#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20170204 05:06:12 (UTC)

20170204 05:06:12 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20170203050611.html
20170204 05:06:12 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20170204050612.html
20170204 07:33:05 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 07:51:29 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 08:22:44 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
20170204 08:39:18 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 08:40:23 * elect_ (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 09:08:42 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20170204 11:34:30 * hija (~petros@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 11:36:49 * hija1 (~petros@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
20170204 18:12:16 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20170204 18:32:26 * elect_ (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
20170204 19:11:37 * elect_ (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 19:56:51 * philjord (77e00d19@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 19:57:36 <philjord> elect_ I'm back from my run!
20170204 19:57:53 <elect_> \o/
20170204 19:58:02 <elect_> everything fine?
20170204 19:58:20 <philjord> Yep, ready for some coding
20170204 19:58:52 <philjord> Btw if you want to see how I'm using jogl it's here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mindblowing.renovations3d
20170204 19:59:36 <elect_> it looks cool
20170204 20:00:28 <elect_> so, I have played a little with android
20170204 20:00:55 <elect_> I can make it run as far as I use my own smartphone
20170204 20:01:12 <elect_> if I try to make it on the virtual one, it doesnt
20170204 20:01:22 <elect_> because I need lib for android-i586
20170204 20:01:46 <elect_> did you ever tried that?
20170204 20:03:23 <bruce-> here are my jogl based sketches/experiments: https://www.instagram.com/edwinjakobs/
20170204 20:03:53 <bruce-> except for a few
20170204 20:05:17 <elect_> code?
20170204 20:06:02 <bruce-> I don't really have code available
20170204 20:06:13 <elect_> that's a pity
20170204 20:06:14 <bruce-> sort of working on that though
20170204 20:06:50 <elect_> what have you done in your own?
20170204 20:07:02 <elect_> I see an engine and I recall also a mat lib
20170204 20:07:22 <elect_> mesh loading or physic?
20170204 20:07:47 <bruce-> almost everything except the jogl bindings
20170204 20:07:55 <bruce-> and the jogl texture loaders
20170204 20:08:21 <elect_> everything closed?
20170204 20:09:15 <bruce-> currently yes, but I am going through the process of requesting a subsidy for writing documentation and setting up a community website
20170204 20:10:01 <bruce-> that is, for the 'creative coding' framework (RNDR) that I have used in most of the work on my profile
20170204 20:10:32 <elect_> nice
20170204 20:12:50 <bruce-> I have the idea that it is highly easy to use code
20170204 20:16:09 * elect_ (~elect@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20170204 20:16:30 * elect_ (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 20:16:42 <elect_> I am gonna eat, brb
20170204 20:20:26 <philjord> bruce- that's awesome stuff, very freaky and psycadelic
20170204 20:21:04 * elect_ (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
20170204 20:54:49 * hija (~petros@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
20170204 21:03:55 * hija (~petros@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 21:51:18 * elect_ (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 21:51:34 <elect_> back
20170204 21:51:43 <elect_> philjord,
20170204 21:52:07 <elect_> did you get it running on a virtual device?
20170204 21:55:36 <philjord> sorry, I've never used the virtual devices, my early attempts were total failures so I agve up for 3D and now I only use real devices
20170204 21:55:51 <philjord> most people on the internet recomend not trying 3d on emulators
20170204 21:56:14 <philjord> And I haven't had time to try those steps you gave me, but if you give me 5 mins I'll do it now
20170204 21:56:29 <philjord> I'm just bust trying to get that app out to prodcution
20170204 21:57:30 <elect_> got it
20170204 21:57:58 <elect_> I'll try to open a thread and see what's come out
20170204 22:00:36 <philjord> it doesn't like defjogl in my gradle.build file
20170204 22:01:01 <philjord> should it be in the buildscript section or the allprojects section?
20170204 22:03:49 <philjord> so I tried this compile("org.jogamp.gluegen:gluegen-rt:2.3.2")
20170204 22:04:00 <philjord> but It just returns
20170204 22:04:01 <philjord> Error:(25, 1) A problem occurred evaluating root project 'jp4da-android'.
