#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20150815 05:05:29 (UTC)
20150815 05:05:29 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150814050529.html
20150815 05:05:29 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150815050529.html
20150815 06:45:46 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) Quit (Quit: badshah400)
20150815 07:22:58 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150815 07:37:17 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150815 07:52:19 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150815 07:57:49 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150815 08:38:10 <xranby_> good morning
20150815 08:41:52 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
20150815 08:54:03 * packet0 (~packet0@anon) Quit ()
20150815 09:12:14 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150815 10:31:51 <zubzub> morning
20150815 10:31:53 <zubzub> *noon
20150815 10:34:24 <xranby_> zubzub: good noon!
20150815 10:51:57 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150815 10:58:03 <Eclesia> hi
20150815 11:05:33 <xranby_> Eclesia: hi, and thank you again!
20150815 11:06:16 <Eclesia> no problem if it's usefull :)
20150815 11:06:31 <Eclesia> useful*
20150815 11:18:14 <xranby_> Eclesia: when i import your project into eclipse, then the eclipse m2e have some complains on the demo pom and thec console pom
20150815 11:18:30 <xranby_> thus my biggest issue is fighting eclipse at the moment
20150815 11:19:24 <Eclesia> can't help sorry, haven't use eclipse for years
20150815 11:19:59 <xranby_> eclipse simply do not like the maven-dependency-plugin copy-dependencies
20150815 11:20:58 <Eclesia> if you know another way to do it then it can be changed
20150815 11:21:40 <xranby_> i have to think about it
20150815 11:21:56 <xranby_> i do not know any answer up front
20150815 11:22:20 <xranby_> at least i can get eclipse to behave by removing the goal from the pom
20150815 11:23:04 <Eclesia> you can just comment it, it's only useful to make an executable jar with all libs near it
20150815 11:26:08 <xranby_> Eclesia: the cpurenderer do not yet support alpha?
20150815 11:26:26 <xranby_> tried to set the colour with some alpha value
20150815 11:26:33 <Eclesia> xranby_: it does. use createRGBA for the image
20150815 11:26:47 <xranby_> ah!!
20150815 11:26:52 <Eclesia> and output the image in png
20150815 11:28:14 <Eclesia> xranby_: you can configure the blending too. with painter.setAlphaBlending
20150815 11:29:00 <Eclesia> painter.setAlphaBlending(AlphaBlending.create(AlphaBlending.SRC_OVER, 0.5f));
20150815 11:29:18 <Eclesia> all porter-duff rules are available
20150815 11:29:25 <xranby_> tried to use png but i get
20150815 11:29:27 <xranby_> Decompression error in IDAT
20150815 11:29:31 <xranby_> when trying to open the file
20150815 11:29:36 <Eclesia> open it with gimp
20150815 11:29:51 <xranby_> gimp worked
20150815 11:29:55 <xranby_> cool
20150815 11:30:09 <xranby_> excellent
20150815 11:30:21 <Eclesia> there is something in the file that file explorer doesn't like. not sure what exactly
20150815 11:30:28 <xranby_> since i am really only interested at the moment to use it for a newt window repaint
20150815 11:33:38 <Eclesia> xranby : image.getDataBuffer().toByteArray()
20150815 11:34:56 <Eclesia> bytes are in a simple order R8G8B8A8
20150815 11:37:29 <Eclesia> xranby_: or have a look at https://bitbucket.org/Eclesia/unlicense/src/tip/engine/engine-opengl-util/src/main/java/un/impl/opengl/resource/TextureUtils.java method loadTexture
20150815 11:38:02 <Eclesia> now that you are playing with my my image api it should be understandable
20150815 11:48:52 * xranby_ pokes eclipse to actually download the api sources when using maven
20150815 11:54:25 <xranby_> https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-eclipse-plugin/examples/attach-library-sources.html
20150815 11:54:32 <xranby_> it work
20150815 11:57:50 <Eclesia> have to modify the project pom to tell eclipse to download sources and javadoc .... joking ?
