#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20160602 05:06:15 (UTC)
20160602 05:06:15 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160601050615.html
20160602 05:06:15 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160602050615.html
20160602 05:28:07 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 05:28:22 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Client Quit)
20160602 06:44:25 * SHC (~quassel@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 06:49:45 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 06:54:03 * elect (~GBarbieri@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 06:56:36 <elect> hi
20160602 07:20:33 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 07:20:41 <Eclesia> good morning
20160602 07:21:06 <Eclesia> elect: check the channel logs
20160602 07:21:14 <elect> ok
20160602 07:21:34 <elect> thanks dear
20160602 07:21:41 <Eclesia> it's not high quality code bu might give you some ideas
20160602 07:21:45 <Eclesia> but*
20160602 07:43:55 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 07:57:12 * SHC (~quassel@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20160602 10:02:00 * philjord (599cc172@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 11:10:59 <elect> is jinput deprecated?
20160602 11:11:49 <elect> I saw that the newt mouse listener doesn't detect properly the altgr key
20160602 11:12:08 <elect> it returns (almost) always altgr+ctrl
20160602 11:12:25 <zubzub> you need a library that can handle raw input?
20160602 11:12:46 <zubzub> for all platforms/os?
20160602 11:13:23 <zubzub> because I'm currently working on implementing libinput for my java wayland compositor
20160602 11:16:05 <elect> honestly I wouldnt like to re-invent the wheel
20160602 11:16:14 <elect> but I need something reliable
20160602 11:16:16 <zubzub> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/wayland/libinput/tree/tools/event-debug.c
20160602 11:16:20 <zubzub> libinput is a c library
20160602 11:16:25 <zubzub> if you can create bindings for that
20160602 11:16:35 <zubzub> libinput is reliable
20160602 11:16:44 <zubzub> x uses it
20160602 11:16:49 <zubzub> wayland compositors use it
20160602 11:17:14 <elect> what are you doing exactly?
20160602 11:19:15 <zubzub> being able to easily read input from the OS and send it to connected wayland clients
20160602 11:21:02 <elect> you want to create a libinput binding?
20160602 11:21:15 <zubzub> I already have it
20160602 11:21:16 <zubzub> that is
20160602 11:21:18 <zubzub> I create what I need
20160602 11:21:54 <zubzub> https://github.com/udevbe/westmalle/tree/libinput/wayland/src/main/java/org/westmalle/wayland/nativ/libinput
20160602 11:23:28 <elect> what's your actual status?
20160602 11:23:40 <elect> is it in progress or are you done?
20160602 11:24:36 <zubzub> in progress
20160602 11:25:45 <elect> %?
20160602 11:25:52 <zubzub> I started yesterday :p
20160602 11:25:57 <elect> \o/
20160602 11:26:05 <elect> excellent timing
20160602 11:26:23 <elect> why are you doing that?
20160602 11:26:28 <elect> alternatives sux?
20160602 11:26:37 <elect> or no alternatives at all?
20160602 11:27:07 <zubzub> doing what?
20160602 11:27:10 <zubzub> the wayland compositor?
20160602 11:27:20 <elect> library that can handle raw input
20160602 11:27:30 <zubzub> ah yeah
20160602 11:27:32 <zubzub> no alternatives
20160602 11:27:43 <zubzub> libinput is afaik the only lib that exists
20160602 11:27:45 <zubzub> that is stand alone
20160602 11:27:52 <zubzub> and (really) good
20160602 11:28:10 <elect> jinput is out of discussion?
20160602 11:28:55 <zubzub> I don't think jinput can match libinput, however my compositor is modular enough that you can add it
20160602 11:29:08 <elect> match in which terms
20160602 11:29:10 <elect> quality?
20160602 11:29:21 <elect> flexibility?
20160602 11:29:26 <rmk0> hm, this reminds me...
20160602 11:29:28 <zubzub> quality
20160602 11:29:36 <elect> rmk0, what
20160602 11:29:38 <rmk0> anyone else noticed that newt occasionally loses key events?
20160602 11:29:51 <rmk0> as in, you can release a key but the system still thinks it's down
20160602 11:29:51 <elect> yep
20160602 11:30:01 <zubzub> libinput is developed by some really smart (full time payed by intel) people over several years
20160602 11:30:02 <rmk0> until you press and release it again
20160602 11:30:20 <zubzub> and is used in producton for commercial products as well
20160602 11:30:28 <elect> I am experiencing that with altgr/ctrl + mouse button
20160602 11:30:56 <zubzub> and is (will become) the new standard input hanlding of the Xorg server
20160602 11:30:59 <rmk0> elect: i think i've seen this bug in minecraft as well, which uses lwjgl. what do newt and lwjgl's input handling have in common?
20160602 11:31:14 <elect> I am the last person to be asked about this
20160602 11:31:14 <elect> :D
20160602 11:31:33 <rmk0> ... xranby1: what do newt and lwjgl's input handling have in common?
20160602 11:31:38 <elect> ^^
20160602 11:31:40 <rmk0> hehe
20160602 11:32:23 <elect> so I assume you don't know what newt input listener is based on?
20160602 11:33:08 <rmk0> i have no idea
20160602 11:33:56 <elect> zubzub, you got me, bloody
20160602 11:34:26 <elect> jaccall is like jna?
20160602 11:35:22 <elect> "Jaccall was born out of a frustration with existing solutions."
20160602 11:35:34 <elect> this includes jna/gluegen?