20170204 22:04:02 <philjord> > Could not find method compile() for arguments [org.jogamp.gluegen:gluegen-rt:2.3.2] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler.
20170204 22:04:13 <philjord> any thoughts?
20170204 22:21:49 <elect_> wait
20170204 22:21:57 <elect_> I was using kotlin gradle script
20170204 22:22:19 <elect_> write:
20170204 22:22:31 <elect_> compile 'org.jogamp.gluegen:gluegen-rt:2.3.2'
20170204 22:22:46 <elect_> def jogl = '2.3.2'
20170204 22:22:50 <elect_> doesnt work?
20170204 22:55:16 <philjord> nope, I see the def statemnt is fine now, but the compile gives me that output, what section should it be in?
20170204 22:55:48 <philjord> are you hoping it will mavenise it and get it from somehwere?
20170204 22:56:31 <philjord> I do have dependancies section for my other project with compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:23.4.0'
20170204 22:56:39 <philjord> so I see what you're trying to get done
20170204 22:57:49 <philjord> wait!
20170204 22:58:20 <philjord> if I add it in in the dependacies of the app to shows be a jar and xml file add to git dialog!
20170204 22:58:56 <philjord> and I now see that external libraries has the jogl stuff in it
20170204 23:03:17 <philjord> So now I simply get Error:(16, 34) error: package jogamp.newt.driver.android does not exist
20170204 23:03:31 <philjord> which means I'm hopefully very close
20170204 23:04:37 <philjord> I see the jogl-all-2.3.2 jar doesn't ahve the android package in it under jogamp.newt.driver
20170204 23:06:38 <elect_> wait
20170204 23:07:24 <elect_> in the app build.gradle
20170204 23:07:25 <elect_> dependencies {
20170204 23:07:25 <elect_> compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
20170204 23:07:25 <elect_> androidTestCompile('com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:2.2.2', {
20170204 23:07:25 <elect_> exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-annotations'
20170204 23:07:25 <elect_> })
20170204 23:07:28 <elect_> compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.1.1'
20170204 23:07:30 <elect_> testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
20170204 23:07:32 <elect_> def jogl = '2.3.2'
20170204 23:07:34 <elect_> compile "org.jogamp.gluegen:gluegen-rt-android:$jogl"
20170204 23:07:36 <elect_> compile "org.jogamp.jogl:jogl-all-android:$jogl"
20170204 23:07:38 <elect_> compile project(":core")
20170204 23:07:40 <elect_> }
20170204 23:08:39 <elect_> I did get it done actually
20170204 23:08:52 <elect_> I managed to get my smartphone recognize
20170204 23:08:57 <elect_> it was a usb driver issue
20170204 23:08:59 <philjord> yep figured out the android dependancy just now
20170204 23:09:28 <elect_> the thing is
20170204 23:09:48 <elect_> I'd like to get it completely up and running automatically by using gradle
20170204 23:10:14 <philjord> I get a dex issue
20170204 23:10:15 <elect_> so far, the only manual step a user shall do, is to copy those three libs you mentioned in the forum
20170204 23:10:17 <philjord> Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:
20170204 23:10:17 <philjord> Cause: com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/jogamp/gluegen/runtime/opengl/GLNameResolver;
20170204 23:10:31 <elect_> I get the same, or something similar
20170204 23:10:38 <elect_> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42046348/gradle-definitive-solution-for-duplicate-files-copied-in-apk-ce
20170204 23:10:42 <philjord> which is really common and a total pain in the @ss
20170204 23:11:07 <philjord> awesome!
20170204 23:11:13 <philjord> god lord I've needed that
20170204 23:11:20 <elect_> my problem is when I added an util of mine that is based on jogl-all.jar
20170204 23:11:39 <elect_> and since I am already using jogl-all-android, it's gonna be fun
20170204 23:11:47 <elect_> because gradle tries to put everything in one jar
20170204 23:12:00 <elect_> and those two jars have a lot in common
20170204 23:13:35 <elect_> I'd like to ask you if you can move that jp4da under https://github.com/java-opengl-labs, so that I can try to add a kotlin version
20170204 23:14:35 * elect_ (~elect@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20170204 23:16:06 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 23:22:10 <philjord> I'd be happy with that, but only once we get the maven integatrion fixed up, what lines have you got in the dependancies in your project exactly?
