#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20130626 05:05:42 (UTC)

20130626 05:05:42 -CatOut- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20130625100341.html
20130626 05:05:42 -CatOut- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20130626050542.html
20130626 06:09:49 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 06:46:57 <sgothel> KUDOS!
20130626 06:47:29 <sgothel> re maven: we use Marks same scripts, and when run locally it 'uploads' in a few seconds
20130626 06:47:51 <sgothel> so it's mostly the many files (as Mark said) combined w/ the networking ..
20130626 06:48:19 <sgothel> good morning
20130626 06:48:23 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 07:28:56 * xranby1 (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 07:43:54 <sgothel> http://jogamp.org/deployment/archive/rc/v2.0.2-rc12/archive/ ChangeLog and Sources added - tagged git repo - now editing wiki release
20130626 07:56:35 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Release_2.0.2-rc12
20130626 07:57:29 * [Mike] (~Mike]@anon) Quit ()
20130626 08:00:14 <monsieur_max> hi everyone, i'm currently working on refactoring the matrix part ( matrix objects and matrix stack ) of my game. Since then, this was homemade, but i want to move to something more trustable. For now, i plan to use EJML (https://code.google.com/p/efficient-java-matrix-library/) for matrixes. Do anyone got some insight on this topic, any advice or info ?
20130626 08:00:48 <sgothel> nope sorry, we use our own little atomic math utils
20130626 08:02:00 <sgothel> I once posted here a document describing the huge footprint of classes vs native-types (e.g. Float vs float) .. so it's really use case dependent
20130626 08:03:31 <monsieur_max> ok
20130626 08:03:44 <monsieur_max> thanks for the answer :)
20130626 08:46:47 <xranby> good morning, the maven central jarls looks to be downloading ok! tested using the jogl jake2 port that has been updated to be built using maven
20130626 08:46:51 <xranby> jars
20130626 08:47:00 <sgothel> nice
20130626 08:47:24 <sgothel> I have to push a few jake2 changes thought .. or have you done that already ?
20130626 08:47:24 <xranby> jake2 needs some patching for the multimonitor ScreenMode changes
20130626 08:47:35 <sgothel> yes .. I have done that ..
20130626 08:47:39 <sgothel> but have to test
20130626 08:47:44 <sgothel> i.e. applets etc
20130626 08:47:54 <xranby> oh lovely.. then merge my jake2 branch at github
20130626 08:47:55 <sgothel> will do later, right now I do android market crap
20130626 08:48:03 <sgothel> I did already ofc :)
20130626 08:48:16 <xranby> oh so you got the maven build pom... excellent
20130626 08:48:33 <sgothel> but not tests w/ maven - me so ole fashioned :)
20130626 08:49:23 <xranby> so the only patch you are missing is the version change in the pom and disable the jogamp test maven repository in favour for the maven central one
20130626 08:49:33 <xranby> its a two line change patch
20130626 08:49:34 <sgothel> goody
20130626 08:50:10 <sgothel> and screen mode change was .. err tricky, I guess there is still a bug somewhere .. (my NV driver, or .. ) - will pick that up later
20130626 08:54:35 <xranby> ok i have pushed the pom change https://github.com/xranby/jake2/commits/master
20130626 09:04:41 <sgothel> ok .. triggered 2.0.2-rc12 on market - incl. joal / joal-test .. may take a while
20130626 09:10:21 <xranby> market == android?
20130626 09:10:59 <sgothel> yup
20130626 09:11:12 <sgothel> google market place for Android APKs
20130626 09:13:00 <xranby> maybe we should use one of the alternative markets as well such as fdroid (foss only market), slideme & amazon since these markets can be used on devices that are not certified to use the google market
20130626 09:13:13 <xranby> http://f-droid.org/
20130626 09:13:27 <xranby> http://slideme.org/
20130626 09:13:50 <xranby> http://www.amazon.com/mobile-apps/b?ie=UTF8&node=2350149011 (us only though)
20130626 09:15:32 <xranby> sgothel: the nvidia tegra3 nabby 2 android tablet that i purcased at siggraph last year cant for example use the google market
20130626 09:15:43 <xranby> while it run jogamp like a champ
20130626 09:16:25 <xranby> thus this forced me to examine which alternative markets exist
20130626 09:16:32 <sgothel> hold on a sec ..
20130626 09:19:42 <xranby> oh amazon have now "unlocked" france germany italy japan spain and the united kingdom
20130626 09:19:49 <xranby> still i cant use it here in sweden
20130626 09:20:40 <xranby> so for OEM android tablets slideme.org is the largest market for all of the world
20130626 09:20:52 <xranby> and the f-droid market is awesome for FOSS
20130626 09:21:22 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Android_Packages <- solves it!
20130626 09:21:33 <sgothel> Amazon: No f*** way
20130626 09:21:41 <sgothel> we don't need a market anyways
20130626 09:21:49 <sgothel> so direct download and install is preferred
20130626 09:22:05 <sgothel> google market .. just to show it's possible
20130626 09:22:13 <xranby> we may discuss market deployments when we have a cood jgoamp movie player
20130626 09:22:22 <xranby> cool jogamp movieplayer
20130626 09:22:26 <xranby> or mediaplayer
20130626 09:22:30 <sgothel> and jake2 ..
