Uses of Class

Packages that use PhysicalBody
com.sun.j3d.utils.universe Provides utility classes for setting up the Java 3D universe, including the viewing configuration. Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 

Uses of PhysicalBody in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe that return PhysicalBody
 PhysicalBody Viewer.getPhysicalBody()
          Returns the PhysicalBody object associated with the Viewer object.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe with parameters of type PhysicalBody
Viewer(Canvas3D[] userCanvases, PhysicalBody userBody, PhysicalEnvironment userEnvironment, boolean setVisible)
          Creates a viewer object.

Uses of PhysicalBody in

Methods in that return PhysicalBody
 PhysicalBody View.getPhysicalBody()
          Returns a reference to the view model's PhysicalBody object.

Methods in with parameters of type PhysicalBody
 void View.setPhysicalBody(PhysicalBody physicalBody)
          Sets the view model's physical body to the PhysicalBody object provided.