20170204 23:23:41 <elect> I barely know gradle... maven is an unknown land to me.. :D
20170204 23:23:50 <elect> what do you mean? Which lines?
20170204 23:24:33 * gouessej (5279cea4@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 23:24:39 <gouessej> Hi
20170204 23:24:48 <elect> hi
20170204 23:24:50 * gouessej (5279cea4@anon) Quit (Client Quit)
20170204 23:24:58 <elect> ...
20170204 23:24:59 <elect> wut
20170204 23:25:07 <elect> julien, I was about to write
20170204 23:25:17 <philjord> hi
20170204 23:25:43 <philjord> The end of my app gradle.build file now has
20170204 23:25:53 <elect> I need to restart, brb
20170204 23:25:57 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20170204 23:26:54 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170204 23:27:12 <philjord> dependencies {
20170204 23:27:16 <philjord> def jogl = '2.3.2'
20170204 23:27:22 <philjord> compile("org.jogamp.gluegen:gluegen-rt-android:$jogl")
20170204 23:27:27 <philjord> compile("org.jogamp.jogl:jogl-all-android:$jogl") }
20170204 23:27:42 <philjord> Which has happily bought down teh 2.3.2 jar from maven
20170204 23:28:24 <philjord> I see in the build/tmp/expandedArchives all the native jars e.g. android-aarch64.jar
20170204 23:28:42 <philjord> but on running the app I get
20170204 23:28:43 <philjord> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "//natives/android-armv6//libgluegen-rt.so" not found
20170204 23:28:56 <philjord> so it's not getting the so libs out of that jar :|
20170204 23:29:18 <elect> that's normal
20170204 23:29:22 <elect> I also experienced the same
20170204 23:29:38 <elect> as I told, extract those libs as you did
20170204 23:29:45 <philjord> a-ha!!!!
20170204 23:29:47 <philjord> I see
20170204 23:30:30 <elect> and put them under project/app/src/main/jniLibs/ameabi
20170204 23:30:38 <elect> now they should be loaded automatically
20170204 23:30:53 <elect> I guess gradle should be able to do that copy/paste for us
20170204 23:31:20 <elect> what ide you use?
20170204 23:32:26 <philjord> Ok, nearly there!
20170204 23:32:57 <philjord> I've restored it just to libs and put a compile line in for just the jogamp-armv6.jar file and I' in business again
20170204 23:33:52 <elect> wait elaborate
20170204 23:33:58 <elect> you mean those 3 libs?
20170204 23:34:04 <philjord> now I'll move it around
20170204 23:34:17 <philjord> no just the one armv6 one
20170204 23:34:33 <philjord> and it works!
20170204 23:34:53 <philjord> I can confirm a galaxy A 10 runs with the maven setup you've showen me
20170204 23:35:07 <elect> I didn't show any maven @.@
20170204 23:35:17 <elect> or at least I wasnt aware :p
20170204 23:35:46 <philjord> gradle is just maven up gunned so it gets it's dependancies from the maven repo so far as I'm aware
20170204 23:36:05 <elect> ah yes
20170204 23:36:31 <philjord> though it might duplicate it somewhere else possibly, but I think you only need to push to maven to have gradle get your goodness
20170204 23:36:32 <elect> now I recall, you werent catching jogl from remote, were you?
20170204 23:36:52 <philjord> So what 3 jars do you refer to? the jogamp-rt-andoird and gluegen?
20170204 23:36:57 <elect> no
20170204 23:36:59 <elect> 3 libs
20170204 23:37:04 <elect> under /ameabi
20170204 23:37:19 <philjord> If so then it's even simler than that, only the right jni jar needs dropping in the right place(as you just nicely demnstrated to me)
20170204 23:37:26 <philjord> simpler
20170204 23:37:43 <elect> no wait
20170204 23:37:50 <elect> what you mean?