20130626 09:22:34 <xranby> yes
20130626 09:22:46 <sgothel> those will be build as a single app ofc, w/o the current download 5 APKS :)
20130626 09:24:25 <xranby> looking forward to study DoW's JOGL deployment choice
20130626 09:26:39 <xranby> it all boils down to how many clicks you need to do on a end user tablet for a smooth experience
20130626 09:26:40 <sgothel> all-in-one + dl extra data
20130626 09:26:56 <sgothel> Mark did that w/ his maven stuff
20130626 09:27:05 <sgothel> Rami does it as well for C3D mobile
20130626 09:27:25 <sgothel> simply add the android jars .. we provide - sign the whole thing, done
20130626 09:27:27 <xranby> sounds like there is a sweet way to do deployments using maven then :D
20130626 09:27:38 <sgothel> also manual dude - np
20130626 09:27:48 <sgothel> one jar line in ant does it all :)
20130626 09:28:42 <xranby> for the manual dudes.. would it make sense to add a .project and .classpath that allows developers to import the jogamp-all-platforms as a presetup jogamp maven project
20130626 09:28:54 <xranby> to minimize manual maven setup steps
20130626 09:29:03 <sgothel> hu?
20130626 09:29:08 <xranby> minimize manual *eclipse* setup steps
20130626 09:29:17 <sgothel> you mean a dummy project ?
20130626 09:29:23 <sgothel> as described in wiki ?
20130626 09:29:35 <xranby> a jogamp project setup according to the wiki
20130626 09:29:41 <xranby> with linked sources and all
20130626 09:29:55 <xranby> so that you may simply 1. download the jogamp-all-platforms.7z
20130626 09:29:57 <sgothel> well, so a dummy project :) .. or even an eclipse plugin doing so ..
20130626 09:29:59 <xranby> 2. extract it
20130626 09:30:06 <xranby> 3. import jogamp into eclipse
20130626 09:30:15 <sgothel> I guess it's the later than - an eclipse bundle !
20130626 09:30:30 <sgothel> sure .. but please don't do it before done w/ media player :)
20130626 09:30:49 <sgothel> you have eclipse bundle experience ?
20130626 09:31:06 <xranby> i got a bit of experience when working on the libgdx framework
20130626 09:31:25 <xranby> there i needed to setup a libgdx-jogamp project to host the jars
20130626 09:31:56 <sgothel> I was 'playing' w/ their OSGi a while as well .. 2002 (OSGi only) and 2011 w/ eclipse
20130626 09:32:12 <sgothel> while OSGi is a cool thing, Eclipse .. well, tricky
20130626 09:32:14 <xranby> so my thinking is that to have a project named jogamp prevents eclipse namespace project crash with us jogamp developers who already got a gluegen jogl and joal project
20130626 09:32:54 <sgothel> if we have a jogamp bundle avail .. one can make a dependency to it - done
20130626 09:32:58 <xranby> thus if you then make your eclipse project depend on jogamp you basically say you depend on a release build
20130626 09:33:17 <sgothel> well, bundle versioning works fine
20130626 09:33:28 <sgothel> user chooses
20130626 09:34:03 <xranby> bundle versioning? like a jogamp-2.0.2-rc12 project?
20130626 09:34:10 <sgothel> then user can also add the bundle artifacts in their export rules
20130626 09:34:21 <sgothel> bundle name does not contain the version
20130626 09:34:27 <sgothel> version is a detail ofc
20130626 09:34:56 <sgothel> i.e. when I like to install egit .. I can choose
20130626 09:35:20 <xranby> ok.. lets discuss this sure.. for me this is all brainstorming in order to ease new developers jogamp ide setup
20130626 09:35:39 <sgothel> however - today, all can follow the simple wiki - yes, later :)
20130626 09:35:51 <sgothel> now back to GL changes ..
20130626 09:36:44 <monsieur_max> from my experience, creating the first jogamp project was easy ... but the hard part was to find examples, like "my first triangle"
20130626 09:36:54 <sgothel> jogl-demos
20130626 09:37:10 <monsieur_max> yep, i probably missed something at the time
20130626 09:37:16 <sgothel> but ofc .. the very 1st is always hard to do ..
20130626 09:38:07 <monsieur_max> soory for the chat disturbance, you may go on now ;)
20130626 09:38:49 <xranby> monsieur_max: thank you for joining the discussion
20130626 09:39:37 <monsieur_max> just my two cents, i'm quite a standard java dev, not reading much of documentation, just clicking around, so maybe it could help ;)
20130626 09:40:26 <xranby> monsieur_max: have you tested deployment of Catequesis on android trablets?
20130626 09:40:44 <xranby> tablets
20130626 09:41:08 <monsieur_max> oh gosh no, not even tried , i'll focus on android later, the first target is desktop
20130626 09:42:02 <monsieur_max> but i'm sure the port will be easy, on th gl side... the controls, sound and filesystem stuff will be another thing
20130626 09:42:33 <monsieur_max> xranby: we're not even sure to target tablets or smartphones, maybe only android console
20130626 09:42:35 <xranby> monsieur_max: oh ok.. i got puzzled because your indiedb summary mentioned android http://www.indiedb.com/games/catequesis
20130626 09:42:54 <xranby> under the platforms section
20130626 09:43:14 <monsieur_max> yeah, we will release on android, for sure :)
20130626 09:43:14 <xranby> test it.. it may simply work :D
20130626 09:44:05 <xranby> especially if you use NEWT and the GL2ES2 profile
20130626 09:44:21 <monsieur_max> xranby haha, you're quote optimistic :P but from my experience the port could take only a wekk or 2 of work
20130626 09:44:29 <sgothel> @Max: What do you release and when ? (Sorry if I have forgotten .. I am so .. senile sometimes)
20130626 09:44:54 <sgothel> Anything we can show ?
