#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20150828 05:05:31 (UTC)
20150828 05:05:31 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150827050531.html
20150828 05:05:31 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150828050531.html
20150828 06:13:17 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 06:31:56 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 06:32:16 <elect> hi
20150828 06:54:23 <a11mad11_> hi
20150828 06:55:53 <a11mad11_> im stuck again on the my shaderprogram i rewrite it but doesn't work :/
20150828 06:57:02 <a11mad11_> https://sourceforge.net/p/mad-game-engine/svn/HEAD/tree/Game%20engine/src/fr/mad/engine/shader/
20150828 06:57:09 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 07:01:28 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150828 07:02:25 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 07:06:06 <a11mad11_> im stuck again on my shaderprogram i rewrite it in major part,but it doesn't work, someone can help?
20150828 07:06:19 <a11mad11_> https://sourceforge.net/p/mad-game-engine/svn/HEAD/tree/Game%20engine/src/fr/mad/engine/shader/
20150828 07:18:25 * a11mad11_ (~marc-anto@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20150828 07:18:47 * a11mad11_ (~marc-anto@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 07:29:42 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 07:29:59 <eclesia> good morning
20150828 07:38:02 <elect> hi a11mad11_ describe your problem
20150828 07:39:16 <a11mad11_> my vao is working perfectly ,it render, but my shader Dont make change
20150828 07:39:49 <elect> vao and shader are both part of the render
20150828 07:40:13 <elect> everyone has to work in order to render properly
20150828 07:41:06 <a11mad11_> i use your example as model
20150828 07:41:58 <a11mad11_> i just not implementing the modeltoclip to my vertexshader
20150828 07:42:08 <elect> it's ok
20150828 07:42:12 <elect> you dont have too
20150828 07:42:14 <elect> to
20150828 07:44:01 <elect> btw a11mad11_, you should switch to github, I find its interface much better
20150828 07:44:33 <a11mad11_> im not able to do it ith eclips :/
20150828 07:45:07 <elect> have you tried Netbeans?
20150828 07:45:22 <elect> btw, one think I am looking is wrong is that you are still not passing the GL object
20150828 07:45:29 <elect> in your ShaderProgram
20150828 07:45:39 <elect> delete protected GL2 gl2;
20150828 07:46:00 <elect> and pass it when you need it
20150828 07:46:02 <a11mad11_> a year ago, is not the same gl
20150828 07:46:02 <elect> like this
20150828 07:46:08 <elect> public void compil(GL2 gl2) {
20150828 07:46:36 <elect> what do you mean?
20150828 07:46:43 <a11mad11_> in init and disply methode of drawble
20150828 07:46:58 <a11mad11_> is GL gl is the same?
20150828 07:47:17 <elect> GL2 is the OpenGL 2 type
20150828 07:47:27 <elect> ah, yeah
20150828 07:47:29 <elect> it is the same
20150828 07:47:32 <elect> I got what you meant
20150828 07:47:55 <a11mad11_> if i store it,it should be ok?
20150828 07:47:59 <elect> no
20150828 07:48:15 <elect> because it is not guaranteed to stay the same
20150828 07:48:38 <a11mad11_> ok i make change and i come back
20150828 07:48:40 <elect> I can't explain you very well, but it has something to do with the gl context
20150828 07:48:47 <elect> we will wait you here :)
20150828 07:49:27 * gouessej (5ee4b442@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 07:49:32 <elect> btw, you want to give a try to Netbeans, you can set up like here
20150828 07:49:32 <elect> https://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Setting_up_a_JogAmp_project_in_your_favorite_IDE#NetBeans_IDE
20150828 07:49:35 <gouessej> Hi
20150828 07:49:36 <elect> salut
20150828 07:49:47 <gouessej> a11mad11_: Don't store the GL instances
20150828 07:50:03 <gouessej> a11mad11_: Don't pass them when you can
20150828 07:50:31 <gouessej> a11mad11_: Rather get them by using GLContext.getGL()
20150828 07:50:57 <elect> why you shall not pass them?
20150828 07:51:13 <gouessej> a11mad11_: Stick to Sourceforge if it works for you. I use it too. The same is ok for Eclipse.
