Mark Raynsford (2): Bug 759: Remove redundant check around Mesa quirk (that check has already occurred via isDriverMesa) Petr Skramovsky (2): : fixed not clear assignment Fix Bug 744: Added support of RLE encoded .tga Sven Gothel (115): WWW: Add SIGGRAPH 2013 splash - Update links / images Fix 2 links Fix SIGG link, Refine WW2, Fix BioJava www: update .. www: gephi img update Use NApplet for version info Add Jake2 NApplet and Webstart links www .. Tests: Fix enumeration of monitor/screen mode tests, add tests description to class header. Tests: Fix enumeration of monitor/screen mode tests, add tests description to class header. Tests: Put monitor/screen mode tests to own subpackage Update Siggraph div-id anchor Adding MyHMI (Library.. tools) Quaternion: Fix float type - double epsilon slipped through review, where we like to compare float values - remove 64bit conversion. Add Comparable: Point*, Dimension*, Rectangle*, SurfaceSize* and MonitorMode* ; Sort List in descending order to be well determined. NewtCanvasAWT: Add missing println if(DEBUG) decoration X11 RandR: Cleanup RandR impl. selection, RandR13 setMode does not require a temp. display connection! NEWT Screen ..: Typos / JNI signature ScreenImpl: Fix ScreenMonitorState add/remove reference, which shall only happen at actual native create and destroy. MonitorDeviceImpl: No need to nanoTime() .. WWW: Adapt Meet us @ Siggraph w/ home page WWW: Shorten libGDX text www: shorten jebgl WWW: Reorder utils .. matching semantics better Fix Bug 770 and 771 Fix Bug 768 / NEWT Windows: Use layout dependent keySymbol, if independent keyCode is 0. Bug 734: Bug could not be reproduced w/ TestScreenMode02bNEWT, however on some X11 tests systems, artifacts could be experienced. Fix Bug 767: TAB + BS are considered 'printable' - Compromise of 'editor' view and 'font-definition' view. ENTER not. Fix ENTER code: 0xa -> 0xd ! Bug 724: Add manual unit test, incr. PNGImage verbosity. PNGJ: Bump to git sha1 a0b1101ba2d37de39428ed55c8189502e24a3125 of Bug 724: Testing PNG Transparency / Fixing GLSL Shader of test case: Mix texture alpha properly (pre-multiply), due to lack of ALPHA_BLENDING. GLContext: Rename 2-digit VersionNumber statics aligning w/ all 3-digit names, e.g. Version31 -> Version310. ; Trim GLVersionNumber string. Texture: Add 'Order of Texture Commansa' and their semantics to API doc .. due to lot's of confusions. GLJPanel: Add remark about FBO / GLSL texture-unit usage in API doc; Add API entry to set/get texture unit (default 0). WindowImpl.consumeKeyEvent: Reduce DEBUG println and show println after propagating event to show whether it has been consumed. Revise commit 4c34f5980bddcdc84b10cb3bcbb96b365b9d471e (Bug 767): TAB, BS and CR/ENTER are printable for NEWT KeyEvent and font handling. Fix regression. GLRendererQuirks.GLNonCompliant: Recoverd a bit of known knowledge .. in API doc. Remove deprecated methods. Use JoglVersion.getGLStrings(..) in 'famous' tests, removes redundancy .. Gears* RedSquare* TestScreenMode* Cleanup (reset) Revisit Bug 770 and Bug 771: Only use FLAG_IS_FULLSCREEN_SPAN if required; At MonitoMode change, reset fullscreen if FLAG_IS_FULLSCREEN_SPAN is supported. X11Window FullScreen: Toggle _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR not only for ABOVE .. but also for FULLSCREEN WM state. TestScreenMode*: Be more verbose setting screen mode. Refine 9c7ab101cf5261db3ef6160c0aa1906ffcce188b: Don't print extensions .. too much TestScreenMode02bNEWT: Full MonitorMode w/ rotation failure - Expected on some platforms (NV driver) - Tolerated for now TestScreenMode*: At destruction, properly wait until Window and Screen (after mode change) has been destroyed - avoiding conflicts w/ other tests (off thread destruction) TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT: Ensure window/screen has been destroyed before validating active count. TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT: Renable testDisplayCreate02 (my fault) NEWT: Using WeakReferences for global cache of