20130626 09:44:57 <xranby> sgothel: monsieur_max is the lead developer of this awesome indie game http://www.indiedb.com/games/catequesis
20130626 09:45:09 <monsieur_max> xranby : well i use this newt and gl2es2, specially for that , but i've got some nasty thing, like a texture floader using horrible awt stuff
20130626 09:45:11 <xranby> not yet released
20130626 09:45:47 <monsieur_max> sgothel: i did not remember talking of this project with you, so you're not senile ... yet
20130626 09:45:50 <sgothel> @Max: So .. maybe add a slide, readme etc .. so we can show it at our BOF
20130626 09:45:58 <sgothel> hehe
20130626 09:46:19 <sgothel> maybe a small 720p video .. 2-3 min.
20130626 09:46:31 <sgothel> if you like the attention :)
20130626 09:46:36 <monsieur_max> well, the trailer is the only thing we have right now
20130626 09:46:40 <xranby> monsieur_max: i found out about your project by finding your developement diary
20130626 09:47:06 <monsieur_max> xranby : a dev diary ? i have that ?
20130626 09:47:16 <sgothel> be aware: Xerxes is our 'search master' :)
20130626 09:47:30 <sgothel> head of jogamp intelligence :)
20130626 09:47:32 <monsieur_max> sgothel: well, i don't like the attention butthe coleader is ;)
20130626 09:47:32 <xranby> monsieur_max: yup here it is http://www.indiedb.com/games/catequesis/news/catequesis-tech-inside-1
20130626 09:48:24 <monsieur_max> ah yeah remember
20130626 09:48:26 <sgothel> so be kind and send us the material (incl. readme: download and play) .. then we can show it. would be good to focus on the item list
20130626 09:48:29 <monsieur_max> i was forced to do it :P
20130626 09:48:45 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/JogAmp_BOF_SIGGRAPH_2013_PLANNING#All_Libraries.2C_Applications.2C_Games_and_Demos
20130626 09:50:29 <monsieur_max> sgothel: well ... i'm not sure, there's no game to play, just a sandbox to test all the rpg features, it's too early, but the cocreator wanted to make a teaser, he's the graphist and neede attention, but that was really too early for me
20130626 09:51:04 <xranby> monsieur_max: is the video created using the ingame engine?
20130626 09:51:14 <xranby> if so we may show that
20130626 09:51:22 <sgothel> it must not be a complete game - important things are technical decisions, why jogamp (see above list) .. etc, a few pics / anim. would suffice
20130626 09:51:28 <monsieur_max> xranby : well some part yes some not
20130626 09:51:33 <sgothel> ok ?
20130626 09:51:55 <xranby> the dev diary is nice
20130626 09:52:04 <monsieur_max> sgothel: well ...
20130626 09:52:16 <monsieur_max> mmmh how many time i've got to produce things ?
20130626 09:52:31 <sgothel> if you have a video already done .. nothing
20130626 09:52:34 <sgothel> just slides ..
20130626 09:52:37 <monsieur_max> because, well, i'd like to show the awesome editor too :)
20130626 09:52:44 <sgothel> as you wish .. ofc
20130626 09:53:13 <monsieur_max> i had to show the editor since weeks in a screencast, so maybe this will give me a kick
20130626 09:53:21 <sgothel> cool
20130626 09:53:54 <sgothel> 1-2 minutes would be fine: note: this is a long time if video is cut well .. etc
20130626 09:54:06 <monsieur_max> there's already a screencast of the old ugly editor, not even using jogamp :(
20130626 09:54:50 <xranby> sgothel: 46s video http://www.indiedb.com/games/catequesis/videos/catequesis-teaser-trailer
20130626 09:55:33 <sgothel> watching .. lol - so retro, I like it
20130626 09:55:56 <monsieur_max> :)
20130626 09:56:31 <sgothel> yes .. 2-3 minutes would be cool .. w/ slides addressing our list -> technical
20130626 09:56:37 <xranby> 10min screencars displaying the editor http://www.indiedb.com/games/catequesis/videos/catequesis-screencast-2#imagebox
20130626 09:56:53 <monsieur_max> noooo, not that editor
20130626 09:56:57 <monsieur_max> it's ugly
20130626 09:57:01 <xranby> oh. ok that the artist workflow
20130626 09:57:43 <xranby> monsieur_max: looking forward to the editor video :D
20130626 09:57:48 <sgothel> would be a 3 min limit though ..
20130626 09:58:21 <monsieur_max> sgothel: i can produce a short screencast showing the editor, modifying a level, display the modifcation in game
20130626 09:58:35 <monsieur_max> should i focus more on jogamp in this video ?
20130626 09:58:42 <sgothel> cool .. if you can do voice over w/ small short statements: even better
20130626 09:58:45 <monsieur_max> i'm not really sure of what i can tell
20130626 09:59:00 <sgothel> then say nothing and play music :)
20130626 09:59:12 <sgothel> i.e. just say what you write in your slides
20130626 09:59:23 <monsieur_max> yep of course ,no problem with voice over, with my lovely french "nouvelle vague" accent
20130626 09:59:35 <sgothel> i.e. why jogamp, platform agnostic, how hard was it .. blablab
20130626 09:59:52 <sgothel> android plans .. OpenGL ES2 .. etc
20130626 10:00:20 <sgothel> and ofc promote your game in the intro .. i..e who are you, license, availability etc
20130626 10:00:30 <sgothel> thats how you should start ofc
20130626 10:01:32 <sgothel> at those conferences / presentation: always short and simple - you have the advantage: you are doing it in a video you can cut :)
20130626 10:01:54 <monsieur_max> but, just to make it short, i won't be live there
20130626 10:01:55 <sgothel> reminds me: Xerxes: we need one day before BOF to test the 'demo play'
20130626 10:02:02 <monsieur_max> *short / clear
20130626 10:02:10 <sgothel> yup!