20150828 07:51:41 * gouessej (5ee4b442@anon) Quit (Client Quit)
20150828 07:51:48 <elect> >.>
20150828 07:51:49 <a11mad11_> when i pass it, it doesnt change anything
20150828 07:52:17 <elect> you should do one change at the time, a11mad11_
20150828 07:52:40 <elect> what did you change before your render gets broken?
20150828 07:53:49 <a11mad11_> its rendering perfectly the color change with glcolor but when i replace glcolor by my shader, my object take the last color
20150828 07:54:08 <elect> dont use glColor
20150828 07:54:45 <a11mad11_> i use it for a cross like to say me my axis
20150828 07:54:47 <elect> it's deprecated
20150828 07:55:25 <elect> you can insert it in the same vbo as the vertex position data of your axis
20150828 07:55:35 <elect> or you can pass as uniform in the fragment shader
20150828 07:56:36 <elect> (the same of the modelToClip uniform example)
20150828 07:56:58 <elect> just declare it in the fragment shader instead of the vertex one
20150828 07:56:59 <a11mad11_> if i remove my cross my object is white
20150828 07:57:15 <elect> start from the simplest case
20150828 07:57:22 <elect> and then add all the other objects
20150828 07:57:34 <elect> start from the cross only or from an object only
20150828 07:57:44 <elect> and be sure it works before moving on
20150828 07:57:59 <a11mad11_> now it just the object the code is already made
20150828 07:58:10 <elect> catch any gl error with checkError()
20150828 07:58:16 <elect> at the end of the display()
20150828 08:00:41 <a11mad11_> GL_INVALID_VALUE
20150828 08:02:36 <elect> something is wrong
20150828 08:02:44 <elect> where do you get it?
20150828 08:02:49 <elect> init or display?
20150828 08:02:54 <a11mad11_> init
20150828 08:03:38 <elect> add other checkError() with a different text in order to find the problematic call, like checkError(gl, "1"), checkError(gl, "2")
20150828 08:04:24 <elect> because you only know that that error has been produced betweent the last checkError call and the current one
20150828 08:06:09 <a11mad11_> the error come of fact that i forgot to clean a line
20150828 08:06:10 <a11mad11_> modelToClipMatrixUL = gl.getGL2().glGetUniformLocation(s.id, "modelToClipMatrix");
20150828 08:07:27 <elect> ah
20150828 08:07:50 <a11mad11_> now no error and shader does no effect
20150828 08:07:56 <elect> when you dont use a variable inside the shaders, the compiler optimizes it automatically and delete the unused variables
20150828 08:08:04 <elect> so you got a -1, that means invalid
20150828 08:08:33 <elect> ok, now we have to find the real problem
20150828 08:08:46 <elect> you are expecting to render the axis or an object?
20150828 08:09:00 <a11mad11_> an object
20150828 08:09:33 <a11mad11_> the object render and hen i rotate the camera it moving
20150828 08:09:45 <a11mad11_> it seems to be 2d
20150828 08:09:57 <elect> wait wait, how are you moving the camera?
20150828 08:10:15 <a11mad11_> glu.gluLookAt(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, upx, upy, upz);
20150828 08:11:14 <a11mad11_> the camera look at center point and rotate ??? the object
20150828 08:11:41 <a11mad11_> surrounding
20150828 08:12:23 <a11mad11_> *moves around the object
20150828 08:12:45 <elect> you should write the code to generate the matrix by your own and then upload it like I did with modelToClip
20150828 08:13:26 <a11mad11_> how i move the camera with model clip
20150828 08:13:46 <a11mad11_> when i try all move weirdly
20150828 08:14:26 <a11mad11_> *strangely
20150828 08:15:02 <elect> use FloatUtil.makeLookAt
20150828 08:16:59 <a11mad11_> on which array
20150828 08:17:14 <elect> anyway, positioning/matrix/spaces is a big chapter to learn, read this http://web.archive.org/web/20140205121851/http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/Positioning/Tutorial%2006.html
20150828 08:18:03 <a11mad11_> after my shader should work?
20150828 08:20:25 <elect> in theory :)
20150828 08:20:59 <elect> btw, makeLookAt on an array you already instantiated
20150828 08:21:11 <a11mad11_> i love this tow word -.-
20150828 08:21:23 <a11mad11_> yes like you do
20150828 08:21:30 <elect> so you dont create every frame a new float[] array and let the old be collected by the garbage collector
20150828 08:21:34 <a11mad11_> for rote and scale
20150828 08:21:38 <elect> exactly
20150828 08:22:00 <elect> "graphic world is made of screams and blood"
20150828 08:22:30 <a11mad11_> thanks i will read that, who say that?