Display, Screen and Window instances; Removing ref. at API destroy() is wrong ; Allow GC to clear .. Fix NPE - Regression of commit 99479bf3197cde8e89c5b499d135417863d521c7 DefaultEDTUtil: If EDT is not started and task is null and wait intended, use nullTask ensuring to wait until EDT started. NEWT WindowImpl: Add little GCed / windowList-size stats at addWindow2List TestScreenMode02bNEWT: Don't assert/wait for Screen shutdown if mode change already failed GLWindow.shutdownRenderingAction: If on anim thread, simply stop ourselves (non-blocking) TestScreenMode*: Stop animator before destroying window - be nice. Workaround NVidia driver 325.8 returning 4.3-compat for any compat request, i.e. allowing 4.3 and 4.4 for GL version validation. Fix Bug 763 and Bug 764: Proper GL gluegen for glCreateShaderProgramv and GL3's glDraw*Elements*. Fix Bug 765: Add glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex ; Restrict PointerBuffer usage to NIO only. NEWT Display.create: If reusing an existing instance, ensure EDT is running! Fix SWTEDTUtil regression caused by dec4b02fe4b93028c85de6a56b6af79601042d6e, ensuring EDT is running for reused Display instances. NEWT EDTUtil: Exposed weakness of EDTUtil usage due to usage of WeakReference, i.e. higher retention of Display instances. NEWT MonitorMode test cases: Add X11 XRandR commandline reset to UITestCase's AfterClass if available (X11). Refine 95ffc6f73b460a24e8f117060de1d80ec85e4c25: Reset X11 XRandR only for MonitorMode test cases reducing impact. PNGJ: Bump to git sha1 a0b1101ba2d37de39428ed55c8189502e24a3125 of Part 2/2 - Started w/ 51427b92a2d9cd3fc619854e26536c9c6adad947 UITestCase.resetXRandRIfX11(): Iterate through all outputs and sets the preferred mode and normal rotation using RandR 1.3 TestScreenMode00cNEWT: Enable testing of UITestCase.resetXRandRIfX11() only in manual mode. Exclude SWT TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated: Give animator a chance to become paused after pulling GLAD from it. TestMainVersionGLWindowNEWT: Add 'manual' version get/print for verification. Add Support for GL 4.3 (Bug 716) and ES 3.0 (Bug 717) StringBuffer -> StringBuilder Fix regressions of commit 3a0d7703da32e9a5ddf08a334f18588a78038d88: Avoid CPP redefinitions Fix BuildComposablePipeline's isGL*/getGL* ; GLBase: getDownstreamGL()/getRootGL(); GLContext.isGL* added proper API doc., isGL3core()/hasNoDefaultVAO() and getDefaultVAO(). Fix value range of CTX_* options bits, regression of commit 3a0d7703da32e9a5ddf08a334f18588a78038d88 WWW: Add JaamSim; Use local VolumeViewer png WWW: Resize insparia png Fix PointsDemoES1: No zero point size allowed Only use base pipelines for Trace/Debug, mock others (ES2, GL2, ..); BuildComposablePipeline: Unify GL identify methods GL*: Expose isGL*Core(); GLContext: isGL*() API doc cleanup - align queries. GLProfile: Abstract profile to impl. mapping, i.e. GL2ES2 -> GL3, favors core profile now - no more OSX exception! Texture: Skip glEnable/glDisable TEXTURE target if using a core context! FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Use GL_RED instead of deprecated GL_ALPHA, otherwise won't work w/ core >= GL3 profiles GPUUISceneGLListener0A: Rotate on vertical scroll .. Tests: Cleanup for GL core usage (Skip texture enable/disable, proper GLSL version number, use VBO only, ...) Tests: Cleanup for GL core usage p2 - (Proper GLSL version number) Fix FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Only use RED for GL3ES3 profiles, otherwise stick w/ ALPHA (regression of e92e561df9673ce77783d6fa3815a942a39a53c0) Redefine: isGLES3Compatible() and isGL4ES3(), i.e. allow GL4ES3 usage in case proper ES3_compat is given. Fix GLContext.isGLES3CompatAvailable(..) API doc and reorder query (from commit 1a20ef3aa1dc9acedd7da0475ee19d4c40b18498) Texture: Fix 'premultiply alpha' semantics in API doc description. Texture class does _nor_ premultiply RGBA image data by default! Fix OSX GL-core lack of pbuffer: GLDrawableFactory.canCreateGLPbuffer(..) add GLProfile argument, similar to