20130626 10:02:39 <monsieur_max> so how will things happen, someone will broadcast the thing ?
20130626 10:02:50 <sgothel> we will just show your video / slides
20130626 10:03:05 <monsieur_max> ok :)
20130626 10:03:07 <sgothel> see wiki page .. we will go through each app/demo/..
20130626 10:03:22 <monsieur_max> yep, i was just wondering how the thing will be ... live
20130626 10:03:22 <sgothel> focus is on the ecosystem, our advancements comes last
20130626 10:03:30 <monsieur_max> nice point
20130626 10:03:38 <sgothel> projector etc .. see last BOFs
20130626 10:04:58 <monsieur_max> ok, well, i seem a bit late from what i saw in your planning
20130626 10:05:23 <sgothel> the timetable is a very wet dream of mine :)
20130626 10:05:29 <monsieur_max> haha :)
20130626 10:05:57 <sgothel> as long we don't need to hack in the hotel room again until the BOF like 2011 .. I am fine :)
20130626 10:06:04 <monsieur_max> haha :)
20130626 10:06:39 <monsieur_max> well , ok, i'll think seriously about it, talk about it with the cocreator and see what we can produce
20130626 10:06:58 <monsieur_max> sgothel: i'll get back to you if it's ok and then with the content
20130626 10:06:58 <sgothel> thx
20130626 10:07:06 <sgothel> awesome
20130626 10:09:00 <sgothel> @Xerxes: Please cleanup your joal folder under /srv/www/jogamp.org/joal
20130626 10:09:11 <xranby> monsieur_max: jogamp will record the siggraph 2013 BOF session and hopefully create an equally nice teaser like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mBi7psP7VM - JogAmp BOF @ Siggraph 2012 - Teaser
20130626 10:09:12 <sgothel> # modified: www/openal_c.gif
20130626 10:09:12 <sgothel> # modified: www/test.zip
20130626 10:09:15 <sgothel> or was it me ?
20130626 10:09:21 <xranby> me
20130626 10:09:29 <sgothel> then pls check it in :)
20130626 10:09:39 <xranby> it should be checked in already
20130626 10:09:46 <xranby> months ago
20130626 10:09:58 <sgothel> so I will reset the local branch and pull ..
20130626 10:10:04 <xranby> its part of the joal shortlog
20130626 10:10:10 <xranby> for the rc12 release
20130626 10:10:16 <sgothel> done
20130626 10:10:22 <monsieur_max> xranby : ahah i was just watching it, the demo visual is astounding
20130626 10:10:50 <sgothel> yes - Dominik is our demo master!
20130626 10:11:27 <sgothel> will add a 'Meet us @ SIGGRAPH 2013' on front page I guess ? OK ?
20130626 10:12:20 <xranby> OK!
20130626 10:14:11 <sgothel> JogAmp: 2D/3D & Multimedia Across Devices Wednesday, 24 July 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM | Anaheim Convention Center - Room 213 B OpenGL, OpenCL and Multimedia across devices using Java.
20130626 10:14:11 <sgothel> Showcasing CAD, games, video and UI. Backend of Ardor3D, Java3D, JME3 and libGDX.
20130626 10:14:11 <sgothel> Running on Android, Linux, Window, OSX, and Solaris.
20130626 10:14:15 <sgothel> http://s2013.siggraph.org/attendees/birds-feather
20130626 10:14:20 <sgothel> we have a room number :)
20130626 10:14:24 <monsieur_max> ok, after seeing the video, i must warn you that i don't have long hair ... even got a bald spot, is it still ok ?
20130626 10:14:35 <sgothel> haha
20130626 10:14:41 <sgothel> don't need to watch you :)
20130626 10:15:04 <sgothel> we are not in human trafficking :)
20130626 10:15:09 <monsieur_max> ;)
20130626 10:15:25 <sgothel> best to focus on content you provide
20130626 10:17:47 <monsieur_max> ok, i stop looking for a log haired wig
20130626 10:17:54 <monsieur_max> *long
20130626 10:23:30 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has left #jogamp
20130626 10:30:07 <sgothel> @Xerxes: Do I read this right, that 'Select Conf. Pass' does _not_ include most of the BOFs ?
20130626 10:32:04 <sgothel> http://s2013.siggraph.org/attendees/birds-feather#987a84708f8fae0e48430f49112966c3210762b1
20130626 11:45:20 <monsieur_max> sgothel: co-creator is ok, so far so good, i'll try to gather things, and come up with something interesting to show. So far, the interesting points could be : a game using raw jogamp, no framework, game runtime using NEwt and editor mixing Swing and Newt, with almost real time testing possibility when modifying a level in the editor. I use openAL too btw
20130626 11:50:37 <sgothel> nice!
20130626 11:50:44 <sgothel> wow
20130626 11:51:01 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/ : Added 'Meet us @ SIGGRAPH 2013' Splash
20130626 11:52:06 <sgothel> all these CSS hacking ..
20130626 11:55:00 <sgothel> @Max: your email address, so I can give you wiki write access to edit our planning page etc ..
20130626 11:55:31 <monsieur_max> sgothel: monsieur.max on gmail
20130626 11:57:15 <sgothel> dot com I assume ?
20130626 11:58:50 <monsieur_max> received :) and registered
20130626 11:58:55 <sgothel> mmax has been created .. go to our ssl login page and recover password - PLEASE CREATE A NEW one ..