20150828 08:22:38 <bruce-> albert einstein
20150828 08:22:46 <elect> but once you learn it, you will feel the power in your veins
20150828 08:22:48 <elect> :D
20150828 08:22:59 <a11mad11_> XD
20150828 08:23:04 <elect> I read once as a signature from an italian dev
20150828 08:23:45 * elect_ (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 08:24:27 <elect> this page explains very well why you should learn modern opengl http://web.archive.org/web/20140207031129/http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/About%20this%20Book.html#d0e30
20150828 08:25:32 <a11mad11_> i just finding old opengl tuto in all language
20150828 08:26:48 <elect> yeah
20150828 08:26:53 <elect> I know, that's the problem
20150828 08:27:33 <elect> take in account that the most recent opengl 4.5 can run on gpu starting from 2010
20150828 08:27:54 <a11mad11_> for me ist 4h30 am so i will sleep befor the sunrise
20150828 08:28:08 <a11mad11_> yes but vao and all run on opengl 2
20150828 08:28:19 <elect> arent you in france?
20150828 08:28:32 <a11mad11_> in quebec,cnada
20150828 08:28:35 <elect> yeah, I guess vao were introduce since gl2
20150828 08:28:42 <elect> ah nice, a canadian ^^
20150828 08:29:00 <elect> good night then
20150828 08:29:06 <elect> cya tomorrow
20150828 08:29:21 <a11mad11_> to tomorrow
20150828 08:29:45 * a11mad11_ (~marc-anto@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20150828 08:30:07 * elect_ (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
20150828 08:53:31 <elect> has someone ever used glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex here?
20150828 09:47:01 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150828 09:47:54 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 10:27:02 * eclesia (~husky@anon) Quit (*.net *.split)
20150828 10:27:15 * zubzub (~zubzub@anon) Quit (*.net *.split)
20150828 10:29:44 * zubzub (~zubzub@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 10:30:01 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 10:30:40 * eclesia (~husky@anon) Quit (*.net *.split)
20150828 10:32:58 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 10:38:37 <xranby> good day
20150828 10:38:48 <xranby> eclesia: did you get any sleep tonight?
20150828 10:39:18 <xranby> sorry for keeping you awake but it was fun doing it
20150828 11:28:44 <xranby> I like to define #JogAmp as a technology enabler: JogAmp is good at abstracting hardware and abstracting wetware *core ideas & concepts* API
20150828 11:28:51 <xranby> You uses the #JogAmp provided #hardware and #wetware API's to build great #software. -> #portable -> #hardwareaccelerated & #patentfree wow!
20150828 11:37:44 <eclesia> xranby: I survived :)
20150828 11:48:40 <xranby> Jolla tablet preorder is now open, https://shop.jolla.com/preorder_shop_en
20150828 11:48:54 <xranby> good if you want to be an early wayland adopter
20150828 11:51:41 <zubzub> emerge weston
20150828 11:51:43 <zubzub> there you go
20150828 11:51:44 <zubzub> wayland
20150828 11:51:45 <zubzub> :p
20150828 11:52:38 <xranby> Your order has been received...
20150828 11:52:49 <xranby> i have a sweet spot for ordering GNU/Linux devices
20150828 11:56:28 <xranby> good then i have three devices running free software GUI stacks on top of linux one nokia n9 (xorg), one ubuntu phone (mir) and now one jolla (Wayland)
20150828 11:57:39 * xranby feels ready for EGL initialization when it arrive
20150828 12:02:27 <xranby> also this will be my first high dpi device
20150828 12:02:33 <xranby> 7.85″ IPS 330 ppi 2048 x 1536
20150828 12:02:58 <xranby> sounds sweet to run graph on
20150828 12:03:40 <xranby> tht it uses an intel gpu is actually a blessing, since we then know that source code exist for the gpu driver
20150828 12:04:54 <monsieur_max> wow nice :)
20150828 12:12:46 <xranby> 2048x2048 textures here we go!