20150815 12:12:02 <xranby_> no joke i am afraid :/
20150815 12:13:00 <Eclesia> then eclipse is a joke :x
20150815 12:13:27 <xranby_> maybe the joke stay at the "optional" eclipse maven plugin
20150815 12:13:37 <xranby_> you have to install the plugin manually
20150815 12:13:52 <rmk0> http://waste.io7m.com/2015/08/15/deps.png
20150815 12:14:10 <xranby_> rmk0: thank you
20150815 12:14:14 <xranby_> sanity restored
20150815 12:14:24 <Eclesia> héhé
20150815 12:16:43 <xranby_> Eclesia: painting the geometries and the text takes ~80ms on my macine.. ok for basic UI functionality such as displaying an error message
20150815 12:16:48 <xranby_> if opengl is not found
20150815 12:17:12 <xranby_> using the cpurasterizer
20150815 12:18:15 <Eclesia> xranby_: if you want to tune it go ahead ;) . I can give you a commit access if you wish
20150815 12:18:27 <xranby_> i do not plan to tune it
20150815 12:18:43 <xranby_> since we have good performance using the gpu
20150815 12:21:21 <Eclesia> I'm interested in the code for displaying the error frame. if you agree to make it public of course.
20150815 12:22:03 <xranby_> Eclesia: of course.. i am working using your codebase atm to see if i can make a newt window and fill it
20150815 12:22:18 <xranby_> as a proof of concept tes
20150815 12:22:19 <xranby_> test
20150815 12:22:38 <xranby_> your font renderer is actually faster compared to the geometries
20150815 12:22:53 <xranby_> geo: 70230920ns 70 ms
20150815 12:22:53 <xranby_> text: 5646655ns 5 ms
20150815 12:22:53 <xranby_> repainting: 75878442ns 75 ms
20150815 12:23:00 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) Quit (Quit: badshah400)
20150815 12:25:21 <Eclesia> I believe it's the circle case which is a bit long. the contour is a fake using bezier curve and not arcs (I don't have arcs implemented yet)
20150815 12:26:34 <Eclesia> I didn't make any profiling, just a guess
20150815 12:30:17 <xranby_> Eclesia: nope.. it is actually the rectangle that consume most of the time
20150815 12:30:40 <xranby_> Eclesia: paintin the circle only takes 16ms
20150815 12:31:12 <Eclesia> hm then it's the amount of pixel to fill which has an impact.
20150815 12:33:03 <xranby_> yes, the rectangle takes ~50ms
20150815 12:33:13 <Eclesia> question on a different topic. I'm trying to make a friendly api to 'link' properties
20150815 12:34:11 <Eclesia> imagine you have : pojo.getText()/setText() and some other object : other.getLastName()/setLastName()
20150815 12:34:23 <Eclesia> how would you like to write the binding ?
20150815 12:35:10 <xranby_> are you building a graph dataase?
20150815 12:35:20 <Eclesia> swing way would be listeners on each object and call get/setProperty of each one. painfull
20150815 12:35:40 <Eclesia> xranby_ nope , just user interfaces TextField <> User
20150815 12:37:10 <Eclesia> javafx way : textfield.textProperty().bindBidirectional(user.lastNameProperty());
20150815 12:38:49 <Eclesia> it's just some brainstorming, how to make it easy to read and understand
20150815 12:39:42 <xranby_> i was stumbling across Josh Marinacci's experimental works yesterday.. he is one of the people who left oracle after javafx 1 got canned
20150815 12:40:13 <xranby_> i can check if had some interesting solution inside his amino (bsd licensed) UI language
20150815 12:41:24 <xranby_> after he left oracle he ported the code from jogl 2 to javascript thus he have multiple implementations
20150815 12:43:46 <Eclesia> http://code.google.com/p/leonardosketch/ ?
20150815 12:44:23 <xranby_> yes that contains the old jogl 2 backend
20150815 12:44:53 <xranby_> https://code.google.com/p/leonardosketch/source/browse/?repo=amino2
20150815 12:46:53 <xranby_> https://code.google.com/p/leonardosketch/source/browse/?repo=amino2x
20150815 12:49:29 <Eclesia> no bindings, looks like he didn't go this far
20150815 12:49:52 <Eclesia> it's still really basic what's in there
20150815 12:52:04 <xranby_> https://github.com/joshmarinacci/aminogfx <- the latest version now in javascript that can do -> http://www.joshondesign.com/2015/02/27/aminorefactored -> http://www.joshondesign.com/2014/07/28/amino
20150815 12:52:57 <xranby_> josh usually prototype things
20150815 12:53:18 <xranby_> i think he made more than half of the javafx demos at the javafx 1 launch in 2009
20150815 12:54:12 <xranby_> thus he is good at the experimental ui design area
20150815 12:54:28 <xranby_> i mostly see property animators
20150815 12:54:37 <xranby_> used to smooth animate things between location
20150815 12:54:38 <xranby_> s
20150815 12:54:44 <xranby_> hmm'
20150815 12:55:09 <xranby_> in any case he is unemployed at the moment
20150815 12:55:20 <xranby_> if someone want to hire an technology envangelist
20150815 12:55:36 <xranby_> http://www.joshondesign.com/2015/08/01/needajob
20150815 13:00:06 <xranby_> http://projects.joshy.org/Amino2x/refactor/gallery/
20150815 13:05:35 <Eclesia> you think he will accept a job offer at 0.1$/month ?