20130626 11:59:04 <monsieur_max> haha ok
20130626 11:59:07 <sgothel> faster than me :)
20130626 12:01:12 <monsieur_max> alright done, thank you sven. I'll keep you updated about this. Meanwhile, got some ugly work to do, involving applets and drag and drop. Have a good day :)
20130626 12:01:36 <sgothel> great day to you - applet's: pls try our napplet style - most compatible
20130626 12:02:11 <sgothel> http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-current/jogl-applet-runner-newt-gears-normal-napplet.html
20130626 12:02:27 <sgothel> no jnlp required .. using our gluegen native jar libloader
20130626 12:04:00 <monsieur_max> haha interesting... but it's not about jogamp at all, it's for my day work ;)
20130626 12:04:16 <sgothel> ok, you still could use it :)
20130626 12:05:20 <sgothel> (if you need to dl native libraries in for applets)
20130626 12:05:50 <monsieur_max> great, i'll keep this link somewhere , this could totally happen one day
20130626 12:22:19 <sgothel> yup android rc12 auto-updated on android, nice
20130626 12:31:35 <sgothel> "... it's like shearing a pig – lots of screams but little wool." :)
20130626 12:32:25 <sgothel> Mr. Putin in regards whether he like to deal w/ US / Snowden somewhat .. or not.
20130626 12:45:45 * rmk0 (~rmk0@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 12:45:45 * rmk0 (~rmk0@anon) Quit (Changing host)
20130626 12:45:45 * rmk0 (~rmk0@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 13:56:21 <sgothel> Walking the JOGL start page .. apps ..
20130626 13:56:44 <sgothel> @Mark: I need a png/jpg 160x160 and a little text for your tools
20130626 13:56:56 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/jogl/www/ <-
20130626 13:56:59 <rmk0> 'lo
20130626 13:57:03 * rmk0 eyes it
20130626 13:57:29 <rmk0> ah, right
20130626 13:57:45 <sgothel> pls email .. currently editing it
20130626 13:58:49 <monsieur_max> ticket to ride is a really nice addition to the game list :)
20130626 14:04:17 <rmk0> will be a few minutes... currently fighting the usb controllers on this motherboard
20130626 14:04:41 <rmk0> has suddenly decided to stop cooperating and refuses to read from usb pen drives
20130626 14:04:46 <rmk0> which happen to contain my pgp keys
20130626 14:06:15 <sgothel> fascinating .. you are on the road ?
20130626 14:07:44 <rmk0> nope
20130626 14:07:56 <rmk0> they're on there for that reason, though
20130626 14:45:45 <sgothel> http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore/viewerLaunch.do?viewerType=PW&structureId=2YMK&unit=bio&unit_id=1 <- BioJava .. RCSB_Viewers
20130626 14:46:05 <sgothel> using rc11 :)
20130626 14:53:55 <sgothel> http://www.iedb.org/browse_by_3D.php?name=TCELL&mhc_allele_id=143_9606_Homo_sapiens_TCELL
20130626 15:02:10 <sgothel> (buggy .. missing native jar files .. hmm)
20130626 15:02:16 <sgothel> (contacted them)
20130626 15:08:28 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 15:09:04 <sgothel> so all these we link .. especially academics .. worth to show :)
20130626 15:10:48 <rmk0> sgothel: text and image sent
20130626 15:10:53 <sgothel> thx
20130626 15:17:08 <sgothel> @Mark: Since 160x160 is very small .. maybe an image w/o the UI elements .. zooming the actual visualization ?
20130626 15:17:15 <xranby> sgothel: F S Ex Birds of a Feather All week http://s2013.siggraph.org/attendees/schedule-glance
20130626 15:17:16 <sgothel> I update a few images here already ..
20130626 15:17:39 <xranby> thus you need a F    Full Conference      S    Select Conference or an Ex    Exhibitors pass
20130626 15:17:40 <rmk0> sgothel: yeah, it was an awkward one
20130626 15:17:49 <rmk0> at 160x160, you could barely make out what the visualization was
20130626 15:17:54 <rmk0> i'll try again
20130626 15:18:17 <sgothel> @Xerxes: So 'Select' is enough for BOFs .. etc right ?
20130626 15:18:27 <xranby> yes a Select conference pass is enough
20130626 15:18:37 <sgothel> they became ugly .. w/ their FUD email .. grrr
20130626 15:18:52 <sgothel> and I have to admit: I am a bit color blind (red/green) .. hehehe
20130626 15:19:05 <sgothel> the ideal candidate to validate visual artifacts :)
20130626 15:19:17 <sgothel> @Mark .. thx
20130626 15:19:28 <xranby> sgothel: you cant get in using a E+   Exhibits Plus   or  E    Exhibits Only pass
20130626 15:19:46 <sgothel> great
20130626 15:20:07 <sgothel> one night .. I mentioned the price tag of this 'norway ?' java conference .. wow!
20130626 15:20:11 <sgothel> they are nuts ..
20130626 15:20:53 <sgothel> Awesome link .. schedule .. thx!
20130626 15:32:44 <rmk0> sgothel: slightly better image sent
20130626 15:33:09 <sgothel> thx .. will check in a bit :)
20130626 15:42:56 <sgothel> ok .. I guess I take the one from your webpage - I have cut out the UI :)
20130626 15:43:01 <sgothel> looks more dramatic
20130626 15:43:14 <sgothel> like the borg ..
20130626 15:43:18 <sgothel> ship
20130626 15:44:27 <rmk0> hehe
20130626 15:47:07 <rmk0> gimp seems to do a poor job of scaling it down
20130626 15:47:09 <rmk0> major aliasing
20130626 15:47:24 <sgothel> hmm
20130626 15:48:10 <sgothel> tbh .. I am starring at the screen reading all the stuff to add .. my eyes may fail me
20130626 15:48:33 <sgothel> BioJava was the worst .. they don't even give you links to something cool to see :)
20130626 15:50:30 <sgothel> so which app is missing on jogl page
20130626 15:50:41 <sgothel> I remember a few ones lately .. but not 100% .. names .. hmm
20130626 15:50:53 <sgothel> there was a bridge builder thingy ?