20160602 11:36:04 <zubzub> yes
20160602 11:36:13 <zubzub> I didn't want to call names :p
20160602 11:36:34 <elect> ^^
20160602 11:39:32 <elect> do you also have done some profiling/perf comparison, zubzub ?
20160602 11:40:07 <zubzub> only for my own compositor
20160602 11:40:14 <zubzub> about 10-15% faster than jna
20160602 11:40:28 <elect> what you mean by your compositor?
20160602 11:40:38 <zubzub> I let my compositor render a few clients
20160602 11:41:00 <zubzub> and hav visualvm show me the cpu usage & heap space & gc activity
20160602 11:41:39 <zubzub> with jna heapspace jumps around unpredictibly and cpu usage was about 12%
20160602 11:42:02 <zubzub> with jaccall heapspace was nice (almost) flat (occasianal gc)
20160602 11:42:09 <zubzub> and cpu usage was 9-10%
20160602 11:42:25 <zubzub> so nothing major scientific
20160602 11:42:34 <zubzub> but it was clear there was an improvement
20160602 11:42:39 <zubzub> also jna jar is 1.1Mb
20160602 11:42:44 <zubzub> jaccall jar is errrr
20160602 11:42:46 <zubzub> 80kb?
20160602 11:43:08 <zubzub> or 100?
20160602 11:43:09 <zubzub> dunno
20160602 11:43:12 <zubzub> very small :p
20160602 11:46:09 <elect> there is no script, right?
20160602 11:46:18 <elect> you do everything manually?
20160602 11:47:05 <zubzub> yeah
20160602 11:47:14 <zubzub> feel free to make one ;)
20160602 11:47:14 <elect> ...
20160602 11:47:27 <zubzub> script you mean bindings generator?
20160602 11:47:31 <elect> yes
20160602 11:47:33 <elect> sorry
20160602 11:47:44 <zubzub> yeah, I map manually on a as needed basis
20160602 11:48:08 <elect> I don't even know why I always end up so low level
20160602 11:48:28 <elect> I wonder why we still don't have such a basic tools
20160602 11:48:32 <elect> anyway
20160602 11:51:34 <elect> are you working on it directly inside westmalle?
20160602 11:51:50 <zubzub> the libinput binding?
20160602 11:51:54 <elect> yep
20160602 11:51:56 <zubzub> yeah
20160602 11:52:07 <elect> want to do a self standing proj?
20160602 11:52:38 <zubzub> sure
20160602 11:52:51 <zubzub> https://github.com/udevbe/westmalle/tree/master/wayland/src/main/java/org/westmalle/wayland/nativ
20160602 11:53:01 <zubzub> these I already have ;)
20160602 11:57:15 <elect> does it have to be polled?
20160602 11:59:14 <zubzub> polled?
20160602 11:59:37 <elect> sort of glfwPollEvents()
20160602 11:59:45 <elect> how does it work?
20160602 11:59:56 <elect> or you pass an invoker & method?
20160602 12:00:21 <zubzub> you mean the input events?
20160602 12:00:24 <elect> yes
20160602 12:00:50 <zubzub> it uses linux (e)poll to notify you
20160602 12:01:04 <elect> on win?
20160602 12:01:12 <zubzub> 13:16 < zubzub> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/wayland/libinput/tree/tools/event-debug.c
20160602 12:01:22 <zubzub> libinput is only linux :)
20160602 12:01:27 <zubzub> as it uses udev
20160602 12:01:32 <zubzub> or evdev
20160602 12:02:14 <elect> wait, you mention this
20160602 12:02:15 <elect> <zubzub> you need a library that can handle raw input?
20160602 12:02:15 <elect> <zubzub> for all platforms/os?
20160602 12:02:35 <zubzub> you never answered my questions :p
20160602 12:02:44 <zubzub> byt the second question was: it only supports linux
20160602 12:02:47 <elect> I thought they were retoric
20160602 12:02:57 <elect> :D
20160602 12:03:02 <zubzub> sorry to disappoint you :/
20160602 12:03:03 <elect> like if yes, then join me
20160602 12:04:00 <zubzub> no, I meant: if just linux is ok then have a loot at this
20160602 12:05:31 <zubzub> anyway, libinput is still an option if you abstract it away and use a windows/mac/... specific ones too
20160602 12:06:04 <elect> yeah, but it makes the final point further
20160602 13:16:28 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20160602 13:41:43 <Eclesia> elect: wasthe code somehow useful ?
20160602 13:42:21 <elect> I am still elaborating
20160602 13:42:23 <elect> :)
20160602 13:42:34 <elect> but it's interesting
20160602 13:55:33 * SHC (~quassel@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 14:16:29 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 14:23:28 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20160602 14:50:38 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 14:56:16 * elect (~GBarbieri@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
20160602 15:05:54 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20160602 15:37:08 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has left #jogamp
20160602 15:51:04 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160602 16:45:00 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160602 18:32:26 * SHC (~quassel@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20160602 20:26:40 <dwbrite> Eclesia: You could do Double.parseDouble(bigDec.toString()). If you're looking for a more "direct" approach you could use evil voodoo magic and loops to convert it directly to the decimal format.
20160602 20:27:25 <dwbrite> I could also write something for conversions. I probably should have done that in the original implementation.
20160602 20:30:45 <dwbrite> pm or email me, I'll probably be available tomorrow morning
20160602 20:31:04 <dwbrite> <-- @gmail
20160602 22:00:25 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160603 05:06:15 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160603050615.html