canCreateFBO(..) X11GLXContext: Remove redundant manual aliasing of ext. names in isExtensionAvailable() - impl. uses a mapping. More shader fixes for core (GLSL 150): texture2D -> texture, texture3D is deprecated in 130 and removed in 150. Use MaxFixedFunc(..) GLProfile if pbuffer or GL2-compat is required. TestBug722GLContextDrawableSwitchNewt2AWT: Test n/a if JAWT requires offscreen, i.e. no on- offscreen switch possible. GLSL core fixes - texture2D and varying/attributes/.. preprocessing Remedy for Bug 782: Issue Debug.initSingleton() or Debug.debug(..) before calling 'PropertyAccess.isPropertyDefined(propName, default)' through Debug class. Move doc/bouml -> doc/uml - and add symbolic link to doc/bouml .. JOGL API Doc: Remove 'JSR 231' identifier - we are no more bound to a JSR, for a long time! API doc: Update native-taglet / Fix creation, i.e. use 'man2' instead of 'man'. API doc: Add old glext-20130207.h header for complete extension association. Fix GL* API doc header, align w/ spec-overview. NativeWindow API Doc: Fix layout / Add version. Javadoc: Use JogAmp Stylesheet / Colors .. Doc: Update UML diagram and 'Overview-OpenGL-Evolution-And-JOGL' WWW: Added JOGL spec link, fixed grammar . API doc: Use paragraph instead of manual line break .. UML Doc: Fix alignment / separator .. UML Doc: Fix separator .. UML Doc: Fix separator .. Doc: Overview/Evol: Fix embedded size / UML: Fix file attribs UML: Fix 'core' layout - more similar to 'all' Doc: Overview/Evol .. embedded size FFMPEGPlayer Audio Sink Refactoring .. Movie JNLP/NAppletAdd: Add joal jar file FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Cleanup AudioPusher 'usage', i.e. disabled for now (subject to be removed). Movie JNLP/NAppletAdd: joal jar file shall come before jogl's (dependency - refine commit 3e4dac6373185a1a9061b394601221052b2bef84) Xerxes RĂ„nby (20): FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Decode audio frames. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Use the Audio codec to decode audio. Also prevent double free of packet memory. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Lookup decoded audio data_size using av_samples_get_buffer_size FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Decode all frames inside video packet. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Workaround dropped video frames while decoding audio. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Workaround forward seek delay caused by video sync. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add updateSound callback for passing decoded jni audio frames to java. partial implementation of Java Sound output FFMPEGMediaPlayer: blocking Java Sound output FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Poor mans audio/video sync. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Limit video sync delay to 47ms in order to fix audio buffer underrun. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: fix audio pts for varying audio frame format. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add AudioSink interface. ALAudioSink: Buffer and playback audio data. ALAudioSink: Fill buffers before sourcing them. AudioSink: interface add isAudioSinkAvailable www/index.html: Featured Projects -> Utilities, Libraries, Building blocks -> libGDX FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Only instance ALAudioSink if JOAL is found on the classpath. ALAudioSink: Reduce exessive CPU usage caused by polling alGetSourcei. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Fix yuv stored in alpha shader decode on ES2 and GL2 petrs (4): reformatted to same style removed unnecessary castings, removed unnecessary methods for vector operations changed to VectorUtil instead fixed isIdentity method, deprecated isEmpty method (quaternion doesn't have such a property + method do same thing as isIdentity), new setIdentity method, default constructor sets this quaternion to identity, new fromAxis method/costructor new method for vector multiplication, new copy constructor