20130626 15:51:14 <sgothel> @Xerxes: libGDX is missing ..
20130626 15:54:41 <xranby> sgothel: now with the rc12 i can continue on the upstream libgdx merge
20130626 15:54:50 * hharrison (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 15:55:05 <sgothel> nice - text and image pls :)
20130626 15:55:25 <sgothel> btw: don't they want to do that on their own ?
20130626 15:55:26 <hharrison> sgothel: tshirts ~10-15CAD depending on how much actually involved
20130626 15:55:37 <sgothel> awesome
20130626 15:55:42 <sgothel> how long do they need ?
20130626 15:55:53 <sgothel> can they deliver to Anaheim ? Or when do you depart ?
20130626 15:55:56 <hharrison> between 1 and 2 weeks
20130626 15:56:01 <sgothel> cool
20130626 15:56:05 <hharrison> I'm arricing on the 21st
20130626 15:56:26 <hharrison> I don't mind an extra suitcase
20130626 15:56:38 <sgothel> hehe :)
20130626 15:56:42 <sgothel> AWESOME
20130626 15:56:52 <sgothel> so I will see how the design is going ..
20130626 15:57:12 <sgothel> so end of next week!
20130626 15:57:15 <hharrison> They can give a firm price if I have a copy of the design with me
20130626 15:57:18 <sgothel> they need the data
20130626 15:57:18 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20130626 15:57:28 <sgothel> resolution ? format ?
20130626 15:57:49 <hharrison> All they said was 'a vector format' so svg?
20130626 15:57:54 <sgothel> PDF .. I guess .. ok cool
20130626 15:58:01 <sgothel> yup
20130626 15:58:08 <sgothel> perfect
20130626 15:58:21 <hharrison> If you have any prelim stuff I can wander over early and get them to give it a try
20130626 15:58:28 <sgothel> can they invoice us ? i,.e. can I pay to their account ?
20130626 15:58:48 <hharrison> I'll inquire
20130626 15:58:54 <sgothel> guess 50 shirts is enough ? anybody ?
20130626 15:59:00 <sgothel> how much you guys like to have ?
20130626 15:59:05 <sgothel> 3 for each ?
20130626 15:59:27 <sgothel> I thought 50 for audience and give away advertisement :)
20130626 15:59:44 <sgothel> plus the shirts you like to have .. home/office .. whatever
20130626 16:00:09 <sgothel> 10-15CAD incl. front + back ? cool!
20130626 16:00:50 <hharrison> Yeah, it really depends on amount of printing
20130626 16:01:03 <sgothel> great price Sir !
20130626 16:01:50 <hharrison> Just a standard cotton shirt, heat-applied printing...that was what you were thinking right?
20130626 16:01:55 <sgothel> harvey, xerxes, mark, dominik, rami, julien, jens, .. ?
20130626 16:02:03 <sgothel> I guess so .. me not expert :)
20130626 16:02:12 <sgothel> but is that what you usually have ?
20130626 16:02:28 <sgothel> i.e. won't go away w/ laundry ? :)
20130626 16:02:40 <sgothel> sven, ..
20130626 16:02:45 <sgothel> 7
20130626 16:02:48 <sgothel> more ?
20130626 16:02:59 <hharrison> http://www.blueskyt-shirts.com/
20130626 16:04:11 <sgothel> perfect
20130626 16:04:21 <sgothel> who am I missing in list ..
20130626 16:04:49 <sgothel> ok .. lets say 30 shirts for us + 50 adv.
20130626 16:05:00 <sgothel> 80 - shirts, my boss will kill me :)
20130626 16:05:33 <sgothel> size .. spread ?
20130626 16:05:52 <xranby> i can pay for 11 shirts
20130626 16:05:55 <sgothel> s l xl xxl ? home many ? suggestions (80 shirts total)
20130626 16:06:17 <hharrison> the faq there has image format suggestions, for whomever is providing art
20130626 16:06:28 <sgothel> yup .. saw that
20130626 16:06:42 <sgothel> SVG top, otherwise 300dpi - dominik knows
20130626 16:06:47 <sgothel> he likes SVG
20130626 16:06:55 <hharrison> Sure...not my specialty ;-)
20130626 16:07:14 <sgothel> @Xerxes: Nope - We make it a company spending, either from us, or another sponsor
20130626 16:07:22 <sgothel> no personal money for this pls
20130626 16:08:04 <sgothel> Dunno if Zafena likes to sponsor that :)
20130626 16:08:41 <sgothel> @Harvey: I need that 160x160 PNG image and a little text for Aussenco JaamSim
20130626 16:08:44 <sgothel> for JOGL website
20130626 16:09:01 <sgothel> do I have that already ? (my mind slips ..)
20130626 16:09:12 <hharrison> Yep, should have final approval for slides today, will send it all together
20130626 16:09:22 <sgothel> awesome
20130626 16:09:31 <sgothel> again: t-shirt size distribution ? :)
20130626 16:09:39 <sgothel> maybe they know whats 'usual' ?
20130626 16:09:49 <hharrison> I'll inquire
20130626 16:09:49 <sgothel> AFAIK: better larger than too small ? :)
20130626 16:10:03 <sgothel> maybe just l xl will do it ?