20150815 13:05:52 <xranby_> write him a letter
20150815 13:06:40 <xranby_> he surely do not want to work on another project that gets canned by the will of some upper management decision
20150815 13:07:06 <Eclesia> yeah I've read this presentation, poor guy
20150815 13:07:42 <Eclesia> that would be frustrating for a developer, everything you write just get discarded
20150815 13:08:30 <xranby_> thus he is willing to work at a startup as long as it is a good project
20150815 13:08:47 <xranby_> if you have a good busniess case then sure
20150815 13:09:14 <xranby_> it took 7 years before the family company i work at now broke even
20150815 13:11:11 <xranby_> he also do experimental drawing robots
20150815 13:12:35 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150815 13:21:07 <xranby_> Eclesia: ok back to the question... brainstorming on how to link properties
20150815 13:21:51 <xranby_> is there a name for this kind of feature amongst UI API designers?
20150815 13:23:00 <Eclesia> no official name afaik, often see bind/link
20150815 13:27:17 * xranby_ grabs a game programmers patterns book to check if it contain any suitable design pattern for ui elements
20150815 13:27:24 <Eclesia> haha
20150815 13:29:59 <xranby_> contains some usefull patterns like the Object Pool patters how to prevent memory fragmentation when generating massive amounts of spakling effects when things explode etc.
20150815 13:30:52 <xranby_> robert nystrom who wrote this book have actually published it online free for all to read
20150815 13:31:25 <xranby_> http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/contents.html
20150815 13:31:54 <xranby_> http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/
20150815 14:00:48 <Eclesia> ... well ... sometimes the obvious is hard to find. here is the best I imagined :
20150815 14:00:56 <Eclesia> textField.getTextVar().readFrom(user.getNameVar());
20150815 14:00:56 <Eclesia> textField.getTextVar().readWriteFrom(user.getNamevar());
20150815 14:02:12 <Eclesia> wondering if it could be made even more fluent : textField.text().readFrom(user.name());
20150815 14:02:28 <Eclesia> xranby_: what do you think ?
20150815 14:04:40 <xranby_> readWriteFrom maybe call it syncWith ?
20150815 14:06:41 <xranby_> can textField and user use the same var?
20150815 14:06:48 <xranby_> that would simplify it
20150815 14:07:31 <xranby_> the var then have two listeners
20150815 14:07:55 <xranby_> thus when you update the var it sets and then update its listeners that is the user and the textField
20150815 14:08:39 <Eclesia> that would imply there is a setTextVar(Var v) method on each one
20150815 14:10:25 * packet0 (~packet0@anon) has joined #jogamp
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20150815 14:18:32 <Eclesia> textField.varText().read/sync(user.varName());
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20150815 14:31:32 * packet0 (~packet0@anon) Quit (Quit: Bye)
20150815 16:05:52 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) Quit (Quit: badshah400)
20150815 16:12:38 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150815 16:13:33 * badshah400 (~badshah40@anon) Quit (Client Quit)
20150815 16:20:44 <xranby_> https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan/tree/master/models <- free to use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license
20150815 16:51:15 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150815 18:17:48 * a11mad11 (c0e2cd65@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
20150815 18:55:12 <Eclesia> done : variable sync working : textField.varText().sync(user.varName()) :)
20150815 19:43:03 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150815 19:47:27 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150815 21:50:54 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150816 04:27:51 * packet0 (~packet0@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150816 04:33:41 * packet0 (~packet0@anon) Quit (Quit: Bye)
20150816 05:05:29 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150816050529.html