20150828 12:14:21 <xranby> texture compression, a must
20150828 12:17:34 <xranby> DXT1 without mipmap 2048x2048 -> 2048KB file size -> 2048KB GPU size
20150828 12:18:22 <xranby> Raw RGBA image (POT) 2048x2048 -> ~8mb on file size -> 16384KB GPU size
20150828 12:25:53 * xranby is looking for data on 2048x2048 BC7 and DXT5 textures compression and file size
20150828 12:27:09 <xranby> and in memory GPU size
20150828 12:27:39 <xranby> driver supoprt etc
20150828 12:28:31 <xranby> if it only reduce disk space then there is no point using it..
20150828 12:28:42 <xranby> its the GPU RAM that is the limited resource
20150828 12:48:09 <xranby> https://pidome.wordpress.com/2015/08/27/glued-the-interfaces-together-alpha-version-downloads-available/ - "Raspberry Pi (arm) client As with the desktop client the Raspberry Pi client looks like the tablet interface. But this version needs some extra attention to be able to run. What we have done is we include the Java 8 SE for ARM and JavaFX for ARM. There are some limits with this client. You are not allowed to use it in any commercial environment or
20150828 12:48:19 <xranby> so obviously #openfx needs to move away from the javax. namespace to stay license compatible.
20150828 12:52:17 <xranby> the above is what happens if you try build on license incompatible solutions such as openjfx
20150828 13:21:20 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20150828 13:27:32 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150828 14:44:53 <xranby> sgothel: i realize i have not updated the dns records of the jogamp.com after your webserver move
20150828 14:46:55 <xranby> i will route jogamp.com to point to the jogamp.org ip
20150828 14:54:30 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20150828 14:57:43 * elect_ (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 15:44:17 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has left #jogamp
20150828 15:45:24 <xranby> I registered a new domain name today -> have a look http://www.cnnzengarden.com/
20150828 15:45:35 <xranby> i find this academic paper amazing
20150828 15:56:57 <bruce-> I wish academics would team up more often with people who know a bit more about making images
20150828 15:58:55 * elect_ (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
20150828 16:00:01 <xranby> bruce-: i agree to that!
20150828 16:05:11 <bruce-> this CNN stuff is a bit out of my reach (mostly because training the models requires a lot of data and hardware)
20150828 16:06:30 <bruce-> I have played around a bit with that deep dreaming workbook for Ipython that was released a while ago, I think it is super interesting and has far more potential than being a gimmick
20150828 16:10:47 <xranby> bruce-: i have also managed to generate images using the ipython workbook
20150828 16:10:53 <bruce-> http://fileunderpopular.com/preview/deepdream-08.mp4 this is one of my experients in which I apply the network on distorted output of the network, the distortion is done using a fluid simiulator
20150828 16:10:54 <xranby> like the one posted to the page
20150828 16:11:05 <xranby> very nice
20150828 16:11:34 <xranby> bruce-: can i link it?
20150828 16:12:14 <bruce-> yeah, I just wish I had something written for you :)
20150828 16:13:10 <xranby> i will keep adding the source resources to CNN when i find them
20150828 16:13:59 <xranby> http://www.cnnzengarden.com/ covering A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style, Deep Dream and The Singularity implications of strong A.I.?
20150828 16:53:43 * elect_ (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 17:49:32 <elect_> do the texture tests go under src/test.com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.util.texture?
20150828 17:50:25 <sgothel> sounds reasonable
20150828 17:50:28 <elect_> that is herre
20150828 17:50:28 <elect_> https://github.com/sgothel/jogl/tree/master/src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/util/texture
20150828 17:50:32 <elect_> ok
20150828 17:57:19 <elect_> I tried to run a couple of test from Netbeans, but they return a lot of errors.. shall I run them from console?
20150828 17:57:46 <sgothel> console is the official/canonical way to validate - yes, please
20150828 17:58:17 <sgothel> i.e. via scripts/tests.sh (invoked by e.g.) scripts/tests-x86_64.sh (sic?) you will find it
20150828 17:58:26 <sgothel> ^^ e.g.