20130626 16:10:25 <sgothel> if so we could say 50/50
20130626 16:10:59 <hharrison> Depends, having some small/med would be helpful as generally women are averse to xL
20130626 16:11:27 <sgothel> JogAmp shirt for the night shift :)
20130626 16:11:40 <hharrison> nice
20130626 16:11:58 <hharrison> I'll see what they say at the shop, they likely do this all the time
20130626 16:11:59 <sgothel> right, Canadian 'S' is quite big already :)
20130626 16:12:11 <sgothel> right
20130626 16:12:12 <hharrison> Ahhh, you'd think that, but this is Vancouver
20130626 16:12:18 <sgothel> haha
20130626 16:12:36 <sgothel> so Chinese 'S' ? :)
20130626 16:12:37 <hharrison> The super-high asian population has got our size distribution corrected
20130626 16:12:41 <sgothel> yup
20130626 16:13:01 <sgothel> then S L XL .. I guess .. let them decide :)
20130626 16:13:22 <hharrison> Sure, I'll get some more info before the design is ready anyways
20130626 16:13:23 <sgothel> 80 shirts .. quote .. we send them the money
20130626 16:13:36 <hharrison> Will do
20130626 16:13:37 <sgothel> yup .. trying to get in touch w/ our artist
20130626 16:13:44 <sgothel> perfect - THX
20130626 16:56:36 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/jogl/www/ updated ..
20130626 16:56:46 <sgothel> pls check .. etc, add what you like
20130626 16:56:56 <sgothel> updated GL section on the right
20130626 16:57:06 <sgothel> and app / lib links and images
20130626 17:01:32 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/deployment/java3d/ <- I add this for java3d .. ? Harvey ?
20130626 17:02:39 <rmk0> sgothel: probably best to link to http://io7m.com/software/jspatial
20130626 17:02:42 <rmk0> is a more stable link
20130626 17:03:26 <sgothel> hu ?
20130626 17:03:29 <sgothel> a redir
20130626 17:03:39 <sgothel> to http://mvn.io7m.com/jspatial/
20130626 17:03:56 <rmk0> even that'd be better
20130626 17:04:13 <sgothel> but .. no sexy pictures ? :)
20130626 17:04:25 <rmk0> hehe
20130626 17:04:30 <sgothel> ok then
20130626 17:04:40 <rmk0> i'll add one later
20130626 17:06:20 <sgothel> done
20130626 17:06:25 <rmk0> thanks
20130626 17:07:58 * [Mike] (~Mike]@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 17:22:44 <xranby> Sorel Johann is working on reimplement all map data imaging api's on top of jogamp jogl in his UN Project https://bitbucket.org/Eclesia/un/wiki/Home in public domain spirit
20130626 17:23:23 <xranby> thus no license
20130626 17:24:19 <xranby> https://bitbucket.org/Eclesia/un/src/2769b9d22e02555f9d554255f9559521abeaa2e1/license/UNLICENSE.txt?at=default
20130626 17:25:53 <xranby> or a legal paradox? a copyright license that asks the authors to put it in public domain.. how will it be judged?
20130626 17:27:29 <sgothel> dunno .. but funny
20130626 17:30:09 <sgothel> what is it using ? graph ? GL ? our TTF libs ..
20130626 17:30:23 <sgothel> so goal is to only rely on JVM itself ?
20130626 17:30:54 <sgothel> well .. we have similar goals - thats for sure :)
20130626 17:30:55 <xranby> he is reimplementing a lot of api's from scratch. really good guy
20130626 17:31:08 <xranby> https://bitbucket.org/Eclesia/un/commits/all
20130626 17:32:30 <xranby> he sent a mail to the jamvm mailing list asked how to reimplement an alternative to the openjdk classes
20130626 17:32:47 <xranby> so yes.. he aim to replace the entire classpath
20130626 17:33:30 <xranby> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=jamvm-general&max_rows=25&style=nested&viewmonth=201306
20130626 17:33:55 <xranby> that is my reply to him
20130626 17:34:03 <xranby> if you scroll down
20130626 17:34:41 <sgothel> yup
20130626 17:35:02 <sgothel> thought there a few free impl. ? apache ? etc ?
20130626 17:36:34 <xranby> looks like we wished to use the JVM without having to re implement the standard java.lang* classes.. will be interesting to see what he will choose instead of the java.lang.Class
20130626 17:36:45 <xranby> as the top nod
20130626 17:36:47 <xranby> node
20130626 17:37:21 <xranby> err Object
20130626 17:40:22 <sgothel> so a one man show doing all from scratch .. network, file, blabla .. ? well, I can't believe this 'from scratch' thingy :)
20130626 17:40:35 <sgothel> browsing through his file space
20130626 17:41:07 <sgothel> un/protocol .. almost empty .. ok
20130626 17:44:51 <sgothel> CObject .. well well :)
20130626 17:45:50 <sgothel> either he his a new super work horse w/ magic powers .. or I don't know, for sure I am curious and have to see this again in a few month.
20130626 17:46:21 <sgothel> maybe he can join us ? dunno whats his goal, i.e. use-case .. maybe there is something to share
20130626 17:46:55 <sgothel> thx for the link, world is interetsing
20130626 17:46:57 <xranby> i am observing as well, find it fashinating
20130626 17:47:24 <sgothel> while glancing over the world ..
20130626 17:47:35 <sgothel> what are our friends of LWJGL doing ?
20130626 17:48:00 <xranby> fixing mac os x bugs
20130626 17:48:11 <sgothel> maybe we can import some of their stuff (w/ proper authorship) .. native platform bitmap read/apply .. comes to mind
20130626 17:48:16 <hharrison> It does seem a shame more of the low-level stuff isn't shared between the two projects
20130626 17:48:24 <sgothel> oh .. thought they have that already for a long time
20130626 17:48:32 <sgothel> yes
20130626 17:48:42 <sgothel> who shall I email ?
