device id. updated javadoc. CLEventList uses now buffer.duplicate() to create a view of the buffer ids instead of using the original buffer directly. code cleanup in CLProgramBuilder.writeObject(). CLProgram.getSource() should not throw CLInvalidValueException if program does not have any sources (only happens on certain drivers). added mapped CLMemory argument to putUnmapMemory for more flexibility. reverted a3654a0b8a4e0c9e246aa04019bf1d5a09e7a28d duplicate buffer before changing its position. fixed race condition in eventsTest() added a set of put3DRangeKernel utility methods. added createBufferTest switched from PointerBuffer to NativeSizeBuffer. more acquire/releaseGLObject methods, made CLGLObject interface public. added glSharing(GLContext context) filter utitlity + code cleanup - CLGLBuffer size must now be specified when the buffer is created - but can be updated later if required (gl lock is mandatory) - added VBO CLGL test - javadoc updates using CL_CGL sharegroup for context creation on mac + enabled CLGLTest on mac missing rewind() generator should use IllegalArgumentException instead of CLException for argument validation. using device name and platform vendor suffix for device identification. initial import of CLMultiContext utility and test. initial import of CLCommandQueuePool and CLTask. added finish action and several utility methods, WIP. worker threads should be deamons and should have a name (like all evil things) one context per device to workaround driver bugs - may change in future. introduced CLQueueContext and its factory - WIP. added context switching functionality. concurrent utils bugfixes and improvements. - more utility methods - generics fixes - basic junit test for CLCommandQueuePool - javadoc and argument validation added submitAll() utility method junit test now covering queue contexts switching improved javadoc. fixed old TODO + better toString() formatting. moved all cl calls to CLInfoAccessor (CLDevice and CLPlatform). CLKernel code review. - optimized create from name path - putArg should not increment the index if setting the argument fails - added putArg() test clarified stream closing in javadoc, initial capacity for StringBuilder. updated build HowTo, simplified instructions + updated links. CLAccessor SPI - initial refactorings. fixed event-condition test which failed sporadically with out-of-order queues. introduced CLAccessorFactory spi and threadlocal default impl for CLDevice and CLPlatform. LLB refactoring. - split up CL into multiple sub interfaces - seperation is now feature wise - introdused llb package for low level classes javadoc updates. renamed binding interfaces so we don't have a conflict with HLB. CLContext uses now CLContextBinding interface. added blocking waitForEvents() methods to CLEventList. automatic header update (one new extension + minor modifications). internal refactoring to use new binding interfaces in highlevel api impl. added another factory method to CLMultiContext. - added isReleased() to CLResource, made CLObject public. - a CLResource will throw an Exception if released twice. CLKernel short setters, setArgs(Object... values) for convenient initialization. Sven Gothel (12): Sync w/ gluegen change 8f8aa3f73e3c9804c4a86f5d4fdac257d50d831a / PointerBuffer's elementSize() is no more static Sync w/ gluegen change 8f8aa3f73e3c9804c4a86f5d4fdac257d50d831a and c5a56e10677e9dc0a048c2be3de16701aac9ad17 Synced w/ mbien's JOCL branch - Making it compatible w/ GlueGen again Add eclipse project files main git source location if jogamp Fix copyright/author tags Doc: Fix git url prepare for linux/armv7 ; Adapt to gluegen changes Adapt to jogl commit 4dbb8731219212e27c9afb769a1c62b32bd230a6 Use JOGL's all lib path (native DSOs) remove gluegen/jogl files from 7z archive New FHS: jars in jar/