Uses of Class

Packages that use Shader Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 

Uses of Shader in

Subclasses of Shader in
 class SourceCodeShader
          The SourceCodeShader object is a shader that is defined using text-based source code.

Methods in that return Shader
 Shader ShaderError.getShader()
          Returns the shader object associated with this shader error.
abstract  Shader[] ShaderProgram.getShaders()
          Retrieves the array of shaders from this shader program.
 Shader[] GLSLShaderProgram.getShaders()

Methods in with parameters of type Shader
 void ShaderError.setShader(Shader shader)
          Sets the shader object associated with this shader error.
abstract  void ShaderProgram.setShaders(Shader[] shaders)
          Copies the specified array of shaders into this shader program.
 void GLSLShaderProgram.setShaders(Shader[] shaders)
          Copies the specified array of shaders into this shader program.