20130626 17:48:53 <sgothel> I remember I wanted to email the guys ..
20130626 17:49:04 <sgothel> invite them to our BOF .. they can show theirs as well
20130626 17:49:18 <sgothel> and maybe for further coop.
20130626 17:49:20 <hharrison> indeed, would be great to expand the tent
20130626 17:49:57 <hharrison> What's their binding appraoch? A gluegen-like thing, or hand-rolled?
20130626 17:50:11 <sgothel> I was told .. all manual
20130626 17:50:45 <sgothel> but for bits and pieces like mouse cursor .. window icon .. etc .. I am too lazy to care for that :)
20130626 17:51:13 <sgothel> and in general, i.e. chat about impl. details .. bugs .. platform issues
20130626 17:51:20 <sgothel> I guess we could help us more
20130626 17:52:07 <sgothel> Jens (void) .. commits too, looks like an Apple dude :)
20130626 17:52:31 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 17:52:33 <hharrison> True, a shared space to get these issues out in the open is good, even if no shared code comes with, just shared knowledge
20130626 17:52:44 <sgothel> yup
20130626 17:53:04 <sgothel> we also share similar (if not same) license :)
20130626 17:56:12 <sgothel> hehe .. they force same CALAyer fix (0/0) position :)
20130626 17:59:19 <sgothel> autch .. they use the xrandr cmdline tool and parse it
20130626 18:00:12 <sgothel> what is Windows IME ? Window8 new UI ?
20130626 18:01:06 <sgothel> input method e.. something ahh
20130626 18:09:02 <xranby> I would suggest email Ioannis Tsakpinis "Spasi" and Brian Matzon "matzon"
20130626 18:09:15 <sgothel> I see a 'generator' in lwjgl3 :)
20130626 18:09:41 <xranby> Ioannis and Brian are working on a rewrite... that is lwjgl3 yes
20130626 18:10:21 <xranby> https://github.com/Spasi https://github.com/matzon
20130626 18:10:31 <sgothel> right .. you mentioned it (you have your fingers in the whole world it seems) :)
20130626 18:10:50 <sgothel> so .. they align to GlueGen/JOGL a bit more ..
20130626 18:13:27 <sgothel> w/o using a compiler, but more like a perl sed replacement .. hmm
20130626 18:14:19 * rmk0 sniggers
20130626 18:14:28 <rmk0> who needs an AST and types when you can just bash things with a brick?
20130626 18:14:33 <rmk0> /o/
20130626 18:14:37 <sgothel> haha
20130626 18:14:40 <xranby> For better and more uptodate info see the [RFE] LWJGL 3.0 thread http://lwjgl.org/forum/index.php/topic,4800.0.html
20130626 18:14:59 <sgothel> I was reading it from the source ..
20130626 18:15:59 <sgothel> yup - thats our feature list, alright :)
20130626 18:16:16 <hharrison> interesting choices on their roadmap
20130626 18:16:18 <sgothel> so .. a long way to go
20130626 18:16:18 <hharrison> "Remove legacy features: pbuffers, AWT integration, the debug jar, the util package, deprecated functions.
20130626 18:16:19 <hharrison> pbuffers are obsolete, AWT/Swing are basically dead (JavaFX is everywhere we want LWJGL to run anyway)"
20130626 18:16:33 <sgothel> :)
20130626 18:16:48 <rmk0> i hope they provide offscreen buffers
20130626 18:16:50 <sgothel> and .. if they truly are modular, it doesn't matter to have them
20130626 18:16:52 <rmk0> jcanephora test suite depends on those
20130626 18:17:16 <sgothel> i.e. w/o the GL OO style, they will have huge troubles on OSX/CALayer offscreen (FBO or PBuffer)
20130626 18:17:16 <hharrison> "Provide "profile-based" GL classes. An example would be a GLCore class that contains all the functions/tokens from 1.1 to 3.1 (or 3.2), without the deprecated stuff"
20130626 18:17:33 <sgothel> and they miss ES already
20130626 18:17:52 <hharrison> Christ, it seems like a really good time to talk to each other and find some common ground here
20130626 18:18:13 <sgothel> I assume they know JOGL and what wer are doing
20130626 18:18:22 <sgothel> hence, I don't know why they simply join
20130626 18:18:48 <sgothel> since IMHO (maybe I am arrogant .. dunno) .. our design is just better
20130626 18:19:06 <sgothel> i.e. matches their future list
20130626 18:19:33 <sgothel> right they mention NEWT
20130626 18:20:52 <sgothel> I miss the unit tests ..
20130626 18:21:15 <hharrison> unit tests?
20130626 18:21:25 <sgothel> sorry, in lwjgl3
20130626 18:23:03 <sgothel> oh .. there are a few
20130626 18:28:47 <sgothel> I guess I should stick reading our code :)
20130626 18:44:21 * xranby (~xranby@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20130626 18:52:45 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has joined #jogamp
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20130626 22:24:23 -tomaw- [Global Notice] Hi all, we just experienced a little unexpected issue with the webchat resulting in all its users being momentarily kicked off the service. It's back working correctly now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
20130626 22:33:05 * void256 (~void@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130626 22:33:23 * ___m___ is now known as [Mike]
20130626 22:56:32 <xranby1> void256: hi you may update your maven pom to use 2.0.2-rc12 for nifty gui!
20130626 22:59:03 <xranby1> void256: http://forum.jogamp.org/Release-2-0-2-rc12-tp4029471.html
20130626 23:08:11 * xranby1 (~familjen@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
20130626 23:45:35 <void256> thanks will do @ xranby
20130626 23:47:49 * void256 (~void@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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