20150828 17:59:13 <sgothel> sure .. before you are done, you shall run all unit tests (ant junit.run) - and pass them to validate that no regressions have been introduced
20150828 17:59:30 <sgothel> (i.e. before you ask for a merge/pull)
20150828 18:46:41 <elect_> I dont get
20150828 18:47:04 <elect_> I'll try to setup a small program to test it
20150828 18:47:42 <elect_> there is a lot of stuff commented in the test.sh
20150828 18:49:47 <elect_> I'll run anyway all the unit tests
20150828 18:50:00 <elect_> that's pretty easy at least
20150828 19:01:35 <elect_> How can I run a test from console?
20150828 19:19:34 * elect_ (~elect@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20150828 19:28:36 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 20:00:31 * a11mad11 (~marc-anto@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 20:03:11 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
20150828 20:03:27 * xranby_f22 (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 20:45:54 * guillaum1 (~gl@anon) has joined #jogamp
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20150828 20:47:02 * guillaum1 (~gl@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 20:57:41 * xranby_f22 is now known as xranby_
20150828 20:57:44 <xranby_> guillaum1: welcome
20150828 20:58:17 <xranby_> guillaum1 here is an expert in creating portable jvm for embedded systems
20150828 20:59:08 <guillaum1> xranby_ : hi ! ;-)
20150828 20:59:19 <xranby_> guillaum1 is the creator of jainja "javainjava" http://sourceforge.net/projects/jainja/
20150828 20:59:34 <xranby_> http://jainja.thenesis.org/
20150828 20:59:44 <xranby_> Currently the supported platforms are Linux, Windows, xBSD, Minix, Haiku, HelenOS, Java SE, Java ME, Android, Javascript (GWT), Dart, NaCl.
20150828 21:00:49 <xranby_> thus a good choice if you want a portable jvm and do not depend on javase standard classes
20150828 21:03:50 <xranby_> guillaum1: since i invited you here maybe i shall tell you what jogamp is
20150828 21:03:53 <a11mad11> is buffer class part of jdk api
20150828 21:04:29 <guillaum1> xranby_: I found the cause of the issue on your platform. At time of the Jainja 0.8 release, I didn't test it on 64 bits platform. So there is a flag missing in CFLAGS: -DJCGO_INTFIT. It should work now.
20150828 21:04:51 <xranby_> a11mad11: we have some Buffer factory creation utils in gluegen
20150828 21:05:17 <xranby_> a11mad11: but at the end of the cahin there is java Direct NIO Buffers used
20150828 21:05:59 <xranby_> a11mad11: the reason we must use direct buffers is that we must be sure the memory is "pinned" and cant be moved by the java garbage collector after we have passed a memory region to the GPU
20150828 21:06:24 <xranby_> guillaum1: kudos!
20150828 21:06:44 <a11mad11> so if i use buffer on android it will work?
20150828 21:06:45 <xranby_> guillaum1: do you have a guide how to do the jainja java to c AOT?
20150828 21:07:27 <xranby_> guillaum1: i ran into confuction how to produce the c sources after i have checked out the jainja svn
20150828 21:07:59 <guillaum1> xranby_: I know well the Jogamp project :-) . I even tried to add my pure Java OpenGL ES 1.1 backend 2 years ago (to have a full pure Java Jogamp library). I didn't have enough time to do it.
20150828 21:07:59 <xranby_> a11mad11: yes android work
20150828 21:08:20 <a11mad11> ok thanks
20150828 21:08:22 <xranby_> a11mad11: our android demos work
20150828 21:08:57 <xranby_> guillaum1: jogamp do support opengl es 1.1, for example i use opengl es 1.1 on the raspberry pi by requesting a gles1 or GL2ES1 profile
20150828 21:09:14 <xranby_> or do you mean
20150828 21:09:40 <xranby_> you made an opengl es 1.1. backend doing everything in java.. without jni ?!
20150828 21:10:06 <guillaum1> xranby_: yeah (from some existing code) :-)
20150828 21:10:06 <xranby_> at this point my mind is blown
20150828 21:10:57 <xranby_> was this the backend you used on your nintendo wii?
20150828 21:12:16 <guillaum1> xranby_: I used the pure Java one for testing and switched to a native one for after.