20170204 23:38:28 <philjord> 3 libs? named what?
20170204 23:38:35 <elect> you rememeber
20170204 23:38:42 <elect> those you extracted from different jars
20170204 23:38:48 <elect> and put together in one jar
20170204 23:38:58 <elect> libgluegen-rt.so
20170204 23:38:59 <elect> I guess
20170204 23:39:02 <elect> and the other two
20170204 23:39:30 <philjord> I see what you are saying there, hold on a moment
20170204 23:40:21 <philjord> haha, sorry I've put my all three together jar file in there and as you say the libgluegen-rt.so is packaged in there
20170204 23:40:33 <elect> yep
20170204 23:40:34 <philjord> right I'll go get the indiviual jars and try again
20170204 23:40:50 <elect> what I am telling you is that you don't need to pack them under a jar
20170204 23:41:01 <elect> it's enough to put them under project/app/src/main/jniLibs/ameabi
20170204 23:41:33 <philjord> no I do see now, I just forgot I'd put them all in one
20170204 23:44:05 <philjord> awesome, all working now
20170204 23:44:39 <philjord> and this allows me to put the aarch64 jar in to, which might mean 64 bit drivers on 64 devices??
20170204 23:44:55 <philjord> pushing to github (again)
20170204 23:51:28 <philjord> no, not
20170204 23:53:26 <philjord> On doing a clear cache and restart the app can't find the libraries any more, so it might have been referring to a cached view of my one somehow
20170204 23:54:18 <elect> which ide are you in?
20170204 23:54:36 <philjord> Android Studio
20170204 23:54:59 <philjord> I get
20170204 23:55:10 <philjord> W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.io7m.examples.jp4da-1/lib/arm
20170204 23:55:13 <philjord> then
20170204 23:55:25 <philjord> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "//natives/android-armv6//libgluegen-rt.so" not found
20170204 23:55:36 <elect> I know that error
20170204 23:55:40 <elect> try to do what I said
20170204 23:56:24 <elect> also, try to clear/invalidate cache and restart
20170204 23:56:36 <elect> which ide do you use normally outside android?
20170204 23:56:40 <philjord> yeah after the clear it stopped finding the libs
20170204 23:56:48 <philjord> I've put them in the folder ouy suggested
20170204 23:57:05 <elect> refresh from the gradle view
20170204 23:57:24 <elect> I found out that if you use the tip from above is bad
20170204 23:57:32 <elect> open gradle window on left
20170204 23:57:40 <elect> and click on the blue icon to refresh
20170204 23:58:16 <philjord> nope
20170204 23:58:39 <philjord> I've got the 3 jars under src/mian/jniLibs/ameabi
20170204 23:58:43 <elect> no no
20170204 23:58:45 <elect> no jars
20170204 23:58:47 <elect> pure libs
20170204 23:58:54 <philjord> wtf?
20170204 23:58:59 <philjord> the so files?
20170204 23:59:02 <elect> yes
20170204 23:59:06 <elect> exactly
20170204 23:59:08 <elect> no more packing
20170204 23:59:18 <philjord> won't that be more confusing for other developers though?
20170204 23:59:28 <elect> in theory, this should be added in gradle
20170204 23:59:38 <philjord> Ok testing now
20170204 23:59:41 <elect> but I hadn't the time to look for
20170205 00:14:18 <philjord> no, no good, with those so libraries in that folder it fails to install
20170205 00:14:43 <elect> may I give a try?
20170205 00:15:41 <elect> I'd like to pull you sample
20170205 00:17:04 <elect> however
20170205 00:17:09 <elect> I am off
20170205 00:17:22 <elect> we'll continue tomorrow if you there
20170205 00:17:30 <elect> ciao!
20170205 00:20:42 <philjord> bye, I'll push it now as it is
20170205 00:22:14 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
20170205 00:27:09 * philjord (77e00d19@anon) Quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
20170205 05:06:13 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20170205050613.html