#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20151204 05:06:07 (UTC)

20151204 05:06:07 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20151203050607.html
20151204 05:06:07 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20151204050607.html
20151204 06:57:46 * elect_ (~GBarbieri@anon) has joined #jogamp
20151204 08:20:13 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20151204 08:20:32 <Eclesia> good morning
20151204 08:26:18 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20151204 08:57:48 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20151204 10:58:58 * hrw (~hrw@anon) has joined #jogamp
20151204 10:59:02 <hrw> hello
20151204 11:02:59 <hrw> what is a preferred way of submitting patches?
20151204 11:03:59 <hrw> I would like to merge one which adds few architectures (aarch64, ppc64le, s390 etc) so I would not have to refresh it each time new version gets released.
20151204 11:05:55 <hrw> from what I see on bugzilla pull requests are more liked?
20151204 11:12:32 <zubzub> hrw: afaik you can use github
20151204 11:12:46 <hrw> plan to
20151204 11:12:51 <zubzub> clone sgothels repo, add your patches, send pull request
20151204 11:13:27 <hrw> thats the plan
20151204 11:35:53 <hrw> https://github.com/sgothel/gluegen/pull/32 ;D
20151204 13:22:47 <sgothel> and pls send me a private email (wiki-maintainers)
20151204 13:23:02 <sgothel> also .. a 'patch' shall be covered by a bug report (bugzilla)
20151204 13:23:36 <sgothel> last but not least: contributions are very welcome, even though a bit of 'process' is required
20151204 13:23:49 <sgothel> (and a unit test .. if possible)
20151204 14:09:08 <hrw> sgothel: ok, will follow
20151204 14:14:31 <hrw> sgothel: speaking of private email... neither github nor bugzilla mails land in your mailbox? :D
20151204 14:15:55 <hrw> https://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Contributing_a_new_feature_or_fix says "do a pull request and inform at forum"
20151204 14:16:16 <hrw> and create bug ;D
20151204 14:22:14 <hrw> https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1273 created
20151204 14:25:25 <hrw> sgothel: this does not add any new feature/functionality so no new test units. All it does is adding all required parts to get it buildable on aarch64/linux
20151204 14:28:43 <sgothel> ok .. bugreport only then, thank you!
20151204 14:29:35 <hrw> sgothel: I noticed that ppc64/ppc64le are already submitted by someone so decided to not duplicate effort
20151204 14:31:26 <hrw> I see that gluegen in fedora has few other patches but they look distro specific to me. I am also not maintainer of that package so prefer not to touch those.
20151204 14:32:47 <hrw> there is also 'add ppc64/ppc64le/s390 archs' patch for jogl but I prefer to not touch it today
20151204 15:06:52 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20151204 15:08:48 <zubzub> you plan on running jogl on a mainframe?
20151204 15:09:18 <zubzub> does that even have gpu accel?
20151204 15:15:22 <sgothel> @hrw: if you like to consolidate those patches across all modules (gluegen, joal, jogl, ..) you are very welcome ofc!
20151204 15:16:04 <sgothel> there is one already in the pipe (pull req) .. from a debian maintainer .. have to merge
20151204 15:27:00 <hrw> sgothel: that Debian one is same as fedora uses
20151204 15:27:31 <hrw> zubzub: note that gluegen already has s390 support
20151204 15:27:49 <hrw> zubzub: someone probably decided to complete it for whole stack
20151204 15:28:30 <sgothel> if there are users - we shall merge all those patches ofc
20151204 15:28:36 <hrw> zubzub: I know that one of things I would try to do with s390 is figuring out how to use it in strange ways
20151204 15:28:54 <hrw> it's like aarch64 desktop at my home which is made from server mainboard
20151204 16:07:48 <sgothel> even mesa3d software is a valid usecase if you think about UI stuff etc
20151204 16:08:10 <sgothel> charts, tables .. etc
20151204 16:10:05 <Eclesia> Ho yes charts, comptely forgot about those in my lib... *make a note*
20151204 16:13:36 <sgothel> and your file-chooser .. and all what makes the user happy -> UI :)
20151204 16:13:57 <Eclesia> (already have)
20151204 16:24:14 * elect_ (~GBarbieri@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20151204 17:00:39 * hrw (~hrw@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20151204 17:07:13 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has left #jogamp
20151204 18:33:36 * elect_ (~GBarbieri@anon) has joined #jogamp
20151204 18:39:06 * elect_ (~GBarbieri@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20151204 21:56:21 * darkfrog (~mhicks@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20151205 00:18:33 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20151205 05:06:07 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20151205050607.html