20150828 21:13:32 <xranby_> guillaum1: please tell if the current jogamp 2.3.2 release candidate work well on your many systems :D
20150828 21:13:36 <guillaum1> xranby_: The Java to C transpiler is not commited yet. I'll add it for the 0.9 release (I need to fix some issue before)
20150828 21:15:08 <xranby_> you should talk to eclesia, he is also working on java to c tooling
20150828 21:15:25 <xranby_> to check how the implementations differ
20150828 21:15:43 <xranby_> all work done by eclesia is released under public domain
20150828 21:15:51 <xranby_> inside his unlicense project
20150828 21:16:21 <xranby_> http://unlicense.developpez.com/
20150828 21:16:30 <xranby_> https://bitbucket.org/Eclesia/unlicense/overview
20150828 21:19:13 <xranby_> and all these api's only depend on classes found inside the project
20150828 21:19:19 <xranby_> thus you do not need any javase etc
20150828 21:20:01 <xranby_> guillaum1: therefor i was thinking that this is quite something to use in combination with jainja
20150828 21:21:43 <xranby_> it is not even using java string
20150828 21:21:43 <xranby_> http://unlicense.developpez.com/jvmtoun.html
20150828 21:24:40 <xranby_> guillaum1: we have the latest test build of jogamp at http://jogamp.org/deployment/archive/master/gluegen_885-joal_611-jogl_1425-jocl_1074/
20150828 21:25:18 <xranby_> guillaum1: that include the convinient for testing all jogamp modules in one jar http://jogamp.org/deployment/archive/master/gluegen_885-joal_611-jogl_1425-jocl_1074/fat/jogamp-fat.jar
20150828 21:26:39 <xranby_> guillaum1: is there one of the jainja deployment options that work best with jni?
20150828 21:33:08 <guillaum1> xranby_: jni can be used before the transpilation but not after. In other words, the VM developer can create Java classes and the associated native code to build the standard libraries but users of the JVM can't. A way to solve this could be to use JNA/JNR or similar libraries.
20150828 21:34:27 <xranby_> guillaum1: so it is possible to take all the jogamp natives and pass it into the "transpilation" and then have a jvm + jogl for embedded?
20150828 21:35:04 <xranby_> the end user only need to run java classes
20150828 21:35:09 <guillaum1> xranby_: yes !
20150828 21:35:15 <xranby_> sweet
20150828 21:37:47 * a11mad11 (~marc-anto@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
20150828 21:37:56 <xranby_> i would love to have the jogamp build servers produce such builds under the JiGong project
20150828 21:39:51 <xranby_> http://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Ji_Gong_Overview
20150828 21:40:26 <guillaum1> xranby_: another constraint is to use Java 1.4 syntax as input of the transpiler (transpilation is done on sources -i.e. not on bytecode- and doesn't support Java 5 and up). Some tools exist to transform Java 5/6 sources . This constraint is not important for the JVM but can be an issue with libraries with more recent syntax.
20150828 21:41:34 <xranby_> i see hmm
20150828 21:41:44 * guillaum1 did a lot of rewriting by hand
20150828 21:43:07 <guillaum1> xranby_: I'll try to provide a minimal VM with eclesia library
20150828 21:43:36 <xranby_> for opengl eclesia uses jogamp, but all cpu pathways should work
20150828 21:44:10 <xranby_> guillaum1: and i am sure you have most things done to make jogamp work as well if you still have the rewriting
20150828 21:47:36 <guillaum1> xranby_: not sure alas. One of my dev. HD died 2 years ago and I didn't succeed to retrieve all data :-(. The Dreamcast project was mostly lost.
20150828 21:47:37 <xranby_> guillaum1: starting with th 2.3.x we have moved away from javax.media.opengl.* namespace to com.jogamp.opengl.*
20150828 21:48:11 <guillaum1> s/Dreamcast/Wii
20150828 21:48:41 <xranby_> ad to hear :/
20150828 21:48:43 <xranby_> sad
20150828 21:54:18 <xranby_> i tested jogamp on gij quite recently thus it should not be much required to have jogl java 1.5 compatible, it may still be
20150828 22:01:32 * guillaum1 heads to bed
20150828 22:02:48 <xranby_> guillaum1: good night
20150828 22:03:15 <guillaum1> xranby_: thanks ! cu later
20150828 22:44:31 * a11mad11 (~marc-anto@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150828 23:23:23 <sgothel> missing all the fun .. guillaum/jainja .. have to check
20150828 23:24:18 <xranby_> sgothel: hi, do you have a non pushed commit on your harddrive? the code at jogl/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLContextImpl.java:1189 is currently incomplete error: cannot find symbol device
20150828 23:24:18 <xranby_>
20150828 23:24:42 <xranby_> its simple to fix.. since its only a debug message
20150828 23:24:51 <sgothel> yeah .. probably quite a few, I did break things again :-/
20150828 23:25:52 <xranby_> sgothel: guillaum1 has some solutions how to deploy jogamp on exotic targets
20150828 23:26:12 <xranby_> like os and devices never heard of
20150828 23:26:29 <xranby_> (23:34:27) xranby_: guillaum1: so it is possible to take all the jogamp natives and pass it into the "transpilation" and then have a jvm + jogl for embedded?
20150828 23:26:29 <xranby_> (23:35:04) xranby_: the end user only need to run java classes
20150828 23:26:29 <xranby_> (23:35:09) guillaum1: xranby_: yes !
20150828 23:27:20 <sgothel> just read that .. interesting
20150828 23:27:35 <sgothel> and he is compiling java source, hmm
20150828 23:29:55 <sgothel> and he has 'Jelatine' a CDC JVM
20150828 23:30:27 <sgothel> http://jainja.thenesis.org/
20150828 23:30:47 <sgothel> based on the picture .. Jainja takes java-source at runtime?
20150828 23:31:18 <sgothel> I guess not ..
20150828 23:31:31 <sgothel> so AOT it is ..
20150828 23:36:16 <xranby_> it uses AOT to compile the jvm itself from java to c to get a native executable for the runtime
20150828 23:36:36 <xranby_> you then use the runtime to run java classe sin jars
20150828 23:36:43 <xranby_> etc
20150828 23:37:04 <sgothel> ah .. and in the middle you merge/link JNI
20150828 23:37:25 <xranby_> yes as i understand you can only link in jni at the runtime generation step
20150828 23:37:30 <sgothel> interesting concept
20150828 23:38:19 <sgothel> more human readable than e.g. llvm, using 'C' as the IR - sort of similar
20150828 23:38:53 <sgothel> but more open, i.e. one can use more tools, backend compilers
20150828 23:39:23 <xranby_> it can use this AOT to turn java + jni to -> nacl, dart,... portability++
20150828 23:39:49 <sgothel> hehe, yup .. chrome, iphone .. just saw a few things
20150828 23:40:07 <sgothel> KUDOS to Guillaume .. looks like really hard work
20150828 23:40:54 <sgothel> GPL2 .. hmm, source of the class files?
20150828 23:41:35 <xranby_> http://sourceforge.net/p/jainja/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/LICENSE
20150828 23:41:58 <xranby_> GPLv2 + linking exception
20150828 23:42:57 <sgothel> http://sourceforge.net/p/jainja/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/libraries/harmony/java/ <- using Apache Harmonie .. ah
20150828 23:43:03 <sgothel> i.e. right :)
20150828 23:43:47 <sgothel> or a mix-up ..
20150828 23:48:14 * xranby_ is testing running builds of jogamp on fedora
20150828 23:48:23 <sgothel> wonder how this will work w/ reflections
20150828 23:48:34 <xranby_> the new package tool dnf is actually quite good
20150828 23:48:51 <sgothel> dnf?
20150828 23:48:58 <xranby_> its fedoras new package installer
20150828 23:49:05 <sgothel> ah
20150828 23:49:06 <xranby_> they previous had one called yum
20150828 23:49:21 <sgothel> I know that old chestnut .. and rpm .. :)
20150828 23:49:51 <sgothel> then I learned to love deb and apt-get etc
20150828 23:49:52 <xranby_> what i like about it is that it downloads and extract packages fast
20150828 23:50:00 <xranby_> and downloads deltas during updates
20150828 23:50:10 <sgothel> yes .. deb is not that fast
20150828 23:50:42 <xranby_> so i decide i will try run my home machine on fedora for some days
20150828 23:52:41 <sgothel> ok .. cont .. to unbreak things
20150828 23:56:02 * xranby_ (~familjen@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
20150829 00:01:53 * xranby_f22 (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150829 00:15:48 <xranby_f22> NVIDIA stable branch Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD driver 352.41 driver released https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/872100/unix-graphics-announcements-and-news/linux-solaris-and-freebsd-driver-352-41/
20150829 00:26:13 * xranby_f22 (~familjen@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20150829 05:05:32 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150829050532.html